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(Australia) Fantastic demo as circus plot backfires

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Fwd from the Animal Liberation mailing list (Australia)


Saturday, 30th December 2000

Report on demonstration at Stardust Circus in Gosford (NSW, Australia)


It was advertised as a huge demonstration for Arna the solitary elephant,

and it was certainly that, and more!


It was a great scene, with about 100 protesters lining the Pacific Highway

at Gosford with colourful banners, leafleting the modest number of circus

patrons. (The protesters must have easily outnumbered circus goers by a

ratio of 3:1.)


As we have made great strides with the campaign by highlighting the fact

that Arna's solitary confinement is in breach of the Exhibited Animals

Protection Act, Stardust Circus cynically tried to steal our thunder by

transporting in three other elephants from another circus for the duration

of our demonstration. They arrived before 6.00am that day, and were carted

away again within minutes of the start of the 2.00pm show. This in itself is

inherently cruel behaviour -- on a whim driving these elephants around in

their trucks. Guess what Stardust? You're not fooling anyone! Arna is still

being kept in breach of the Act.


Sadly, this was the first time in four years that Arna has been able to

interact with others of her own species.


The circus and Department of Agriculture have stated that Arna would have

difficulty reacquainting herself with other elephants and that it would be

cruel to remove her from the 'care' of her trainers. But only being close to

other elephants for a few hours was enough for Arna to be gently touching

trunks with the other elephants. (They were separated by an electric fence.)

It brought tears to the eyes of many protesters. The circus have definitely

opened up a can of worms here.


They obviously thought they were being clever -- attempting to thwart our

strategy -- yet their ill-conceived plan has backfired and again

demonstrated the lack of consideration they have for their elephant, Arna.

For as soon as other elephants were introduced to Arna they were cruelly

removed -- a despicable act.


Arna's reaction to this was disturbing -- within minutes of the other

elephants leaving, she was running around her enclosure in an agitated

fashion, and letting out deafening trumpets -- obviously, heart wrenchingly

calling out in vain to the other elephants. All this was captured on video.


Animal Liberation has had the circus under surveillance all week and before,

and she has NEVER demonstrated this behaviour. A very clear sign of her

distress at seeing other elephants which were then quickly removed.


Despite the distressing nature of these occurrences, the great turnout of

demonstrators kept the mood enjoyable and buoyant, which was helped by

hundreds of cars driving past honking their horns, cheering and applauding



It was also a great turnout on the celebrity front, with Darren Brollo from

Lo-tel as spokesperson filling in the media on the issues, as well as Josef

Brown from the Sydney Dance Company and celebrity cop Kim Hollingsworth

mingling in with the other protesters and handing out leaflets.


The circus, through their own ignorance, have shown that Arna can easily

reacquaint herself with others of her own species. We will bring more

pressure to bear on the Government to get Arna into Dubbo Free Range Zoo

with another asiatic elephant. To keep her in her current situation defies



Thanks to all who came along -- it was definitely worth the effort, and we

hope to see you all again in the future.




If you go to the Latest News section of our website you'll be able to see

some pictures taken at the demo.






Find out more about the plight of animals!

Check out the website - http://www.animal-lib.org.au


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