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(CA) Expose on Wildlife and Parts Trade

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Macleans Magazine

January 22, 2001


Flesh and Bones


Illicit sales of animal parts are putting species at risk




It wasn't easy getting the owner of the traditional Chinese medicine shop in

Montreal to admit she sold bear gallbladders and items made with bear bile.

" It's illegal to have these things, " the proprietor told Hsieh Yi, an undercover

agent hired by the London-based World Society for the Protection of Animals.

Posing as a customer, Hsieh -- who uses a pseudonym -- persisted, talking at

length about the medicinal benefits of products such as fel ursi, for the

treatment of hemorrhoids. Eventually, when the shopkeeper was convinced she had

found a sincere buyer, she reached behind the counter and brought out ointments,

bottles of oil and pills all made with bear bile. She even revealed she used to

carry bear gallbladders. " But not anymore, " Hsieh later told Maclean's. " She did

not know any Canadian hunters to buy them from. "


The shopkeeper's initial discretion is understandable. Retailers convicted of

selling a single product made with contraband animal parts face up to five years

in jail and fines up to $150,000 in Canada. Yet Hsieh, who undertook similar

undercover investigations in 33 shops in Quebec, Ontario and British Columbia

last fall, says she found that more than two-thirds of them sold medicines made

with bear bile. She also claims that three shops sold bear gallbladders, which

are used for a number of disorders including fever, skin lesions and pain

relief. Two store owners even admitted the organs came from bears that had been

poached in Canada; gallbladders sold for as much as $800. " Sometimes the items

were openly displayed on the shelves, " says Hsieh.


The illicit trade in body parts isn't restricted to providing components for

traditional medicines. There are countless dealers across Canada selling meat

and bones and fur from poached or endangered species, and they are willing to

risk the legal consequences because the demand is so strong. Wealthy clients

around the world have paid as much as $23,000 for a single shahtoosh shawl made

with the fine hair off the skin of endangered Tibetan antelopes. And buyers will

pay top dollar for imported bushmeat, such as monkeys from Africa or exotic

fish. Then there's jewelry made from the tusks of poached elephants, or chichi

handbags made from the skins of rare reptiles. It all adds up to a retail trade

that legal experts estimate to be worth millions every year in Canada, and

billions worldwide. " It never ceases to surprise me how much of this I see or

what people will do to trade illicit products, " said a veteran federal Wildlife

Service enforcement officer, who asked to remain anonymous.


The trade is so vast, in fact, that authorities sometimes make busts quite by

accident. Just last December, officers of the Canada Customs and Revenue Agency

in Halifax seized about 4,400 products made from elephant ivory during a routine

training exercise. As part of a drill, a recruit opened a suitcase that, to

officials' great surprise, contained bracelets, necklaces, earrings and carvings

of elephants and Disney characters that were destined for sale in gift shops. An

Ontario man has been charged with importing the goods estimated to be worth as

much as $75,000. It is unknown whether the ivory was from African or Indian

elephants, or how many animals died to provide the tusks.


The campaign against harvesting animals for these purposes is designed to

protect endangered species. But generally, it is a losing battle. The use of

rhinoceros horn in Eastern medicine to treat fever and nosebleed and in the

Middle East for making decorative dagger handles has decimated rhinoceros

populations. Similarly, every species of tiger and all bears in Asia, including

the panda and Asiatic black bear, are declining rapidly because of the

popularity of their skins as collectors' items, and their bones and organs for

medicinal uses. Those animals are supposed to be protected by the Convention on

International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora. The

agreement, endorsed by 152 nations, prohibits the international sale of

endangered species and their parts, and regulates the trade of other animals

whose survival in the wild is at risk. Yet for many, the slide towards

extinction continues.


Critics claim that Canada's position is contradictory. It is one of the early

signatories of CITES, yet it does not commit the resources to enforce the CITES

mandate. As well, Ottawa recently began to allow tourists and new Canadians to

import products made from CITES-protected animals. Except in a few instances,

the exemption does not apply to live animals, but it does enable the importation

of conch shells, rare coral and some products made from exotic skins including

shahtoosh shawls and ivory, as long as the items are not for commercial sale.

" Canada has opened yet another loophole for smuggling wildlife parts and

products, " says Nathalie Chalifour of the World Wildlife Fund. Wildlife Service

officers, however, say the exemption was necessary. " When we spend most of our

time confiscating tourist material, we can't focus on the people doing the

illegal trading, " says Gary Colgan, Ontario chief of Environment Canada's

wildlife enforcement division. " We were forced to make a choice: the little guys

or the larger importers and smugglers. "


Domestically, dealers and poachers trade in native products, for local

consumption as well as for export. It is illegal in every province to sell meat

from wild hunted game such as moose and deer but it is widely available for

sale. There is also a market for parts, such as bear paws for soup. No one is

certain how many animals are being slaughtered for food and other illegal

purposes. " We know bears are being killed, but we just don't know the magnitude

because we aren't finding all the carcasses, " says David Ward, co-ordinator of

special investigations for Manitoba's ministry of natural resources. The

penalties are not a serious disincentive. Last spring in Surrey, B.C., two men

who pleaded guilty to selling 18 bear gallbladders for medicinal use were fined

only $7,000 each and served only 17 days in jail. " This speaks to how we as

society view animals, " says Charlotte Montgomery, author of Blood Relations:

Animals, Humans and Politics. " They are a very low priority. "


That said, the majority of bear products sold in traditional Chinese medicine

shops are smuggled in from Asia. In China, the sale of bear products is legal,

and according to the Chinese ministry of forestry, there are 247 farms where

thousands of bears are " milked " for their bile. Chinese authorities insist the

bears are treated humanely, but recently they acknowledged that some smaller

farms are run poorly. Undercover videos shot last year at poorly operated farms

in six Chinese provinces showed cages that were so small the animals could

barely turn around. The bears exhibited aberrant social behaviour -- owners even

admitted that mothers had been known to eat their cubs. Members of wildlife

conservation groups who have visited these farms claim the majority of the

animals die prematurely. Conservation groups also report that about 50 per cent

of the bears die during the bile extraction process, which involves surgically

inserting a tube into the animal's abdomen, often without the aid of a

veterinarian or anesthesia.


But at least those animals were used to make medicines. The majority of animals

are slaughtered simply because the poachers and dealers can make a profit

catering to the fashions and tastes of well-heeled consumers. Over the past few

years, more than a hundred New York City socialites and celebrities, including

fashion model Christie Brinkley, were subpoenaed to testify in a U.S. district

court for buying shawls made of shahtoosh. Two dealers were convicted in January

of trading the items, which many of the socialites purchased at a 1994

fund-raising event benefiting cancer.


To satisfy the demand for shahtoosh shawls, poachers annually kill an estimated

20,000 Tibetan antelope, known as chiru. They have to be skinned to gather the

ultrafine wool that produces the soft, light and warm garments. As a result,

populations of chiru have been decimated, falling to about 75,000 today from

more than one million in 1900. Wildlife experts predict the animal could soon be

extinct, and it's not difficult to understand why. It takes the skins of at

least three chiru to produce a single shawl, and on any given day, there are

hundreds of shawls available for sale. They sell for thousands of dollars -- but

the real cost is much higher.


[Thanks to WSPA for drawing our attention to this article -

http://www.wspa.org.uk ].

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