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translocation of KL Zoo, world class zoo coming up, singapore zoo and more

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Feature on the Kuala Lumpur National Zoo: re - translocation - The Star



The Zoological Society would rather the Kuala Lumpur Zoo Negara stay in Hulu

Kelang. But many have voiced support for the opportunities a move would

create such as a chance to start with a clean slate. The society will

support a relocation of the zoo only if its conditions are met. The

conditions outlined in a report submitted last October to the Science

Technology and Environment Ministry are:

*That the society will continue to own and operate Zoo Negara.

*The costs of the move shall be borne by the Federal Government.

*The new site shall be situated not more than a 45 minute drive from

the main population centres of the Klang Valley.

*The new site shall be big enough to establish an impressive zoo by

the most exacting international standards, with not less than 200ha

of land that does not include land that is too steep, swampy or

otherwise unsuitable.

*The society will be given security of tenure in perpetuity.

The society's report says by starting afresh, the zoo can employ the latest

developments in display exhibits - such as simulated natural environments

and invisible barriers - and educate visitors with interactive signs and

computer simulations. However it warns that the move could be a disaster if

the replacement site is unsuitable and if the budget for rebuilding and

restocking the new zoo is inadequate. If it is impossible for the zoo to be

given the support that is essential to a successful move, the society will

upgrade the present zoo.


Malaysian Zoological Society chairman Datuk Kingston Loo dismisses other

reasons for the move given by government officials in press reports: that

the site is too small, too noisy and too urbanised, among others.

Too small, Loo says Zoo Negara is the biggest in the country and is slightly

larger than the Singapore Zoo. Furthermore, some 17ha lies unused - partly

because it is separated from the zoo by a road and is extremely hilly. " We

have some ideas for the site, such as enclosures for hooved animals, but we

have not explored this in detail because of uncertainties over the zoo's


Too noisy? The only sounds heard were the sounds of animals and the

exuberant laughter of children. " There is sufficient buffer between the

houses and zoo to keep human noise out. "

Too urbanised? Yes a sea of development threatens to drown the zoo. But

the society has learnt to cope. Where huge fences once kept animals in,

there are now high concrete walls to keep humans out. Trees and shrubs

grown along the walls further isolate the place. It has to a certain

extent, weathered the transformation in its surroundings, according to the

report. " Traffic congestion is limited to surrounding access roads, with

the road running through unused zoo land remaining tolerable.


The zoo drew over 864 000 visitors last year, resulting in a gate collection

of RM4.5 million. In the ever expanding concrete jungle that is Klang

Valley, Zoo Negara is a welcome green lung. In fact, the zoo's neighbours

disagree with the relocation plan because they don't want to lose their

green spot. That is why zoo officials and conservation groups insist that

the existing site remain a green lung should the zoo move.


The real reason behind calls to oust the zoo is free up prime land. Rubber

estates and fruit orchards stretch behind the zoo up to the foothills of the

Kelang Gates Quartz Ridge, which is a protected wildlife sanctuary and the

Ulu Gombak forest reserve. A little de-gazetting and all that agricultural

land could be developed. Assurances by the government in the 1960s that the

surrounding land would be gazetted as forest reserves were not kept.

Resident estates were allowed to creep up to the zoo perimeter.


In any case those pushing for a relocation of the zoo seem to be overlooking

a couple of important points: the zoo is a public amenity that is owned and

operated by a private society and it sits, for the most part, on leased

land, which will expire only between 2061 and 2069


If a better, more modern zoo is the real reason for relocating Zoo Negara,

why not have two zoos? Retain - and upgrade - the present one and build a

new one elsewhere. Loo offers this possibility and suggests the new zoo

have a theme such as a wetland or night safari zoo.


Another matter is that of economics. The society estimates that developing

a new zoo will cost some RM500 mil. Loo says any reasonable payback period

for the investment - say 15 years - will necessitate admission charges of

RM20 to RM22 per adult. This would put a family visit to the zoo beyond the

reach of an average wage earner. This raises a question: Couldn't the

money to be spent on the relocation be used to improve the existing zoo?

This would also avoid subjecting zoo animals to the stress of relocation.

In fact, this whole push for moving the zoo raises another question: why

must Zoo Negara constantly struggle to stay put? Why is it not possible to

use prime land for zoos, why must such land automatically be considered for

houses and other infrastructure? Don't zoos and their inhabitants

contribute to the quality of life too?


If Zoo Negara has to be relocated where should it go? Several sites have

been mentioned and one seems to have been earmarked: Paya Indah in Dengkil,

Selangor. Loo reveals that last July, foreign landscape consultants

appeared on Zoo Negara's doorstep seeking detailed information on the zoo,

its animals and staffing. From information provided by the consultants, zoo

officials pieced together the picture. The Malaysian Wetlands Foundation

(MWF) a private concern that manages Paya Indah, had invited consultants to

submit concept proposals for a zoological park at the wetlands. A source has

revealed that the bidding has come done to a choice between a Japanese and

Australian firm. It is not known if a final selection has been made, as MWF

chief executive officer has declined to be interviewed until the Government

has decided on the location. In their proposals the landscape consultants

were required to factor in the cost and implication of taking over the

existing zoo. It is like buying Zoo Negara.


Would Paya Indah be suitable?


