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MasterCook Explanation

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This is a good question -- probably one that many have, but just haven't

asked. The program is MasterCook, by Sierra. The 5.0 version was just

released, and there are previous versions as well. I also have the 4.0, and I

am keeping it along with 5.0 for now.

The reason I made this a MasterCook list is because I'm the list owner and

can make up whatever rules I want to. LOL! I'm joking!! Seriously though,

before I purchased MasterCook several years ago, I thoroughly looked into the

various cooking programs, and believe that MasterCook is the very best one --

still do. There are lots of us MasterCook enthusiasts, and I am lucky enough

to have many of them on this list.

The other one you mentioned, MM (for Meal Master) is also acceptable to

use on this list because those recipes are considered to be in " MasterCook

format " . In other words, they will import into the MasterCook program without

having to do any special formatting. Meal Master is now a free program that

can be downloaded from: http://goinside.com/eatery/mm.html

I have been on many recipe lists over the years and, to be honest, one of

the things I really hated was recipes that were is all sorts of inconsistent

formats. Many were virtually illegible. I wanted a specific format so the

recipes would be very clear, easy to read, and easy to understand, and I

wanted them to be consistent. The other thing is that those of us with

MasterCook can easily import the recipes posted on the list right into

MasterCook in mere seconds. About once a week or so I import the recipes

directly from the mail folder they are in into a cookbook in MasterCook.

Whether it's just a few recipes or literally hundreds, they go into the

cookbook in just seconds.

It is very difficult to keep up with recipes (especially the number of

them that are posted on a list such as this) in a word processing program.

With MasterCook, you can do searches for a particular recipe or type of recipe

or ingredients or whatever search parameters you set in just seconds.

Everything is so nicely organized. You can keep hundreds of thousands of

recipes this way.

Everyone is welcome to just collect the recipes on the list if they want

to, and no one is required to post anything. However, if they do, yep, the

rule is, it must be in MasterCook format. There are plenty of other lists

that are not MasterCook lists.

Hope this explains things better. Hope you're enjoying the list!


Karen C. Greenlee

List Owner



Rudy Leon wrote:


> " Rudy Leon " <releon


> I have _vegetarian oyster flavored sauce_ that i got a local asian

> store. It's by Oriental Mascot, $1.69 for 16 oz.... With no MSG

> added, either! I actually don't think it would be very hard to find, it's

> way way cheaper than actual oyster sauce.


> ....And thanks for asking a question that didn't require MasterChef

> formatting! I've really enjoyed being on the list for the past couple

> of weeks, and you may even have convinced me to get the software

> (definitely have convinced me that my mom needs it...). It just

> makes it hard to contribute recipes, tho.


> I am almost certain my mailbox will regret my asking this, but why

> Master Chef over the other one, whose name escapes me, but is

> shortened to MM?


> Also, last week someone asked about freezing berries, and I

> bought last month's Cooks Illustrated magazine especially for their

> piece on freezing summer fruits. Unfortunately, the issue seems to

> have disappeared.... email me offlist if you still want the answer

> when I find the issue.


> good to meet y'all!


> Rudy


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Uhmmm, Karen, Isn't it also a " rule " of This List that the Recipes also be







> Everyone is welcome to just collect the recipes on the list if they want

> to, and no one is required to post anything. However, if they do, yep, the

> rule is, it must be in MasterCook format. There are plenty of other lists

> that are not MasterCook lists.

> Hope this explains things better. Hope you're enjoying the list!


> Karen C. Greenlee

> List Owner


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Karen, thanks for taking the time for such a thoughtful reply! What

I'm realizing is that I wasn't very clear on what I was asking -- why

did the folks on this list choose the mastercook software --

although, many were probably like me, choosing the software after

finding the list, because Yeah! it's impossible to keep orderly on

email of Word the huge variety of recipes which come around!--as

opposed to Meal Master (*especially* if meal master is a free

program!); what benefits does *this* software program offer over

others, not really asking why a program at all -- your dead on right

on all your reasons, and I have come to agree with them

completely in just two short weeks.


So, feel free to respond or not as your time and will permit. And

thinks for making the list, it's really a great resource.



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