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Action Alert-stop the export of greyhounds to Asia

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Action Alert- stop the export of greyhounds to Asia



Greyhound Action International has been established to protect greyhounds

world-wide from the inherent cruelty and suffering in greyhound racing, and

to ultimately abolish greyhound racing.

In the UK 40,000 greyhounds are disposed of every year by the racing

industry. Due to the over breeding there is a surplus of greyhounds with the

majority of the dogs being found mutilated with their ears chopped off to

prevent identification of the owner through the ear tattoo. Puppies that fail

the grade are routinely killed. The lucky dogs end up being abandoned with a

hope of ending up in a shelter. The same atrocities are happening around the

world. Greyhound racing has been banned in 6 states in the USA with on going

campaigns. The World Greyhound Racing Federation the ruling body of world

wide racing has began to promote greyhound racing to countries were there are

no animal welfare laws either in place or being enforced. Racing is already

underway in Vietnam, Macau and are in the process of introducing it Korea

with the dogs being exported from Australia. They further plan on creating a

network of tracks in Vietnam, Philippines and Cambodia. These are countries

notorious for the dog meat industry. This is the fate greyhounds in Asia

unless we stop them.

For further information please contact Greyhound Action International, PO Box

127 Kidderminster, DY103UZ Fax/Voicemail: 08701383993

email: <A

HREF= " greyhoundactioninternational " >greyhoundactioninternatio\







Greyhound racing in Vietnam


Racetracks to Spread Throughout Vietnam and into Cambodia.




Ba Ria Vung Tua Tourist Corporation has invested in sports and entertainment

in Vietnam. They have established Sports and Entertainment Services Co Ltd (

SES ) which is a joint venture company with Hemlock services in Australia.

SES is the company operating the greyhound race track in Vung Tua at the Lam

Son stadium, with the greyhounds being exported from Australia.

Nguyen the general manager of Sports and Entertainment Services, is also the

chairman of Indo China Racing and Entertainment, and has been granted a

30-year license for the development of greyhound racing in Cambodia. A racing

facility has already been identified in Phomn Phenn.

There are additional plans to create 6 more tracks throughout Vietnam and

more greyhound breeding farms. The greyhounds that are no longer fit for

racing end their days being butchered in the dog meat markets.



Please write letters of protest to the Ba Ria Vung Tua Tourist Corporation

Please let them know that you will not visit Vietnam or buy Vietnamese goods

or support Vietnam in any way until the greyhound killings and greyhound

racing is stopped.



Vung Tua tourist Corporation

207-Vo Thi Sau

Vung tua City

Baria Vung Tua province


Tel: 84-86-856445/856446/856799/856138

Fax: 84-64-856444

Email: <A HREF= " vtautour " >vtautour</A>



The following are selected Vietnam Embassies please urge them to stop

greyhound racing in Vietnam



Ambassador Le Van Bang

1233 20th street

N.W.Suite 501

Washington DC 2003



12-14 Victoria rd

London .W8RD

0207 937 1912



United States Liaison Office in Vietnam

7 Lang Ha, st, Hanoi, Vietnam



Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Head office

Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Secretary General: Mdm Pham Chi lan


International Relations Department

33a Ba Trieu Str.Hanoi, Vietnam



Vung Tua City

Chamber of Commerce and Industry: Mr. Vo Van Cao

36/6, Vo Thi Sau str, Vangtua City, Vietnam





Greyhound Racing in Korea



There is a newly formed Greyhound Racing Association in Korea. It is their

plan to build racetracks in Korea and create breeding and training


A private corporation in Australia is attempting to fuel a greyhound-racing

industry in South Korea by shipping thousands of greyhounds to the country

annually. Hundreds of thousands of greyhounds suffer in existing greyhound

operations around the world. Those who are forced to race often suffer

painful injuries, like broken legs and backs. Many succumb to heat-stroke and

heart attacks. They are typically kept in small wire cages, often for 23

hours a day. The animals who prove not to be great runners and those who are

no longer “useful†are often killed using barbaric methods like a gunshot to

the head, drowning or are sold to research laboratories, where they are

forced to endure painful and frightening experiments. Thousands of rabbits

and other small animals become casualties of the greyhound-racing industry

each year as well because they are used as “live lures†for training dogs to


The cruel treatment that dogs and cats already endure in Korea when they are

tortured for human consumption has been condemned worldwide. Please contact

the following officials to ask that they do their part to ensure that

countless animals are not exploited for profit by helping to ensure that

greyhound racing stays out of Korea. Please ask the following agencies to proh

ibit the shipment of greyhounds from Australia to Korea:


