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Zimbabwe National SPCA banking details are as follows:


a.. Bank Name: Stanbic Bank Zimbabwe Limited

b.. Bank Address: Park Lane Branch, Harare

c.. Account: Zimbabwe National SPCA

d.. Account No: 02220 579521 01

e.. Branch Code: 3120

Alternatively, the NSPCA in South Africa are co-ordinating the procurement

of items needed by the rescue team and have posted the following message:



" Any donations to assist them in their essential and heart-breaking animal

welfare work in Zimbabwe can be sent marked ZIMHELP to the NSPCA at PO Box 1320,

Alberton, 1450 or contact the NSPCA on 011-907-3590 for details on how to

donate. "




Thank you kindly


Roger Gould-King

South Africa








PVO 38/69




SPCA Member Centres:

Bulawayo - Chegutu - Chinhoyi - Chiredzi - Gweru - Harare - Hwange -

Kadoma - Kwekwe - Marondera - Mashava - Masvingo - Mutare - Zvishavane






22 MARCH 2002




The period since the elections which ended on 12 March 2002 have proved to

be very stressful and disturbing for the rescue team.




They have returned to houses in the Chinhoyi area, some of which have now

been looted as many as 4 times. Several more dogs and cats have been rescued,

including puppies and a Ridgeback ‘Romeo’ who had been stoned but fortunately

sustained no serious injuries. When examined he was also found to have

contracted Biliary. Two Jack Russells were recovered from a farm in Umvuma

which had been torched.




Happily all of Dr Gordon’s cats, dogs and horses were recovered, as well

as his pet goat.




The team continues to be shocked by the violence and destruction

encountered wherever they go.




One farm in Mash East has been seized by a militant group and has proved

to be most difficult to access thus far. The team have placed themselves in

serious peril by going there. At the first attempt, the team were verbally

abused by two war vets and a ‘commandant’. The police would not even alight

from their vehicle and then drove off leaving the team behind.




At the second attempt, two pigs were rescued and one of the 4 dogs,

‘Shumba’ the Staffy. 8 Little pigs, 3 other dogs and two cats remain. On this

visit, the war vets attempted to separate Meryl from Steven and Addmore by

saying that there was a dog some distance from the house. Steven and Addmore

were busy trying to capture the pigs and once Meryl was out of sight, one the

war vets withdrew a catapult and rocks from his pocket and another approached

from the opposite direction wielding a golf club. Maintaining her composure,

Meryl called out to Addmore and fortunately the two backtracked and when Meryl

challenged them on the whereabouts of the dog was told that it must have run

away. One of the war vets then threatened Meryl and Addmore that they had

better never return to the farm. Meryl thought it prudent to withdraw and once

again the police were not supportive. The war vets became very agitated when

Meryl approached the house to look for the two cats which had been left inside.

Not even the police would permit her to approach the house. The detail

concerned later denied this. This is one area where the police details on the

ground have regrettably not been supportive.




The team were quite disheartened when they left, especially at the sight

of about eight elderly farm workers who had obviously been turned out of their

homes by the invaders. They were sitting in the rain on the roadside,

surrounded by a few meagre belongings, with nowhere to go.











25 MARCH 2002





Meryl and the rescue team continue to respond to the unrelenting calls for

help to rescue animals from farming areas, mainly in the Mashonaland Province

area surrounding Harare.




Despite our hopes that law and order would be restored following the

elections, this has sadly not been the case. Meryl reports that the situation

has in fact deteriorated. Violence and killings continue.




Few will forget the images of 17 year old ‘Squeak’, refusing to leave the

side of his devoted owner, Terry Ford, whose life was taken so brutally.

‘Squeak’ and his 10 year old companion ‘Bubbles’ are safe and sound with Terry’s

fiancé. Terry’s two Border Collies are at the Chegutu SPCA and we have no doubt

a good home will be found for them.




Meryl and Justin returned to Terry’s farm today to rescue 4 other dogs –

this time those belonging to the man suspected of shooting Terry Ford, who has

been in custody since his arrest last week. Only 3 of the dogs could be found –

very hungry but otherwise fine.




Meryl had a very busy day today. She was also called to a flower farm a

mere 19 Kms outside of Harare. The owner had to flee following an invasion and

severe intimidation. A beautiful St. Bernard ‘Joshua’ was rescued along with 2

cats. A missing elderly Beagle was also found hiding in a flower bed, suffering

from Biliary.




Then it was back to the farm where 2 previous attempts had proved to be so

hazardous for the team. This time a large X breed ‘Sasha’ was found and the 8

remaining pigs. 2 dogs are still at large and the 2 cats.











On behalf of ZNSPCA, may I take this opportunity to thank all of the

concerned and caring people who continue to send messages of support and

encouragement. I cannot begin to tell you what this means to the rescue team.

Some of the time I think that this is what inspires them to keep going and never

give up.




We have tried to send thank you letters / e-mails / faxes to all those who

have supported us so generously with vital financial and material support, which

makes it possible for the team to go out day after day and for us to

accommodate, treat and care for all of the rescued and displaced animals.




To anyone we have not been able to thank personally or who prefers to

remain anonymous, we thank you all for making it possible for us to continue to

protect Zimbabwe's very vulnerable animals.




We would like to make a special mention of the NSPCA in South Africa who

have been a tower of strength and continue to stand by our Society in these most

difficult of times. Our grateful thanks to them for arranging and co-ordinating

the ‘Zimhelp’ appeal and for keeping everyone up to date on the situation here.




Sincere appreciation to RSPCA International for providing emergency aid to

all 14 of our centres in order that they can keep going during the current

economic crisis.




Finally, sincere appreciation to all those who have taken our story to the

world, be it in the newspaper, on the air or on your websites. It is vital that

as many people as possible are kept informed about the ongoing tragedy in





Bernice Robertson Dyer


Chairman - ZNSPCA










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