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sign petition re CBS and Tyson's animal abuse

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The undersigned request that CBS

stop advertising Tyson's or any other animal flesh and

that the

federal and state governments

outlaw all forms of factory farming. Tyson's last

month had

hundreds of thousands of chickens

die of freezing, smashing, hunger and thirst as winter


destroyed their metal sheds. Half

of the chickens survived several days without food or


Those who survive all these

obstacles are crammed into open slat trucks where

winter winds whip

them as they go through mountain

passes. Their broken necks and wings are seen flapping

through the cage openings..

Tyson's crams chickens in 3 ft cages, 6 to a cage.

Each egg is 32

hours of confinement for a

chicken, 275 mg of artery clogging sludge

(cholesterol), 120 gallons of

production water, a source of

salmonella as the mother passes impurities in the


process. Tyson's is polluting the

streams of Arkansas, Iowa, and other states with

ecoli, killing fish,

spreading disease. The US Senate

has allowed this agrigiant to acquire Iowa Beef


the biggest mammal butcher in the

country while it should have outlawed all factory

farms. Tyson's

chickens contract leukemia, but as

a euphemism it is called leukosis. While anthrax is


associated with beef, and

trichinosis (pig worms) more associated with pork,

Tyson's chickens

spread toxoplasmosis as they live

in concentrated filth. They also spread uric acid


pre urine), a cause of crippling

arthritis. In Maryland, Perdue has attempted to buy


through donations to the Univ of

Maryland, asking taxpayers to subsidize several

Eastern Shore

shortline railroads. Chickens in

Salsibury Maryland can be found running in traffic.










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