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Re Awards for Humane leaders/people/politicians

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Re Humane leader of the year.


I hope I'm not complicating things with my suggestions but

I believe there are several problems designating a " leader " as being the


humane. In a democracy, individual members of parliament

are often responsible

for promoting a humane issues (others may oppose them)

and the leader may or may not be involved

in supporting humane issues. EG hunting has not stopped YET in the UK yet


people want hunting to stop. In my opinion, Tony Blair is dragging his feet


if he showed more support for the issue, the parliament may have resolved


issue long ago.


I propose some categories for several awards based on contributions to

helping the animals.


In Scotland, the hunting of foxes using horses and dogs was banned.

Scottish parliament is relatively new isn't it? Yet it did not take them


to bring in a reform that Britain is dragging its feet to legislate against

(ir hunting).


In India, who is helping ban the promotion and sale of Shatoosh shawls

or has a ban come about and who was responsible?


Which members promoted the anti-hunting Bill in Scotland?

(Perhaps an overall Government award could be issued here?)


Japan's leaders seem not to be stopping the cry to promote whaling

(but there may be Japanese activists and politicians and activists opposed


whaling - who are they and what are they achieving?)

and in Canada the seals are still being slaughtered aren't they?


Perhaps members of parliament who have consistently spoken out for the

animals rather that leaders or Governments should be targeted for an award.


Australia and New Zealand have shown great disdain and cruelty towards


and this cruelty has been perpetuated by members of parliament supporting


introducing cruel bills and allowing cruelty to be legitimised in the name

of greed and profit.

(eg NSW Game Bill).


Yet in Australia, we have several politicians who have spoken out against


to animals and they have spoken at rallies etc.


Perhaps there should also be an award/s for members of parliament,

and another for individuals who have campaigned

to help the animals.


Another award could go to writers who have written books

trying to expose the cruelty to animals around the world. Within this


one could have children's books and adult books. Perhaps there

could be a special award for scientists or researchers who have spoken

out against Government's trying to impose cruel and harsh and often


controls on unwanted animals. (I would nominate Dr Alvin Smith of Oregon


University Laboratory of Calicivirus studies for his scientifically sound,

logical and steadfast opposition to the

introduction of Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease in Australia

as a Biological warfare agent of wild rabbits.Dr Smith has often been termed

a " lone voice " [not true] and with his knowledge, the use of RHD, a

dangerous biowarfare

agent used to kill animals in two countries has been made a world issue and


the spin-doctored local issue the Australian authorities would have liked to


as " safe " ).


Maybe there could be an award for people who have worked behind the scenes

eg as delegates or members of CITIES etc and who have also been responsible

for spreading the word about cruelty and the need for understanding,

kindness and respect for animals

eg http://www.api4animals.org/doc.asp?ID=507

(Barry Kent MacKay's column)



A web-page could be maintained with the names of people given the awards.


I would nominate Astrid Herlihy (Australia) ( a lady I know who has devoted

much of her

life to helping the animals) for an individual award.


I would nominate Barry Kent MacKay for years of tireless work to help spread

the word in print about animal welfare and rights (I believ Barry may have


involved in CITIES etc but maybe someone else knows more about Barry than I.

I have followed his articles for many years including Confessions of a

Bunnyhugger (11/14/97)



I would nominate Senator Andrew Bartlett as an Australian politician who has


to help the animals




Extract from First Speech to the Senate

by Senator Andrew Bartlett, 11/11/97

I am personally very committed to encouraging us all to give more

consideration to the welfare and rights of animals. The lack of

consideration humans give to each other in the world today is exceeded only

by the lack of consideration we give to the other animals we share the

planet with. My personal belief is that there are compelling environmental

and ethical grounds for encouraging people to stop eating animals.


Vegetarianism has a long ethical tradition in our society. There are also

very sound theological arguments in the Christian biblical tradition against

the eating of meat where practicable, as Senator Woodley would acknowledge.

I have found many people acknowledge some of these arguments, but not enough

to stop their meat consumption. I guess the spirit is willing, but the flesh

is just too tasty for many people.


Whilst I understand the traditional, cultural and economic reasons why

animals are imprisoned and killed for human consumption, I believe the time

has come for us to look to move beyond that. There are too few voices for

the welfare and rights of animals in our society, let alone in our

parliaments. I hope I can provide a voice for them in this place.






