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site advocating dog/cat fur shut down!!!

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I wrote Homestead and they've taken the site advocating the use of dog

and cat fur off its server!!! yey!...a big thank you to whomever posted

the original note alerting us to this situation.....my letter and their

reponse is included below. Lt's keep our eyes peeled should they try

to set up shop on another host.



Hello Astrid,


Thank you for bringing this situation to our attention. As a passive

conduit, Homestead cannot monitor user websites, but we respond to

breaches of our user agreement when we learn of such behavior.


Therefore, prior to your complaint, we were unaware that this site was

on our server. Given that the user appears to be breaching our user

agreement, we have deleted the user's account and removed the offensive

site. We very much appreciate your interest and commitment to our






Homestead.com Abuse Team,

Homestead.com, Inc.


[Case #370416]




Original message follows:



I am writing this letter to inform you of and to protest this site which

is hosted by your service:




This is their goal:

" The American Coalition for Canine and Feline Fur is a coalition

of trappers, garment and plush toy manufacturers, animal shelter

operators, and consumers who wish to continue and advocate for the


sale of domestic dog and cat fur! "


This site claims to be the " American Coalition for Canine and Feline

Fur " . This site advocates, (which you support by hosting) activity


is now illegal in this country as the following article will show,


after re-thinking the matter you will remove this site from your



Bill bans dog, cat fur products


WASHINGTON (AP) - Selling or making products with dog or cat fur is



federal crime under a bill signed into law by President Clinton. Under


new law, selling, making or transporting clothing, toys or other items


with the fur or skins of dogs and cats could bring a maximum $25,000

fine or

up to a year in prison. " This legislation sends a strong message to

importers and retailers that sales of dog and cat fur will not be


in the United States, " said Wayne Pacelle, senior vice president of


Society of the United States. Clinton signed the bill late last week.

It was

introduced last year in Congress by Sen. William V. Roth, R-Del. and


Jerry Kleczka, D-Wis. There is no evidence that pets are being killed

in the

United States for their fur, but DNA tests on furs have confirmed that

products like gloves, fur linings and insoles for shoes and boots made


dog or cat hair have been sold in this country, the Humane Society said.


Thank you,




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