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circus in bangalore.

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> Read this and act accordingly:




> Introduction


> For many years circuses have misused animals for the

> purpose of making

> money. In the process thousands of animals have been

> beaten, starved and

> electrocuted to death. One trainer has been quoted

> as saying that there are

> only three weapons with which to enforce the feats

> performed by the beasts

> viz, fear, hunger, pain. Alfred Court, who became

> one of the famous

> trainers of the wild animal confessed- " if an

> animal attacks he must be

> given a severe enough correction for him to realize

> from the first encounter

> that he is not strong- I clenched my hand around the

> club and struck at the

> head with all my strength. The bear had been struck

> where I had aimed, above

> the nostril and between the eyes. Blood flowed from

> its mouth, its paws

> stiffened in a last convulsion and it collapsed. "

> The subduing of wild

> beasts is merely the result of merciless thrashing

> when they are young- Van

> Amburgn (Trainer and Showman)


> The country can no longer afford such a vicious and

> illegal form of

> entertainment. The time has now come for circuses

> only to use the talents of

> human beings. While the government has banned the

> exhibition and use of 5

> animals in circuses: Bears, Monkeys, Tigers, Lions

> and Panthers - none of

> the other animals are kept well and hence should not

> be used for exhibition

> and could be also in violation of several laws.


> Unnatural and abnormal behaviour

> The animals in circuses exhibit abnormal and

> unnatural behaviour, which is a

> reflection of their mental trauma, and the physical

> abuse that they go

> through during their course of training.

> · In the wild, animals keep themselves busy by

> either hunting for food,

> travelling long distances to forage for green

> fodder, in search of a mate,

> having found one, later looking after their young

> ones etc. While circuses

> keep them in an unnatural environment, making them

> perform unnatural tricks.

> · The results are neurotic behaviour pattern, e.g.

> bears suck the pads of

> their feet, shake their head from side to side, and

> pace up and down.

> · Lions, tigers etc, develop stereotype behaviour by

> pacing up and down,

> turning round and round in their tiny cages.

> · The constant stress and solitary confinement leads

> them to claw and bite

> the bars of their cages.

> · Several animals live in solitude, having no

> contact with members of their

> own species. This makes them neurotic and results in

> self-mutilation.

> · Imagine yourself in a tiny cage, all alone,

> forever - wouldn't you go mad?

> · The feeling of frustration and helplessness is so

> acute that animals

> become neurotic and paranoid - like humans in

> depression, and brood over

> their misery.

> · Herbivores and carnivores are kept close to each

> other - a situation which

> would instinctively be avoided in nature. This

> causes undue stress and fear

> for less powerful ones.

> · The physical abuse is so clearly visible

> Number of circuses

> There are as per case records 27 large circuses and

> 80 small ones. Almost

> all the large circus are registered in Southern

> India particularly Kerala.


> Tricks of the Circus

> Even though the circuses are now banned from using

> Bears, Monkeys, Tigers,

> Lions and Panthers; the circuses still use them on

> the sly. The circuses are

> now careful enough to put up shows in areas where

> there are no active NGOs.

> Since the biggest draw about the circus is the

> tigers, the circuses now

> perform at smaller places and instead of staying for

> months in a place the

> circuses stay for a fortnight.


> Number of animals in Indian circuses

> Tigers 64

> Panthers 13

> Bears 26

> Monkeys 12

> Dogs 60

> Lions 102

> Leopards 4

> Elephants (Indian) 109

> Other Categories 416



> Most Common Animal Species in Indian Circuses


> 1. Big Cats: - Lions*, Tigers, Panthers*, Leopards,

> and Hyenas.

> 2. Bears*

> 3. Primates: - Monkeys*, Chimpanzees, Gorillas, and

> Orangutans.

> 4. Rhinoceros

> 5. Reptiles: - Snakes, Pythons, Mongoose and

> Turtles.

> 6. Zebras

> 7. Llamas

> 8. Deer

> 9. Birds: - Parakeets*, Cockatoos*, Macaws and

> Ravens

> 10. Elephants*

> 11. Dogs*

> 12. Horses/Ponies*

> 13. Asses

> 14. Camels

> 15. Rabbits*

> 16. Goats

> 17. Ducks

> 18. Other foreign and Indian birds and animals.


> NOTE: - * These animals are mainly found in Indian

> Circuses


> Treatment of animals in circuses

> Circus animals are drugged and made to perform

> tricks twice or thrice a day.

> They suffer a lifetime confinement in tiny cages,

> bumped from town to town,

> leading lonely, abnormal and unhealthy lives,

> without any veterinary

> treatment (no Indian circus has a traveling vet).

> They are kept hungry and

> tortured with whips and shocks. Their skins are

> burnt with cigarette stubs

> or hot iron rods, especially on their sensitive

> parts. They are severely

> beaten on the legs and paws to perform better. They

> are chained to short

> leashes cramping their necks and preventing them

> from sitting in normal

> postures. Or their legs are caught up in thick iron

> loops (elephants)

> disallowing the animal from resting or even stand

> properly because the loop

> being tied on its joints causes wounds and deep

> sores.

> Sometimes cruelty goes to the extent of stitching

> their mouths and

> de-clawing (especially the felines) to prevent the

> animals from growling or

> hitting the trainer. Many animals go blind due to

> lack of nutrition and

> medical attention

> It is rare that the circuses actually feed the

> animals at all let alone a

> balanced diet. In fact the food given to them is

> half their quota. The meat

> that is given to the felines is usually days old and

> unhygienic. Usually it

> is the stray dogs within the area that are caught

> and fed to the animals.

> They are also fed milk, which is quite useless for

> them.

> The bears, elephants and hippos are usually fed just

> Bhoonsa or dry grass.


> Hygiene and Housing

> Data show that big cats are confined to their

> transport wagons for over 90%

> of the time, where they have between 0.17 and 0.45

> cubic meters of space per

> animal.,

> In the case of bears, an iron rod is fixed through

> the lower and upper lips

> during the training period and pulled during eating.

> They are tied up with

> heavy iron chains. Their claws are blunted. They are

> repeatedly beaten.

> · The living quarters of these animals are worse

> than prison cells, rusted


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