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Fw: Korean Delicacy?

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" Jill Robinson " <moonbear

" Young, Briony " <Briony.Young


If approval was given to farm these dogs " humanely " the cruelty would simply

go underground - and would create a precedent for accepting dog consumption

in countries across Asia - including those where no anti-cruelty legislation

exists. Unlike other domestic animals raised for food, dogs are carnivores.

In intensive rearing situations they fight - sometimes to the death - over

water, food or even the right to lie down in cramped conditions. Dr. Les

Sims of the Hong Kong Government Agriculture Fisheries and Conservation

Department states that no country in the world has developed a humane way of

raising and slaughtering dogs and that, in their opinion, it cannot be done.

More and more people in Asia believe that dogs have earned their place in

society as companions and helpers - they want consumption of this species to

end. Hong Kong, the Philippines, and Taiwan have banned the practice - that

is the precedent to follow.


Jill Robinson MBE

Animals Asia Foundation


Find out more about the historic China Bear Rescue by visiting the

Animals Asia Foundation website at http://www.animalsasia.org




" Young, Briony " wrote:


Agreed, I think that if the dogs and cats were killed humanely in the same

way that our chickens,cows, etc are in western society then half the battle

would be over. Granted that there are some terrible holding yards but at

least everything is done quickly and with no torture.

It's Their Destiny [itstheirdestiny]

Saturday, 2 March 2002 10:26

Total Animal Liberation

Re: Korean Delicacy?

I was absolutely stunned to read this. The sheer arrogance of this email

is staggering, to say the least! " OUR torturing and killing of farmed animals

for food, is just as UNacceptable as the Korea's torturing and killing of

cats and dogs, and we fight them accordingly regardless of race or

nationality! " Absolute bollocks! There does appear to be a tendency amongst

vegetarians to believe that they are so without imperfection that they have

the right to criticise us lowlier mortals with impunity. In that respect,

they may be right - if it makes them happy, I have no problem with that.

What I cannot accept however is the ASSERTION, not argument, that a dog hung

and beaten with bats to tenderise its flesh before it EVENTUALLY chokes to

death, or a cat skinned WHILE STILL ALIVE, suffers no more than an animal

killed in a western abattoir.I sincerely hope that Adela was stoned when she

wrote this. That at least may make it



Total Animal Liberation

Dogaid Australia

Friday, March 01, 2002 11:12 PM

Re: Korean Delicacy?

Hello Kat: You wrote an excellent letter! But may I refer to your

paragraph:<<other cultures eat snails and frogs and cows, etc. The

difference is, those animals arent tortured.>>

Please be informed that ALL animals used for food anywhere in the

globe suffer just as much as the Korean cats and dogs, if not more, since

each farmed animal must endure SEVERAL YEARS of torture...before brutal

murder! Evidently you are not familiar with the factory farms and

slaughterhouses, animal laboratories, fur trappings, fur farms, etc.

everywhere, but especially in America and Europea. Please visit the

following sites:



toryfarming.com/gallery.htmhttp://www.meatsource.comIf you'll take just a

few minutes to visit these and many of their links, you'll see horrors never

imagined, and during the entire existence of the animal! I too used to say

the same as you, until I couldn't resist any more to recognize that all the

OTHER animals gobbled up by humans suffer enormously physically, mentally

and spiritually, and realized that we do exactly the same thing: The Korean

butchery tortures them deliberately, while the rest of the world butchery

tortures them for profits!!!!! Different goals - same bloody slavery!!!!!!!

I now always shut their mouths with a segment I add to my letters: <<OUR

torturing and killing of farmed animals for food, is just as UNacceptable as

the Korea's torturing and killing of cats and dogs, and we fight them

accordingly regardless of race or nationality!>> This way, they won't be

throwing at us that we TOO torture/murder animals. We anticipate it to them

and ADMIT that it is WRONG, and that we are ALSO fighting against this

cruelty in our country and any other countries. Adela ----- Original

Message ----- " Dogaid Australia " <dogaidTo:


> >Kat Bennett <katpbennett

> >dogaid

> >Korean Delicacy?

> >Wed, 27 Feb 2002 05:32:14 -0800 (PST)

> >

> >

> >Dear Laura,

> >

> > There was a piece on National Public Radio in the US on Feb. 20

on the

> >dog meat issue. Go to http://search1.npr.org/search97cgi/s97_cgi to


> >the piece (you'll need Flash).

> > I sent the following letter. NPR has a habit of reading letters

on the

> >air. I hope they read mine.

