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re dog meat slaughterhouse

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>>Peaches passed on a letter written by Fran ,<rk41304

http://www.hua.org which stated....


>>The other issue is this, there are various rumors circulating about the

treatment of livestock in the USA, bear in mind that many of these are

indeed just rumors. .....It is after all a business, and if the animals were

not cared for, well fed, or were allowed to sicken it would be money out of

the ranchers pocket.


++With all due respect, this is rubbish. Breeding animals for money and meat

consumption is a cruel business in ANY country. The same cruel intent

applies to which ever species of animal is being sent to be butchered -

whether it be dogs in China or Korea or pigs or sheep in the USA. Most of

these animals do not want to die and meat IS murder. Those involved in

killing live animals to eat their flesh are involved in the most cruel and

barbaric industries in the world. Many activists have infiltrated USA

slaughterhouses and have been shocked at what they have seen. The speed of

the automated killing and dismembering process is such that many animals are

not stunned properly and die horrible and excruciating deaths.


People who eat meat and profess to care about animal welfare are the biggest

hypocrites of them all. Eating dead animals deprives those animals of their


By supporting the meat industry, meat eaters are supporting the cruelest

industry in the world.


" No matter how much new technology is developed, and no matter how nicely

the meat is packaged, the central facts of the meat business cannot be

changed. This is an industry built around noisy, foul smelling animals whose

fate is to have an eight inch long pin fired into their foreheads at point

blank range. Their blood and guts will spill forth on the killing floor, and

their carcasses will be stripped and carved and chopped during a process

that, although it is governed by " humane slaughter " laws, can be nothing but

gross and brutal. " ..from The Prime Rip by Swanson and Schultz


" I discovered animal rights in 1978, when I first entered a slaughterhouse

and witnessed the violent deaths of terrified dairy cows. pigs and chickens.

What I saw changed my life. " ... one of the founders of PETA.


For an up to date read on the the cruelty of killing animals for their

flesh, buy yourself Gail Eisnitz' book " Slaughterhouse " for Christmas (this

should be on every meat eater's bookshelf).


Review (condensed)




I thought I was going to have a hard time reading Gail Eisnitz' book

Slaughterhouse, but as soon as I started reading, I was drawn into this

" shocking story of greed, neglect, and inhumane treatment inside the U.S.

meat industry. "


" Carol Taylor " is a fake name--the undercover identity of " I, Gail Eisnitz, "

who is boldly sneaking around in Florida chasing down a notorious animal

abuser for arrest. Her search leads her to the Slaughterhouse.


The Ninth Circle of Hell in Slaughterhouse is the kill floor.


Consider a horse who doesn't want to die. " 'You can't spend fifteen or

twenty minutes on one horse. You have to do whatever you can to get him in

that box to get him skinned--fast. You can't let one horse stop you from

making money.' "


(Later) " 'What about the inspector?' I asked. 'Does he ever see any of



" 'Yes.' .........


For me, the heart of the book is the interview with Ed Van Winkle, a

pig-sticker described by men who have worked with him as " the most ferocious

of the stickers. " He says, " 'The worst thing, worse than the physical

danger, is the emotional toll. If you work in that stick pit for any period

of time, you develop an attitude that lets you kill things but doesn't let

you care. You may look a hog in the eye that's walking around down in the

blood pit with you and think, God, that really isn't a bad-looking animal.

You may want to pet it. Pigs down on the kill floor have come up and nuzzled

me like a puppy. Two minutes later I had to kill them--beat them to death

with a pipe. I can't care.' "




The book focuses on mammals, rather than on the birds who make up the 95

percent of animals slaughtered for food. (While 35 million cattle are

slaughtered each year in the United States, 35 million chickens are

slaughtered every day.) However, Slaughterhouse does provide a lot of

information about the poultry industry, as in these comments by inspectors

Macias and Carney:

" 'Poultry is exempt from coverage under the Humane Slaughter Act, right?' I



" 'Correct,' Carney said. 'It's not humanely slaughtered. Because they're

going into the scald tanks still alive, breathing and sucking in the water.'


" Macias nodded. 'Most of them are still alive when they go into that tank

and they fill their lungs. That's a reason for the high contamination.'


" 'The kicker,' Carney said, 'is that when that chicken is exported to

Canada, inspectors have to sign off on an export certificate that says it's

been humanely slaughtered. We have no control over how they're slaughtered.

None whatsoever.'





Many animals, including their heads, are skinned alive, and rotten chicken

flesh is mixed with other meat and sold for baby food. Also, about a hundred

individuals are ground up in every hamburger.


Slaughterhouse shows the reader what is happening, without telling us what

to do. In a manner akin to the archetype of the Ancient Mariner, Eisnitz has

journeyed through hell, " And now I am telling the world. " If, vicariously,

we could " become " these animals, the workers, and Eisnitz herself, perhaps

history would stop repeating itself.




Gail A. Eisnitz is a cruelty investigator for the Humane Farming

Association, San Francisco, CA. www.hfa.org

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This is a rediculous statement......you said the magic words there... " this

is a business " <------ and in this business the bottom line is money.....and

the sad truth is whether or not the animals are sick, treated humanely,

or fed correctly, the " ranchers " will still receive their money.....jeez..they

get money for downer cattle for christ's sake...what makes you think

they give a hoot about the milking cow with pus oozing out of her teats

becuase the " rancher " gave her some steroids to pump up the production

of milk?? ...they are not rumors or anything like that...there is video

footage of the atrocities that go on in these places.....we are so far

beyond rumors its sick...open your eyes and learn the truth......how

" nice and humane " do you think a person can be killing chickens at such

a fast pace for 10 hours a day???7 days a week???365 days a year??????

Think about it...


---- " bunny " <rabbit wrote:

> >>Peaches passed on a letter written by Fran ,<rk41304

> http://www.hua.org which stated....


> >>The other issue is this, there are various rumors circulating about

> the

> treatment of livestock in the USA, bear in mind that many of these

> are

> indeed just rumors. .....It is after all a business, and if the animals

> were

> not cared for, well fed, or were allowed to sicken it would be money

> out of

> the ranchers pocket.




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King5 TV's investigations into the IBP slaughterhouse carnage showed

how gory it can get (warning - graphic pics):




And after all that, IBP got away scotfree - when state and federal

investigators came for an inspection, their entry was delayed at the

gate on frivolous grounds.




There are a few more links on the king5 site covering the IBP story.




--- bunny <rabbit wrote:

> >>Peaches passed on a letter written by Fran ,<rk41304

> http://www.hua.org which stated....


> >>The other issue is this, there are various rumors circulating about

> the

> treatment of livestock in the USA, bear in mind that many of these

> are

> indeed just rumors. .....It is after all a business, and if the

> animals were

> not cared for, well fed, or were allowed to sicken it would be money

> out of

> the ranchers pocket.






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