June: Senator Bartlett, I believe you're a vegetarian ... good onya!!!! But

when did this come about?

Andrew: I became vegetarian when I was about 19 or 20 (16 years ago). I've

tried being vegan a couple of times, but sadly haven't succeeded (yet).

June: Has it been difficult for you?

Andrew: I haven't found it difficult at all in terms of resisting meat. It

can be a bit difficult finding decent food when you travel a lot, although

that's certainly less difficult than it used to be. It can get a bit

tiresome when people treat you like you're from some alien planet just

because you don't eat meat. But the frustrations of getting vego food will

never outweigh the positives!

June: What's the best part of being vego and what made you decide to


Andrew: The best part is being able to reduce the unnecessary suffering of

animals. I think this was the main motivation I had for trying to go vego –

if I can stay alive and healthy without eating animals, then there seems no

reason why they should have to die just to suit the desires of my tastebuds.

Since I became vegetarian I've also become much more aware of the massive

additional environmental damage which meat production causes.


(Picture right: Andrew at work in the senate.)


June: Can you recall what instigated your vego lifestyle?

Andrew: I'm not one of those people that has blinding flashes of revelation

(very boring I know). I'm much more someone who comes to a view over time as

an accumulation of things. I think I've always had something of an

appreciation for nature.

June: Are there some folk that think that this is just a fad for you?

Andrew: I don't think anyone that knows me thinks that. Maybe my mother

thought that for the first year or so. Although I try not to be too pushy, I

still tend to do a fair bit of 'preaching' on vegetarianism – much more than

I do on most other issues – so I think people know it's a strongly held

belief rather just a passing phase.

June: What do the rest of the Bartlett clan think about you being


Andrew: My wife has been vegetarian longer than I have and if anything is a

bit more strident about it than I am. The rest of my family are fairly

accepting and I think even concede that there's a valid logic to

vegetarianism. I haven't managed to fully convert any of them yet, but I

think some of them are certainly eating less meat than they used to – I

don't know if that's my influence or not.

June: Are people taken aback when they discover you're one of those s t r a

n g e vegos?!

Andrew: I think different people have felt I was weird for a variety of

reasons. Some people find my dress sense a bit odd. I also used to have very

long hair and from time to time indulge in wearing nail polish and/or a

variety of earrings (still do from time to time) – a few people find that a

bit odd, but I find most people are comfortable with people being able to be

themselves. Let's face it, you can't get lower in most people's eyes than

being a politician, so being a vegetarian is certainly no damage to my


June: What tickles your tastebuds?

Andrew: I love anything with mushroom and/or tempeh. Hot curries and spicy

food are a particular favourite too.

June: Have you found that when you're travelling that there's plenty of

yummy vego fare to be had?

Andrew: It's getting better, although there's not many restaurants better

than Squirrels which is in Newmarket in my home town of Brisbane, about 2

suburbs from where I live.

June: Are you a culinary genius or a kitchen disaster?

Andrew: Well, I can produce edible stuff, but I don't have a natural feel

for it.

June: Foodwise, at conferences etc, are you well catered for?

Andrew: Most times it's fine these days. I think I've spruiked loudly about

vegetarianism for so long that people remember to cater for me. Mind you,

they know I'll still make a few barbed comments about facilitating

environmental destruction, landclearing, soil degradation and huge water

consumption whenever the meat appears – all good natured of course. June: Of


June: Feathers 'n' leather ..... how far you do take your animal rights


Andrew: I'm not as good as I should be. I do usually wear leather shoes –

just haven't got around to ordering some shoes from Vegan Wares yet. I also

have a rainbow coloured feather boa which a good friend gave to me which I

wear in the Democrats' float at Mardi Gras. Sometimes I point out to others

that I still mainly wear leather shoes as a way of suggesting to them that

it's not a matter of all or nothing – even if they just reduce their meat

consumption it is a move in the right direction in reducing animal suffering

and environmental damage. None of us can completely avoid damaging the

environment or hurting animals, but we should all be encouraged to do what

we can.