> > By the way, one of my colleagues just told me a wrenching tale

of a

> >friend of his, who was touring the city of Taegu in 1995. The

friend and

> >his wife had gotten lost, and found themselves within an open-air


> >They were horrified to find that they'd wandered into the dog and

cat meat

> >market and their first view was a cat that had been skinned, but

was still

> >alive. The poor creature was screaming in pain!

> >

> >Kat Bennett

> >

> >Dear Morning Edition:

> >

> > I listened with interest to Eric Weiner's report from Seoul

about the

> >issue of the Korean practice of eating dogs. I'm an American,


> >English in Seoul, and I've had some firsthand experience with the

issue of

> >dog meat here. It has come up more than once as a topic of

discussion among

> >my students; and I personally have lost dog " friends " to the


> > Although Eric Weiner did a great job of presenting the views of

> >outspoken critics and supporters of the practice, his piece

completely left

> >out the most important element to the protests against Korea's dog


> >industry: the fact that the animals are horribly tortured before


> >killed.

> > There's a belief, common amongst those who eat dog meat, that

if a dog

> >is tortured and killed slowly that the meat will be tastier, and

that men

> >who eat this meat will have greater sexual virility. Dogs are hung

by the

> >neck and repeatedly electrocuted. The fur is then burned off the

dog with a

> >blow torch. Recent eye-witness accounts at the Moran dog meat

market here

> >in Seoul reported that the animals aren't always dead for this


> >Sure, there are laws against torturing animals, but the laws are


> >enforced.

> > And, don't think this only pertains only to dogs. Cats are

treated with

> >even more cruelty. Like dogs, cats are crammed together into cold,


> >cages, with no food, no water, no shelter from the weather. Besides


> >eaten, cats are boiled alive into a tonic that is supposed to cure

> >arthritis and rheumatism.

> > Medical studies, by the way, have found no truth to these


> >benefits of dog stew and cat tonic.

> > Contrary to Mr. Weiner's report that dogs raised for meat are

raised on

> >farms and transported to meat markets, I can tell you that this is


> >always the case. Pets DO end up in the meat markets. Sometimes


> >stolen, sometimes their sold by their owners as a matter of


> >During my stay here in Seoul, I've made friends with four Korean

dogs, who

> >were all pets. They were all intelligent animals, totally neglected


> >their owners, who responded to the smallest of kindnesses with joy


> >affection. One was a rare North Korean Poong-san'gae, a breed noted

for its

> >loyalty and courage, bred to hunt tigers and bears. Another was a


> >Chindo mix. Another was a Japanese Akita. The fourth was a little,


> >mutt, who more than once displayed her gift for killing rats.

> > When the responsibilities of owning a pet became too much for


> >owners, all four of these dogs were sold for dog meat. So much for

the " two

> >kinds of dogs " argument.

> > Another favorite argument here is that other cultures eat

snails and

> >frogs and cows, etc. The difference is, those animals arent


> > I want to make it clear that there's far more to this issue


> >foreigners telling Koreans what they can and can't eat. If they

want to eat

> >dogs, fine, I won't argue. But if they insist that the animals must


> >tortured, then Koreans shouldn't be surprised when people like


> >Bardot call the practice " barbaric. " My own students have called it

> > " savage " and " disgusting. "

> > Torture doesn't usually fit into the definition of civilized


> >

> >Kat Bradley-Bennett

> >Seoul, South Korea

> >

> >

> >

> > " I came to live my life out loud. "

> >- Emil Zola -

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I think we need humane method to kill animals because some people want to

eat meat .Not because we approve killing.According to lord Budda`s teaching

one can eat meat if he has not heard or seen that the animal was killed to

get meat.

For an example they are free to eat road kill.

But unfortunately christians and Muslims are taking the lead in Sri lanka

and there are lot`s of slaughter houses.In some parts Buddhists eat more

meat than christians .

Singapore has lot`s of soya meat with differen`t flavours.

If the animal loving Korean`s can introduce such soya product with dog and

cat`s flavour to Korean market it would help the Korean dogs and cats .

Indian food also help vegetarianism.

I read British women`s magazine has empasised that soya has lot`s of

hormones which would help to look young .IfA doctor has mentioned that .

If Koreans can introduce Indian food or Indian cooking in their national TV

that would also help .

Recently there was a protest campaign against Halal slaughter house in Colombo.

Halal is a cruel method to kill animals where animal feels pain while it is

allowed to bleed while spinal cord is intact.

Though they have managed to stop that slaughter house butchers bring 9

carcasses of cattle to Colombo.I know these animals were not killed humnely.

We have requested the ministers again and again but still that happens.

Thanks to Peta and Kadamalla producer Mr Senaratne Lot`s of Sri Lankan`s

gave up eating meat after they saw meat your meat video.



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