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(IN) PETA Demand Closure of Mumbai Abattoir

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At a press meeting, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) released

shocking new footage from inside Mumbai's municipally owned Deonar abattoir. The

Bombay SPCA, charged with overseeing the abattoir's operations, also comes under

fire for turning a blind eye to these abuses.


Over the past year, PETA representatives made several unannounced visits to

Deonar. However, despite pledges to improve conditions by Mumbai Mayor Hareshwar

Patil, the Deonar management, the Mumbai municipality and the Bombay SPCA, PETA

found that illegal and shocking inhumane conditions persist. When questioned by

PETA investigators, abattoir veterinarians were repeatedly caught in lies and



On 8 December, a PETA investigator found '[T]he traders were not successful at

hiding the more than 30 downed and dead cattle. The condition of the animals was

actually worse than I could have imagined. Several cattle had bloodied or

missing eyes, nose bleeds, broken horns and deep wounds from overcrowded and

rough transport. All of this was acknowledged but ignored by the Deonar

veterinarians. Children wandered about the unloading area joining the adults in

the indiscriminate beating, pulling and kicking of the animals. I documented

several instances in which the animals' tails were twisted and painfully broken.

There was no sign of the Bombay SPCA, and even the gate attendants and guards

engaged in the beating. When I arrived to the slaughter hall, there were 12 dead

and dying cattle strewn across the floor.'


PETA President Ingrid Newkirk says, 'Deonar management and Mumbai officials lied

to the public about animal welfare. They have proved that they lack the

initiative, interest and ability to clean up their act. Mr V. Ranganathan,

Mumbai's municipal commissioner, and other officials responsible should resign.'


PETA is demanding Deonar be closed until all management is replaced and specific

steps are taken to ensure that animal protection laws are met. PETA is also

calling on the Bombay SPCA board of directors to immediately conduct an

investigation into the failure of the SPCA to carry out its mandate.


Deonar has been used as the prime example of unhygienic and inhumane Indian

slaughtering facilities that are out of compliance with Indian and Muslim law.

The intense criticism in local and international media resulted in several

prominent international leather retailers ending their contracts for Indian

leather goods-a $28 million loss to India's leather industry. Concerned citizens

around the world continue to flood the Indian government with pleas to enforce



PETA, 09 Jan 2001

From Virunga: http://www.virunga.org/

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