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(Karen's) How to save the recipes to MC (repost) + URLS to MC supports

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At 06:24 PM 4/9/99 , you wrote:

> " Regina Cintron " <xyz123_abc


>Someone posted instructions recently and I deleted them accidently.

>Could someone please repost the instructions on how to save the mail

>message recipes to Master Cook. TIA


>Regina in NJ




Here ya go! I think that's what you are referring to is something Karen

posted. (See below.)


Additionally, here's a couple of MasterCook related HELP places to turn to:

Sierra's webpage where volunteers answer questions, and you might want to sign

up for the mailing list that Sierra sponsors for us users.... it's a

users-helping-users list.


Here are the URLs to both:


Sierra supported mailing lists (one is recipes and one is mostly talk about how

to use MasterCook -- some food chat too and misc related stuff):



URL to the Sierra (Mastercook) forums online, where volunteer staff answer your




and, as I always tell folks, her's Pat H's wonderful URL to all things related

to MasterCook:



Have fun, :))


Brenda Adams ------> now, heeeeeere's Karen:



" Karen C. Greenlee " <greenlee


Someone on the mc-recipe list had a question about importing, and I

have often answered the " how to import from a mailbox " question, so I

thought this information would be helpful here too. This same procedure

should work no matter what mail program you use, it is just a matter of

locating exactly where on your computer the mail program is located and

directing Mastercook to it.


For Netscape Communicator:


Open the cookbook in MC that you want the recipes to go into. Under


file, choose " import recipes " . Then you have to tell the program where


recipes are: In the " import window " on the right side (under


choose (all these are " double clicks " ) " c " (for c drive), then,

" programs "

(mine shows up here as " progra~1 " ), then " netscape " then " users " then

" greenlee " (in my case), then " mail " .

Then, on the bottom left side of the screen, make sure " all files "


chosen. Also on the left side of the screen (under " files " ), all the

various mailbox names are shown, I choose " mastercook " (the name of the

mailbox where the mc recipes go--yours is probably something else).

I then click " import " and then a smaller window comes up which lists


the recipes in that mailbox. I pick and choose which recipes I want to

import and viola' -- into the cookbook they go.

This sounds a little time-consuming, but it's not. It only takes


seconds for the whole process.

I should point out that some people prefer to save their recipes


text and edit them themselves or run them through Buster. This is all a


matter of personal preference. My priority is to save time. I import


these recipes quickly and then delete them from the mailbox. I receive


to 200 e-mails per day, many of them recipes, and I just don't have the


to save & edit or " bust " each and every one of them.

BTW -- once you do delete them from your mailbox, choose " compress


folders " afterwards or the recipes will keep showing up on your " import

list " even though they have long since been gone.


For Outlook Express:


Open cookbook, choose " import recipes " , then, following all the basic

directions from my previous post, here's how it works for OE: Choose

" c " ,

" windows " , " applica~1 " , " micros~1 " , " outloo~1 " , " mail " , and THEN, on the


left side, choose the mailbox your recipes are in (make sure " all files "


chosen below). There are several different extensions in OE. For


if the recipes are just in the inbox, choose " inbox.mbx " . If you have


mail going in another mailbox, choose the name that has the " mbx "


Now, this is where Outlook Express is on *my* computer here at

work. I

guess it is entirely possible that it could be located somewhere else on


yours. If so, just find out exactly where it is located and " lead "

Mastercook to it.


Karen C. Greenlee

List Owner

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