Paya Indah was established as a wetland sanctuary by rehabilitating old

mining pond and disturbed peat swamps. Part of the area was a former peat

swamp forest which had slowly been cleared and drained for agriculture,

mining, logging and housing. For it to work the new zoo needs a sizeable

piece of land in an accessible area. Conditions must be right too, in

terms of vegetation, drainage and surroundings - and Paya Indah does not

match up. Conservationists are against the move. Wetlands are not suitable

for forest dwelling animals which make up most of the zoo population

according to Malaysian Nature Society president. Wetlands lack suitable

natural vegetation and are prone to floods. A lot of money will be needed

to remodel vast areas of the wetland landscape to create the animals'

natural habitat, he said. The hot open flat terrain peat soil, wet

conditions most parts of the year, acidic water and unsuitable soil type for

other forest species of plants to grow would not provide the right ecosystem

for animals from Zoo Negara.

Another wetlands expert explains that few animals roam peat swamps. These

are rodents and some primates but not large mammals. To site a zoo there

peat swamp will have to be drained and there is fear this will alter the

hydrological regime of neighbouring wetlands. And drained peat swamps catch

fire easily.


Kingston Loo says moving a whole zoo is not the norm. People try not to

move zoo unless it is necessary. Moving unsettles animals says a university

deputy dean of the veterinary medicine faculty. And here they attempt to

transplant some 4 000 animals and fishes of 400 species now residing in Zoo

Negara. Animals suffer stress even during routine moves to new enclosures.

There's a good chance of them not surviving if they have to travel long

distances to a totally new environment. Deaths, injuries and illnesses will

arise from physical injury during capture, transportation and release of

animals as well as changes in surroundings, says Dr. Shariff, chairman of

the society's animal welfare committee. " Stress and refusal to eat will

weaken some animals and make them susceptible to diseases. We may not see

instant mortality but animals may slowly fall ill and die. " Expectant

mothers, newborns or those in their mating season should not be disturbed to

avoid stressing them.

Free ranging animals such as the painted storks which fly out of the zoo to

feed elsewhere will need special consideration. At the new site it may be

necessary to clip their wings until they are familiar with the new area.

This will be a loss for folk in Hulu Kelang, where the storks routinely soar

overhead presenting a majestic sight.



No objection to relocating zoo said Minister - The Star.


Zoo Negara management has not objected to a Government proposal to move the

animal sanctuary from its present site in Hulu Kelang, said the Minister of

Science, Technology and Environment, Datuk Law Hieng Ding.

He said officials of the Malaysian Zoological Society had offered to

co-operate on the relocation. " They are concerned with the safety of the

animals but have agreed to work with us in a friendly way, Law said. He

added that the new zoo would not retain its current name and a more

appropriate name would be chosen.

Asked if the Government will agree to the five conditions outlined by the

society in a report submitted to the Ministry in October, Law said he was

unaware of the conditions. The Star reported earlier that the society said

it would agree to move the zoo subject to certain conditions.

The conditions were that it will continue to own and operate the zoo; the

Government will bear the costs of the move; the new site shall not be more

than a 45 minute drive from the main population centres of the Klang Valley;

the new site should not be smaller than 200ha excluding land that is too

steep, swampy or otherwise unsuitable; and the society will have security of

tenure in perpetuity. The society had said that is the conditions were not

met, it would retain the zoo at Hulu Kelang, and upgrade the facilities.

A random survey by The Star Online (http://thestar.com.my/news) showed the

majority of readers to be in favour of a relocation of Zoo Negara.

Of the 2 716 readers polled by 5pm, 47% (1 280) found the existing site at

Hulu Kelang to be still suitable, 36% (986) found it unsuitable and 17%

(450) agreed to moving the zoo to Paya Indah.



Malaysia to have world class zoo - The Star 9.4.01.


Malaysia will have a world class zoo with research and breeding facilities

under the Eighth Malaysia Plan, said the Minister of Science, Technology and


He said the new site has yet to be decided but there is a proposal to locate

it near the KL International Airport in Sepang. The proposed site of some

400 ha will also function as a safari park with an animal research centre.

The new zoo and research centre would adopt features found in some of the

top-ranked zoos of the world. He said the zoo staff in the country would

also be sent abroad for training. The minister said the building of the new

zoo need not necessarily mean that the Government would relocate the present

National Zoo at Ulu Kelang or the Malacca Zoo to the new site.

" It will be totally new, complete with night and day safari, " he said.

However, he added, breeding programmes for animals such as the selembu (a

cross between seladang (wild buffalo) and cow), rhinoceros, elephant, tiger

and deer would be relocated to the new place.

On an earlier plant to allow Malacca Zoo to be managed by the Malacca

Municipal Council, Law said the ministry decided not to go ahead with the

plan. Malacca Zoo will not be given to the council because they don't have

the expertise to manage and it will be very costly, plus the appointment of

staff will be a problem, he said.


Albino mousedeer dies in palace zoo - The Star


An albino mousedeer caught in Langkawi last month and subsequently presented

to the Anak Bukit Palace mini zoo has died.

The sultan himself was saddened by the death as he often saw and fed the


The Veterinary Department is investigating the cause of death. The rare

mousedeer (trigulus gavanipus) was caught by a honey collector in a jungle

at Bukit Tekoh on March 23. It was believed to be four years old and

weighed about a kilo.


Zoo among the best in breeding rare species - The Star.


When it comes to breeding animals in captivity, particularly those on the

endangered list, the Singapore Zoological Gardens is among the best in the


Last year, of the 434 animals born there, 297 survived. Almost seven out of

every 10 births were animals which were listed as endangered species.

The Singapore Zoological Gardens is recognised as one of the top five zoos

for breeding endangered animals, said chief executive officer Bernard


Among the endangered animals in the zoo are proboscis monkey, orang-utans,

Malaysan tigers, white rhinoceroses and Douc langurs.

(Wonder what the zoo did with all the surplus endangered species??? Once

lion cubs were sold to circuses so the question now is what will they do to

all these endangered surplus animals???



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