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Hi Heather , I am not a vegetarian, but i do not eat red meat very often . i eat

chicken and fish and pork well i eat meat i guess. i do feel that Red meat is

bad for you. I grew up in that family of meat and potatoes and as a child i

never liked red meats ... if offered a steak or fish i would take fish any time

.. Me i just want to learn new ways to cook without meat all the time I want to

eat healthy. I love all vegetables and would love new ways to cook them. i have

just started working with Tofu and find i can make Tofu chicken noodle soup

:))))) horrray for me !!!

susan in seattle




Tuesday, March 23, 1999 8:00 AM




Heather <angelbaby9597



Hi everyone!


I just wanted to say WOW! I can't believe all the recipes I had in my

mailbox last night! They all look yummy too! I can't wait to try

them out.


Did anyone else in here grow up in a real meat/dairy based diet? Do

you find it difficult at times to be a vegetarian when this country is

so heavily dependent on animal products? What are your reasons for

becoming a vegetarian (health, ethics, etc) I encounter all these

problems and was just wondering if anyone else did too.


Also, did anyone get to read in the news today about the European ban

on American beef? I didn't know about this; apparently they won't let

our beef into their countries because of it contains growth hormones.

This is making a few in Washington mad...


let me know what you think.







mom to Alyssa 11/95 and Amanda 11/97


iso birthmother. New Mexico 1974


" Nothing will benefit human health and increase the chances for survival of

life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet " - Albert Einstein



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Hi, Heather:

I'm so glad to have you on my new list and am very pleased you are happy

with all the recipes you've received so far. I started the list a little over 2

weeks ago, and more than 300 recipes have been posted. I made a " Veg-Recipes "

cookbook in Mastercook just for all the recipes.

I am a long time vegetarian (28 years) for ethical reasons. My son,

Brandon, age 15, has been a vegetarian all his life. I pretty much grew up on a

meat/dairy based diet; however, I have never liked meat and always knew it was

wrong to kill animals (before I even knew the " whole story " ), so I never ate

much of it (and only under protest), and stopped eating it all together when I

was 10 years old and found out I didn't have to. Lucky for me, my parents were

supportive and helpful. I have not really had any difficulty being a vegetarian

other than sometimes having trouble finding *good things* to eat (not boring

like " steamed vegetables " or " salad & baked potato " ), but not much in recent


Actually, everyone on the Veg-Recipes list is not vegetarian. Quite a few

of them aren't actually, but just enjoy vegetarian cooking, etc. and do try to

eat more vegetarian meals. I started the list with a few people I've met over

the internet over the years, invited other friends to join us, then started

spreading the word around. I am very lucky to have some *great* people on this

list -- generous posters, helpful & very smart, and just all around nice people.

I would not have been able to do this without them.

The list is not really a " chat list " per se, but is for recipes.

Discussion is limited to recipe requests, questions about recipes, foods,

ingredients, preparation, cookbooks, etc., and not about any ethics or

" lifestyle " aspects of vegetarianism. I figured there were already plenty of

lists like that already, but none just for recipes, and especially none that

were for Mastercook only, and vegetarian on top of that.

Are you on Veglife? That's a " vegetarian lifestyle discussion list "

that I've been on for several years. It has been *extremely* quiet lately and

could sure use some " livening up " . If you would be interested in joining, let

me know and I will send you instructions.

Thanks again & welcome to Veg-Recipes.



List Owner

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