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Forwarded for KSBK:


Six of seven species of sea turtles in the world live in Indonesian

waters. Their existence is threatened by habitat lost and turtle trade.

One of places which becomes the center of the turtle trade is Bali, with

Tanjung Benoa as the main focus. Based on KSBK investigation in 1999,

9,000 turtles were traded in Bali only for 4 months. It can be concluded

that around 27,000 turtles are traded each year. The turtle are traded

for its meat, while its carapaces are used as the raw material of

souvenirs. The turtle trade in Bali has been going on since several

years ago and it continues until now, even it tends to increase. The

turtles are derived from many regions outside Bali, such as Aru, Flores,

Madura, Kalimantan, Java, etc.


All species of sea turtles in Indonesia are protected based on the

Government Regulation (PP) No. 7/1999 about the Preservation of Plant

and Animal and also by Act No.5/1990. The law means that every

utilization of both alive or death and parts of sea turtle is

prohibited. The turtle trade is a crime and it is against the law. The

turtle trade is still done by only a few people. They even come from

outside Bali. The Pedanda (Hinduism Priest) said that there is no

obligatory to use turtle meat on Hinduism traditional ceremony.


The fact shows that the turtle trade is still going on up tothis moment.

The turtle traders in Bali are getting braver that they conducted

demonstration on 6 November 2000 to reject turtle protection. Wiji

Zakaria, usually called Wewe, who is the biggest turtle traders in Bali

leaded the demonstration. Wewe himself is now in problem because the

Forestry officer of Bali(KSDA) has just confiscated his boat that is

usually used to catch turtle. The boat and the crew were caught red

handed while they were catching the turtle in the sea. It is really

hoped that this case can be successfully proceeded in the court. No

wonder that Wewe is in the front line of the action rejecting turtle

protection. The turtle protection will affect his big business. The

traders threatened NGO activists who fight for turtle protection even

with the riot. The protest done by turtle traders becomes a bad

precedent for turtle protection in Bali and in Indonesia as general.


What You Can Do?

Send protest mails to some addresses below. Tell them that the turtle

trade and its slaughter can give negative impact for tourism in Bali.

The Balinese depend very much on the tourism industry. Say NO to quota

of turtle trade in Bali. The quota will become a trigger for turtle



1. Governor of Bali

Jl. Niti Mandala Renon, Denpasar,


Fax. (62) (0361) 224671, 228527


2. Chairman of DPRD (House of Representatives)

Renon, Denpasar Bali, INDONESIA

Fax. (0361) 234686, 234662


3. Ir. Nur Mahmudi, Minister of Forestry

Gd. Manggala Wanabakti Blok I Lt. 4

Jl. Gatot Subroto, Jakarta Pusat, INDONESIA


4. Mr. Sonny Keraf, Minister of Environment

Jl. DI. Panjaitan Kav. 42, Kebon Nanas

Jakarta Timur, INDONESIA

Fax. (021) 8580087


5. Director General Tourism

Jl. Merdeka Barat 17

Jakarta 10110, INDONESIA


Please also send the protest to Indonesian Embassies in your countries.


Please send a copy of your letters to KSBK address below:

KSBK-The Animal Conservation For Life

Jl. Raya Candi 179, Klaseman, Karangbesuki, Malang 65146


Telpon (0341) 570033, Fax. (0341) 569506, Email: ksbk


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