June: I haven't bought any shoes from Vegan Wares yet, though I've heard

they're excellent, but my guy buys his shoes at K-Mart! They're brilliant,

and very cheap, last for ages too. As for your feather boa – it may not be

real feathers as there's a lot of faux feathers on the market these


June: Zoos, circuses with animals, rodeos and factory farming – your

thoughts here please Senator Bartlett?

Andrew: I find rodeos to be particularly appalling – they are so obviously

cruel and don't have even the flimsiest justification other than some people

find it fun to torture the animal. They're almost as bad as bullfighting in

my view. I can see no justification for animals in circuses either. Whilst I

am not comfortable with zoos – a well run wildlife park is much better than

a zoo any day – there can be at times some benefit by maintaining animal

numbers with endangered species. Although this should never be used as a

substitute for trying to maintain habitat and numbers in the wild. There has

been some improvement in the conditions at zoos in recent years, but there

is still a lot of room for more improvement. I believe that some animals,

particularly larger ones such as elephants, lions and the like should not be

allowed to be kept in captivity except in exceptional circumstances.

Unfortunately these also tend to be the animals that draw people into zoos

and keep them profitable.


(Picture right: Senator Bartlett helping with the rescue of sick and dying

hens in a huge battery cage shed.)


June: Is there one area of animal exploitation that you find particularly


Andrew: Factory farming is a classic case of the profit motive overriding

any concerns about the rights or well being of animals and often overriding

concerns about environmental impacts as well. It is the clearest

demonstration of animals being turned into nothing more than economic

commodities with no other value. It has also reduced people's understanding

of what is involved in producing food.

June: Are there any other vegetarian politicians lurking about?!

Andrew: I'm not aware of any other federal politicians who are fully

vegetarian. I've had a couple tell me they are partly vegetarian – I'm not

sure what that means although anything's better than nothing. I've seen

other federal MPs listed as vego on an international vegetarian website, but

I've asked them and they're not. Sadly, none of the other Democrats or the

Green Senator are vegetarian, although I'm still working on them. I'm sure

Richard Jones in the NSW Parliament is a vego – I think Ian Cohen is too.

June: How has your health been since you eliminated animals from your diet?

Andrew: I never felt much difference either way. I've never particularly

been into healthy living and my diet is not always that good. I'm one of

those people that don't get sick much, but if I do, it won't be because I'm

vegetarian, it'll be because I don't exercise enough (OK I don't exercise at

all) and I eat too many potato chips and drink too much alcohol and coffee.

June: Yes, it's really funny that people automatically assume that because

one is a vegetarian that we're all 'hippie-love-peace-and-mungbeans' –

guzzling down copious amounts of lentils and carrot juice at a rate of

knots! I've always been healthy but I don't exercise and I'm not standing at

the stove boiling up legumes up all day!


rest of the interview is on the website address



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At 09:47 AM 4/28/02 +0800, you wrote:

Leader of a country has so much power.If we can suggest that may be Blair will not drag his feet.We want to save the animals .Our idea is to

pass legislationa quickly.

Korea and Japan also may change their attitude towards animals welfare.

Then only we can guarantee the safety of the animals ,

That is the main idea .This award is to encourage the political leaders

because they are the people who do that.

People like Rachel Carson will live forever for her work .Her work is

admired forever,It is not important whether they have won an award or not

because every body knows that they have risk their lives to do their work.



>I hope I'm not complicating things with my suggestions but

>I believe there are several problems designating a " leader " as being the


>humane. In a democracy, individual members of parliament

>are often responsible

>for promoting a humane issues (others may oppose them)

>and the leader may or may not be involved

>in supporting humane issues. EG hunting has not stopped YET in the UK yet


>people want hunting to stop. In my opinion, Tony Blair is dragging his feet


>if he showed more support for the issue, the parliament may have resolved


>issue long ago.


>I propose some categories for several awards based on contributions to

>helping the animals.


>In Scotland, the hunting of foxes using horses and dogs was banned.

>Scottish parliament is relatively new isn't it? Yet it did not take them


>to bring in a reform that Britain is dragging its feet to legislate against

>(ir hunting).


>In India, who is helping ban the promotion and sale of Shatoosh shawls

>or has a ban come about and who was responsible?


>Which members promoted the anti-hunting Bill in Scotland?

>(Perhaps an overall Government award could be issued here?)


