Guest guest Posted February 26, 2001 Report Share Posted February 26, 2001 Hi All, Here is the saga of " Survivor 11 " filmed in the Australian outback where a pig is stabbed to death as part of the program. Survivor 11 is a " reality TV " type program where people are placed into 2 teams and have to supplement their meagre rations with what they can find to eat in the outback. The program is contrived and involves both mental and physical game playing. Marguerite An email to rs of the Animal Liberation NSW mailing list ____ Attorneys for PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) in USA, the Australian RSPCA and other animal rights groups, are investigating the possibility of criminal charges arising from conduct on the episode of " Survivor " which aired in the USA on February 15th. (This episode will air on Channel 9 in Australia on Wednesday night, 28 February). In the past, participants have been shown killing and eating rats, chickens, and sea animals. Now, on this episode, which was filmed in Australia, a pig was stabbed to death by one of the show's contestants. The Australian Animal Protection Act of 1925 outlaws torturing, mistreating, or baiting any animal or the instigation of such acts. If the producer of Survivor, Mark Burnett, and/or others acting for him, orchestrated this act by placing a tame pig on the scene, or by separating a wild pig from his or her family group by helicopter or otherwise, or baited or corralled this pig so that he or she could be cruelly killed, they may have violated the criminal anti-cruelty code. " Instigating " cruelty is an offense equal to cruelly killing an animal. There is no question that the pig killed in this episode suffered greatly. By arranging this cruel act, or allowing it to happen, CBS has demonstrated that it is willing to deliberately depart from society's regard for the humane treatment of animals as expressed in law. The following link has PETA's statement about the episode, as well as PETA's letter to the President of CBS, MELBOURNE PROTEST Let's not forget that in slaughterhouses the world over, pigs and other animals are cruelly killed by the million. Several hours ago the Action Animal Rescue Team conducted an undercover investigation and rescue at an intensive piggery in Victoria, and this coincides with a demonstration they have planned about " Survivor " for outside Channel 9 Studios in Melbourne, tomorrow at 11 am. Unlike the pig who was brutally stabbed and murdered on air for ratings, the rescued pigs symbolise the true meaning of survival. The protest will be making it quite clear that tormenting, stabbing and killing innocent animals for entertainment is abhorrent and to be condemned. PETA has written to CBS asking for all unedited tapes of the filming which occurred in Queensland. WHAT YOU CAN DO... We appeal to everyone, whether in Australia or overseas, to contact your local TV station airing " Survivor " and register your protest at this horror, and/or the people listed below. Here's a few address details to get you started: CBS: Les Moonves, President and CEO CBS Television, Inc. CBS Television City 7800 Beverly Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90036 Tel.: 323-575-2345 Fax: 323-651-0285 To e-mail a letter, go to and select the " feedback " button at the bottom of the page. CH 9 Australia: Mr Graeme Yarwood, Managing Director GTV 9 22 Bendigo St Richmond 3121 Ph (03) 9420 3111 Fax (03)9429.1977 email c/o bjennings QLD Minister for Justice: Honourable Matthew J. Foley, MP Attorney-General and Minister for Justice and Minister for the Arts Level 18, State Law Building 50 Ann Street, Brisbane QLD 4000 GPO Box 149, Brisbane QLD 4001 CDE D28 Australia Tel.: 011 61 7 323 93486 Fax: 011 61 7 322 02475 E-Mail: Attorney ____ Find out more about the plight of animals! Check out the website - To , go to: To , go to: Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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