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re program supporting meat eating in Asia

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Hi all,


sorry for cross posting but here is an email from another list some of you

may like to address.

This person sees the meat culture option as the only option to help Asian

people survive

poverty and ill health. I will address this in my own way but if anyone on

the list would like to

answer some of the allegations here, go right ahead.




Fellow Animalia members:


I simply cannot let this one slip by. I see that one of our members feels

the need to speak out against Heifer Project International. Unfortunately,

this person and possibly many of you are uniformed about HPI and the

situation in the third world. I joined the email group about a month ago

and as some of you may remember, I sent out an introduction about myself. I

am a veterinarian and while traveling around the world with my husband, we

volunteered for HPI at their Thailand office. I feel it important to state

my opinion in light of the work I saw firsthand.


HPI's vision is one of sustainable development focused on rural farmers.

Their goal is an increase in income to these farmers so that there is no

incentive to " move to the city " for a better life. As we all know this

usually leads to depravation and often virtual slavery either to drugs or

abusive industry.


HPI does not " give " away animals but uses them as a tool. Only families

ready and able to accept responsibility are entrusted with receiving the

" living gift " . Long before a family receives an animal they receive training

on proper care of the animals as well as for themselves and their villages.

They learn about improved sanitation and developing clean water.

Additionally, the animal is not a direct gift but more of a loan that must

be repaid by passing on some of the offspring to others in need. This method

of " repaying the gift " teaches the villagers and their very impressionable

children the value of responsibility and gives them a feeling of self worth

because it wasn't just given to them. They had to work for it. These

people want to make something of themselves and their families. They don't

want to sit around and receive handouts. HPI gives them that opportunity.

Additionally, some of the projects are not animal based. In Thailand we saw

villages working on grafting fruit trees


I think it is important to note that all of these villages are already

raising animals for food. However, their animals are usually malnourished

and ill as the lack of proper care allows diseases and parasites to run

rampant throughout the village. It was not unusual to run into a 30%

mortality rate. The knowledge that HPI brings to these villages truly

improves the quality of life for the animals as well as the villagers.


I agree that the idea of an all-vegetarian world is great. It would be

terrific to see humans and non-humans living harmoniously together without

the need to eat one another. Unfortunately, vegetarianism is a luxury of

the first world. Have you been to the third world? Do you understand that

most people (at least for sure in Southeast Asia and Southern Africa) eat a

primarily vegetarian diet? Kwashiorkor (protein deficiency) in the third

world is a serious concern since the primary diet for people of Asia is rice

and vegetables, for people in Africa, it is corn and vegetables. Generally,

they do not have access to the variety of protein rich foods that are needed

for a well balanced diet. You are right that a good piece of land is best

used for plant based agriculture but we are talking about animals that are

eating the leftovers from the humans, the parts of the plants that humans

don't eat such as rice bran, banana stalks, corn stalks, etc. Many of these

animals are able to take the parts of the plants that we humans simply

excrete and turn it into useable food. Their microbes break it down into

B-vitamins that their bodies can use.


Remove the intensive agriculture picture that exists in the US out of your

mind because that is not what we are dealing with here. HPI's goal in any

of these farms is to create an integrated system. For instance, in

Thailand, they are working with villages to have layer chicken houses (these

are open and free range, not confined into small boxes). The manure from the

chickens is used to add nitrogen to the fish ponds. The fish gives protein

to the people and the left over fish parts can be fed to the pigs. The pig

manure as well as some from the chickens can then be used on the fields to

improve the quality of the fields on which they are growing their rice and



It was also mentioned in the letter that some animals, " such as oxen, are

used to pull plows " . Maybe your answer is mechanization. Well,

unfortunately, motorized plows are not economical for most of these people.

In a small farm situation, the motorized version does not save them any time

and in fact costs them money. It costs them much less to have a buffalo

that grazes than to have a machine that breaks down constantly and requires

gasoline that may be many miles away.


I would encourage anyone reading this to visit a third world country, get

out of the five-star hotel and into the villages. Get in touch with any NGO

and try to find out as much as you can about the situation of the most

impoverished peoples. Become informed before you start making blanket

statements about how other people living in harsh unforgiving conditions

should live their lives.


If anyone has any questions about Heifer Project International, visit their

website at www.heifer.org or maybe visit one of their farms in Massachusetts

or Arkansas. I would also be happy to tell you more about our experience

and would be happy to talk to any groups who have or are interested in

giving to HPI. A good portion of their money comes from religious

organizations. If your church, synagogue, temple, or mosque is interested in

donating, please don't hesitate to get in touch with myself or someone

directly at HPI.


Below is a letter that you may want to use to send to the list of supporters

of HPI to tell them what a great thing it is that they are giving to such a

worthy organization.


Dear supporter of Heifer Project International:


Thank you. I wanted to say that I am happy to see that you have chosen such

a worthy organization who cares about the most impoverished people living on

the fringes of their society. It is organizations like HPI that give these

people a sense of hope and a feeling of accomplishment.


You may have received or are receiving letters that ask you to stop giving.

Please ignore these letters. They were written by people who are uniformed

about what really can help in the third world. HPI turns all of your

dollars into real progress for the individual, the family, the community and

the country.


Again, thank you,


(sign your name here)


If you want to sent this letter as a group, I have put the addresses into a

list that you can copy and drag to your " To " box.


support, pr, mcelroy,


Below is also the same list that was on the original letter about HPI.



Evelyn Orenbuch, DVM evelyno


The Christian Science Monitor

The Christian Science Publishing Society

One Norway Street

Boston, MA 02115

e-mail: support (csmonitor.com)

web site: www.csmonitor.com



The Boston Globe

135 Morrissey Blvd.

P. O. Box 2378

Boston, MA 02107-2378

e-mail: pr (globe.com)

Web site: http://www.boston.com/globe



The Rocky Mountain News

400 W. Colfax Avenue

Denver, CO 80204

Mr. Jack McElroy, General Manager

Phone: - (303) 892-2495

e-mail: mcelroy


web site: http://www.rockymountainnews.com


The Honorable Jimmy Carter

The Carter Center

One Copenhill

Atlanta, GA 30307

Fax: 404-420-5145

E-mail: carterweb (emoty.edu)

Web site: http://www.cartercenter.org/aboutus.html



To post a message to the list, send to:



To to AnimaliA from another e-mail address, send a message to

-hsi-animalia. Leave the subject line and body of

the message blank.




Humane Society International (HSI) has established AnimaliA (Animal

information Alliance) to provide animal protection organizations and

interested individuals in developing countries around the world the

opportunity to benefit from one another's expertise and experience in direct

animal protection efforts.


This is not designed to be a news service or philosophical discussion group.


You are encouraged to share both your problems and your knowledge to help

solve others' problems. The solutions and viewpoints expressed here are not

necessarily those of HSI or its parent organization, The Humane Society of

the United States, but of the individuals by whom they were posted. If you

have any comments or suggestions, we encourage you to contact us at



To learn more about our programs, please visit:


http://www.nahee.org (Educational Programs)

http://www.AnimalSheltering.org (Animal Care, Control, and Protection)



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