>Japan's leaders seem not to be stopping the cry to promote whaling

>(but there may be Japanese activists and politicians and activists opposed


>whaling - who are they and what are they achieving?)

>and in Canada the seals are still being slaughtered aren't they?


>Perhaps members of parliament who have consistently spoken out for the

>animals rather that leaders or Governments should be targeted for an award.


>Australia and New Zealand have shown great disdain and cruelty towards


>and this cruelty has been perpetuated by members of parliament supporting


>introducing cruel bills and allowing cruelty to be legitimised in the name

>of greed and profit.

>(eg NSW Game Bill).


>Yet in Australia, we have several politicians who have spoken out against


>to animals and they have spoken at rallies etc.


>Perhaps there should also be an award/s for members of parliament,

>and another for individuals who have campaigned

>to help the animals.


>Another award could go to writers who have written books

>trying to expose the cruelty to animals around the world. Within this


>one could have children's books and adult books. Perhaps there

>could be a special award for scientists or researchers who have spoken

>out against Government's trying to impose cruel and harsh and often


>controls on unwanted animals. (I would nominate Dr Alvin Smith of Oregon


>University Laboratory of Calicivirus studies for his scientifically sound,

>logical and steadfast opposition to the

>introduction of Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease in Australia

>as a Biological warfare agent of wild rabbits.Dr Smith has often been termed

>a " lone voice " [not true] and with his knowledge, the use of RHD, a

>dangerous biowarfare

>agent used to kill animals in two countries has been made a world issue and


>the spin-doctored local issue the Australian authorities would have liked to


>as " safe " ).


>Maybe there could be an award for people who have worked behind the scenes

>eg as delegates or members of CITIES etc and who have also been responsible

>for spreading the word about cruelty and the need for understanding,

>kindness and respect for animals

>eg http://www.api4animals.org/doc.asp?ID=507

>(Barry Kent MacKay's column)



>A web-page could be maintained with the names of people given the awards.


>I would nominate Astrid Herlihy (Australia) ( a lady I know who has devoted

>much of her

>life to helping the animals) for an individual award.


>I would nominate Barry Kent MacKay for years of tireless work to help spread

>the word in print about animal welfare and rights (I believ Barry may have


>involved in CITIES etc but maybe someone else knows more about Barry than I.

>I have followed his articles for many years including Confessions of a

>Bunnyhugger (11/14/97)



>I would nominate Senator Andrew Bartlett as an Australian politician who has


>to help the animals




>Extract from First Speech to the Senate

>by Senator Andrew Bartlett, 11/11/97

>I am personally very committed to encouraging us all to give more

>consideration to the welfare and rights of animals. The lack of

>consideration humans give to each other in the world today is exceeded only

>by the lack of consideration we give to the other animals we share the

>planet with. My personal belief is that there are compelling environmental

>and ethical grounds for encouraging people to stop eating animals.


>Vegetarianism has a long ethical tradition in our society. There are also

>very sound theological arguments in the Christian biblical tradition against

>the eating of meat where practicable, as Senator Woodley would acknowledge.

>I have found many people acknowledge some of these arguments, but not enough

>to stop their meat consumption. I guess the spirit is willing, but the flesh

>is just too tasty for many people.


>Whilst I understand the traditional, cultural and economic reasons why

>animals are imprisoned and killed for human consumption, I believe the time

>has come for us to look to move beyond that. There are too few voices for

>the welfare and rights of animals in our society, let alone in our

>parliaments. I hope I can provide a voice for them in this place.






>June: Senator Bartlett, I believe you're a vegetarian ... good onya!!!! But

>when did this come about?

>Andrew: I became vegetarian when I was about 19 or 20 (16 years ago). I've

>tried being vegan a couple of times, but sadly haven't succeeded (yet).

>June: Has it been difficult for you?

>Andrew: I haven't found it difficult at all in terms of resisting meat. It

>can be a bit difficult finding decent food when you travel a lot, although

>that's certainly less difficult than it used to be. It can get a bit

>tiresome when people treat you like you're from some alien planet just

>because you don't eat meat. But the frustrations of getting vego food will

>never outweigh the positives!

>June: What's the best part of being vego and what made you decide to


>Andrew: The best part is being able to reduce the unnecessary suffering of

>animals. I think this was the main motivation I had for trying to go vego –

>if I can stay alive and healthy without eating animals, then there seems no

>reason why they should have to die just to suit the desires of my tastebuds.

