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(CN) Pedigree chums become man's best status symbol

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Sunday Morning Post - Hong Kong - 4th March 2001.

by Heike Phillips.


Dogs are almost three times more popular than cats among Hong Kong pet

owners, according to a new survey, which found that more than one in ten

families own a dog, a cat or both.


The study by Asia Market Intelligence revealed eleven per cent of households

had a cat or dog, while five per cent had both. Dogs are by far the

preferred choice of pet, making up eight per cent of the total, compared

with only three per cent of households that own cats.


Traditionally dogs are regarded as " man's best friend " , but in Hong Kong

their role appears to be that of " man's best status symbol " . And as is the

way in the fashion world - so it is in the animal kingdom when it comes to

image. Out of favour are the schnauzer and golden retriever - the new cool

canines, according to the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

(SPCA), are huskies and dalmatians.


Owning a big dog is like having a big apartment, " says veterinarian Dr Lloyd

Kenda from the Valley Veterinary Centre. " If you are walking down the

street with a big pedigree dog, it's like walking down the street with a

Gucci handbag - it's a status symbol. "


He agreed with the survey's findings that people tended to keep dogs rather

than cats. " People find cats make reasonable companions, but they can't

take them for a walk, for instance. " In spite of - or perhaps because of -

Hong Kong's apartment-style living, dogs enjoyed a " fairly pampered " life,

he said.


The SPCA said it noticed a definite cycle in fashionable breeds. " It seems

to be a matter of fashion - whatever the latest dog breed is you get it, "

said SPCA chief veterinarian Dr Maggie Bradley. " We received a high

proportion of Dobermans and German Shepherds when they went out of fashion. "

(Deputy) Executive Director Pauline Taylor said: " Now Dalmatians are in

fashion we'll probably receive a lot in two years. "


The society receives and finds homes for an almost equal number of dogs and

cats - it took in 5,862 dogs and 5,867 cats and found owners for 776 dogs

and 797 cats last year. Ms Taylor said that while not all the remaining

animals were put down - some are reunited with owners and others are taken

by the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department - " far too many "

still had to be killed.


A spokeswoman for the department said there were 90,000 registered dogs in

Hong Kong but had no information on the number of cats, as they do not need

to be registered. In addition to licensed dogs, there were many strays and

unregistered animals, in government housing for example, where animals are



Hong Kong's preference for dogs is in stark contrast to a trend in the

United Kingdom, where a recent study found felines are the flavour of the

month, particularly among single people. Veterinary surgeon Dr Susanne Lam

said, " The study found that the number of cats has increased over the past

few years in proportion to an increase in single households. Cats are more

independent than dogs, so they are a more practical choice. " Dr Lam said

she knew of several cases where owners kept large dogs in one-room

apartments in Hong Kong, but they were usually well looked after.


But it is not always the case. Last week the Bowen Road dog poisoner struck

again, laying down laced chicken for a female pointer which eventually

survived the ordeal. The serial canine attacker has killed 16 dogs in the

area since 1989 and left dozens sick and suffering.

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