>Since I became vegetarian I've also become much more aware of the massive

>additional environmental damage which meat production causes.


>(Picture right: Andrew at work in the senate.)


>June: Can you recall what instigated your vego lifestyle?

>Andrew: I'm not one of those people that has blinding flashes of revelation

>(very boring I know). I'm much more someone who comes to a view over time as

>an accumulation of things. I think I've always had something of an

>appreciation for nature.

>June: Are there some folk that think that this is just a fad for you?

>Andrew: I don't think anyone that knows me thinks that. Maybe my mother

>thought that for the first year or so. Although I try not to be too pushy, I

>still tend to do a fair bit of 'preaching' on vegetarianism – much more than

>I do on most other issues – so I think people know it's a strongly held

>belief rather just a passing phase.

>June: What do the rest of the Bartlett clan think about you being


>Andrew: My wife has been vegetarian longer than I have and if anything is a

>bit more strident about it than I am. The rest of my family are fairly

>accepting and I think even concede that there's a valid logic to

>vegetarianism. I haven't managed to fully convert any of them yet, but I

>think some of them are certainly eating less meat than they used to – I

>don't know if that's my influence or not.

>June: Are people taken aback when they discover you're one of those s t r a

>n g e vegos?!

>Andrew: I think different people have felt I was weird for a variety of

>reasons. Some people find my dress sense a bit odd. I also used to have very

>long hair and from time to time indulge in wearing nail polish and/or a

>variety of earrings (still do from time to time) – a few people find that a

>bit odd, but I find most people are comfortable with people being able to be

>themselves. Let's face it, you can't get lower in most people's eyes than

>being a politician, so being a vegetarian is certainly no damage to my


>June: What tickles your tastebuds?

>Andrew: I love anything with mushroom and/or tempeh. Hot curries and spicy

>food are a particular favourite too.

>June: Have you found that when you're travelling that there's plenty of

>yummy vego fare to be had?

>Andrew: It's getting better, although there's not many restaurants better

>than Squirrels which is in Newmarket in my home town of Brisbane, about 2

>suburbs from where I live.

>June: Are you a culinary genius or a kitchen disaster?

>Andrew: Well, I can produce edible stuff, but I don't have a natural feel

>for it.

>June: Foodwise, at conferences etc, are you well catered for?

>Andrew: Most times it's fine these days. I think I've spruiked loudly about

>vegetarianism for so long that people remember to cater for me. Mind you,

>they know I'll still make a few barbed comments about facilitating

>environmental destruction, landclearing, soil degradation and huge water

>consumption whenever the meat appears – all good natured of course. June: Of


>June: Feathers 'n' leather ..... how far you do take your animal rights


>Andrew: I'm not as good as I should be. I do usually wear leather shoes –

>just haven't got around to ordering some shoes from Vegan Wares yet. I also

>have a rainbow coloured feather boa which a good friend gave to me which I

>wear in the Democrats' float at Mardi Gras. Sometimes I point out to others

>that I still mainly wear leather shoes as a way of suggesting to them that

>it's not a matter of all or nothing – even if they just reduce their meat

>consumption it is a move in the right direction in reducing animal suffering

>and environmental damage. None of us can completely avoid damaging the

>environment or hurting animals, but we should all be encouraged to do what

>we can.

>June: I haven't bought any shoes from Vegan Wares yet, though I've heard

>they're excellent, but my guy buys his shoes at K-Mart! They're brilliant,

>and very cheap, last for ages too. As for your feather boa – it may not be

>real feathers as there's a lot of faux feathers on the market these


>June: Zoos, circuses with animals, rodeos and factory farming – your

>thoughts here please Senator Bartlett?

>Andrew: I find rodeos to be particularly appalling – they are so obviously

>cruel and don't have even the flimsiest justification other than some people

>find it fun to torture the animal. They're almost as bad as bullfighting in

>my view. I can see no justification for animals in circuses either. Whilst I

>am not comfortable with zoos – a well run wildlife park is much better than

>a zoo any day – there can be at times some benefit by maintaining animal

>numbers with endangered species. Although this should never be used as a

>substitute for trying to maintain habitat and numbers in the wild. There has

>been some improvement in the conditions at zoos in recent years, but there

>is still a lot of room for more improvement. I believe that some animals,

>particularly larger ones such as elephants, lions and the like should not be

>allowed to be kept in captivity except in exceptional circumstances.

>Unfortunately these also tend to be the animals that draw people into zoos

>and keep them profitable.


>(Picture right: Senator Bartlett helping with the rescue of sick and dying

>hens in a huge battery cage shed.)


>June: Is there one area of animal exploitation that you find particularly


>Andrew: Factory farming is a classic case of the profit motive overriding

>any concerns about the rights or well being of animals and often overriding

>concerns about environmental impacts as well. It is the clearest

>demonstration of animals being turned into nothing more than economic

>commodities with no other value. It has also reduced people's understanding

>of what is involved in producing food.

>June: Are there any other vegetarian politicians lurking about?!

>Andrew: I'm not aware of any other federal politicians who are fully

>vegetarian. I've had a couple tell me they are partly vegetarian – I'm not

>sure what that means although anything's better than nothing. I've seen

>other federal MPs listed as vego on an international vegetarian website, but

>I've asked them and they're not. Sadly, none of the other Democrats or the

>Green Senator are vegetarian, although I'm still working on them. I'm sure

>Richard Jones in the NSW Parliament is a vego – I think Ian Cohen is too.

>June: How has your health been since you eliminated animals from your diet?

>Andrew: I never felt much difference either way. I've never particularly

>been into healthy living and my diet is not always that good. I'm one of

>those people that don't get sick much, but if I do, it won't be because I'm

>vegetarian, it'll be because I don't exercise enough (OK I don't exercise at

>all) and I eat too many potato chips and drink too much alcohol and coffee.

>June: Yes, it's really funny that people automatically assume that because

>one is a vegetarian that we're all 'hippie-love-peace-and-mungbeans' –

>guzzling down copious amounts of lentils and carrot juice at a rate of

>knots! I've always been healthy but I don't exercise and I'm not standing at

>the stove boiling up legumes up all day!


>rest of the interview is on the website address








>For more information on Asian animal issues, please use the search feature

on the AAPN website: http://www.aapn.org/ or search the list archives at:


>Please feel free to send any relevant news or comments to the list at



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I seem to have missed some of these posts but I'd

like to agree with Marguerite about leaders being

ineligible for such awards! As for Tony Blair, he's

been 'dragging his feet' on every issue regarding

animal welfare, in spite of all the grand election

promises to make sweeping reforms. The hunting vote

has been overwhelming, in Parliament and in the

country, and yet still nothing's happened...the

bill-to-be gets wheeled out cynically to manipulate or

distract back-benchers whenever there's something

politically awkward in the offing, and then wheeled

off again.


Mrs Blair wouldn't even have a cat in the

prime-minister's residence! The one that was living

there when the Blairs first arrived got 'removed'.


Personally I would nominate one of the many incredible

people working for animal welfare in Asia; or Meryl

Harrison in Zimbabwe. The guts and commitment of these

people take my breath away.




--- bunny <rabbit wrote: > Re Humane

leader of the year.


> I hope I'm not complicating things with my

> suggestions but

> I believe there are several problems designating a

> " leader " as being the

> most

> humane. In a democracy, individual members of

> parliament

> are often responsible

> for promoting a humane issues (others may oppose

> them)

> and the leader may or may not be involved

> in supporting humane issues. EG hunting has not

> stopped YET in the UK yet

> many

> people want hunting to stop. In my opinion, > Blair is dragging his feet

> and

> if he showed more support for the issue, the

> parliament may have resolved

> the

> issue long ago.


> I propose some categories for several awards based

> on contributions to

> helping the animals.


> ===




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> I seem to have missed some of these posts but I'd

> like to agree with Marguerite about leaders being

> ineligible for such awards!

Yes, I think if " leader " is used in the sense of " head of state " , no awards

would ever be made!

So I think " leader " has to mean community leader in a broader sense.


> Personally I would nominate one of the many incredible

> people working for animal welfare in Asia; or Meryl

> Harrison in Zimbabwe. The guts and commitment of these

> people take my breath away.

Do we mean this award to be for Asian leaders or for any countries?

Please could we have suggestions as to how this Awards Project is going to

be organised and by whom?


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