The Honourable Warren Truss

Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry

Parliament House


Canberra, ACT 2600 Australia

E-Mail: <A

HREF= " W.Truss.MP " >W.Truss.MP</A> Brown, CEO


Australian & New Zealand Greyhound Association

P.O. Box 13

Springvale, Victoria 3171


Tel.: +61 3 9548 3500

Fax: +61 3 9548 3488

E-Mail: <A HREF= " admin " >admin</A>

Rosier, Chief Executive

Greyhound Racing Authority of New South Wales

P.O. Box 138

Lidcombe, NSW 2141


Tel.: +61 02 9646 3933

Fax: +61 02 9646 4904

E-Mail: <A HREF= " info " >info</A>


News reports indicate that large corporations including Samsung and Hyundai

will be asked to purchase greyhounds to run using their logos. Please

politely ask both companies not to associate themselves with such a cruel




Chung Chai-Kwan, President and CEO


Hyundai Corporation

140-2 Kye-dong, Chongro-Ku


Seoul 110-793

South Korea

Tel.: 82-2-746-1114

Fax: 82-2-741-2341Samsung Corporation


Taepyungno Bldg., 310

Taepyungno 2-Ga

Chung-Gu, Seoul

South Korea

Tel.: 82-2-3706-1114

Fax: 82-2-3706-1212


Following is the contact information for Korea Greyhound Racing Association.


Song-Soo, Bae

Head Official

Korea Greyhound Racing Association

Tel : 82-2-6335-6119 (Hotline : 82-2-6335-6211)

Fax : 82-2-6335-6200

email : <A HREF= " maxhint " >maxhint</A>

Mailing address:12F, Sinsong Building,

25-12, Yeouido-dong,


Seoul, Koreawww.greyhound.or.kr/en




These are some of the officials in Korea you can write to

President Kim Dae Jung

Blue House

1 Sejong-Ro, Chongro-gu

Seoul, South Korea 110-050

Tel: 02-443-9316

e-mail: <A

HREF= " president " >president</A> Han




The Ministry of Agriculture

1 Joongang-dong

Kwanchun City, Kyoungki-do

South Korea 427-760

e-mail: <A

HREF= " minister " >minister</A> Choi




The Ministry of Health and Welfare

1 Joongang-dong

Kwanchun City, Kyoungki-do

South Korea 427-760

e-mail: <A HREF= " wmaster " >wmaster</A>


Minister Kim Myung-ja

The Ministry of Environment

1 Joongang-dong

Kwanchun City, Kyoungki-do

South Korea 427-760

e-mail: <A HREF= " minister " >minister</A>








Greyhound Racing in Macau



Macau is officially chinese territory, but has its own government structure,

under the chief executive of Macau Mr. Edmund Ho.

Casino's in Macau are operated under Government franchise mainly by the

Sociedade de Turismo e Diversoes de Macau, SARL (STDM), founded by Mr.

Stanley Ho.

The STDM is Macau's largest commercial organisation responsible for gambling

and greyhound racing at the Canidrome.

The greyhounds that are raced in Macau suffer a terrible fate in the name of

entertainment before ending their short lives by being butchered and thrown

into the landfills.

As Macau is greatly dependant on their tourist trade, please write to the

Chinese President, the chief Executive of Macau and the STDM and Macau

Government tourist offices, let them know that you will not be visiting

Macau until the greyhound killings and greyhound racing is stopped.




Contact Addresses




Edmund Ho Hau-wah

Chief Executive of Macau

Central Office of the Government of Macau SAR

Avenida da Praia Grande, Macau

Tel: 989 5313 or 989 5316. Fax: 726 168.

E-mail: <A HREF= " info " >info</A>

Website: <A HREF= " http://www.macau.gov.mo/ " >www.macau.gov.mo</A>


His Excellency Jiang Zemin

President, People's Republic of China


Xichengqu (West City District), Beijing City, People's Republic of China



Mr.Stanley Ho- owner of STDM including the Canidrome(Greyhound Stadium)

Sociedade de Turismo e Diversoes de Macau, S.A.R.L., Head Office, 9/F Hotel

Lisboa, Old Wing, Macau (tel: 574-266, 566-065).



Direcção dos Serviços de Turismo

(Macau Government Tourist Office)

Largo do Senado 9, Edificio Ritz, Macau

Tel: 315 566 or 513 355. Fax: 510 104.

E-mail: <A HREF= " mgto " >mgto</A>

Website: <A HREF= " http://www.macautourism.gov.mo/ " >www.macautourism.gov.mo</A>




Macau Government Tourist Office (MGTO)

1 Battersea Church Road, London SW11 3LY, UK

Tel: (020) 7771 7006. Fax: (020) 7771 7059.

E-mail: <A HREF= " macau " >macau</A>




The British Consulate General in Hong Kong deals with enquiries relating to



Embassy of the People's Republic of China

2300 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20008, USA

Tel: (202) 328 2500. Fax: (202) 328 2582.

Visa section: Room 110, 2201 Wisconsin Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20007, USA

Tel: (202) 338 6688. Fax: (202) 588 9760.

E-mail: <A

HREF= " chinaembassy_us " >chinaembassy_us</A>

Website: <A HREF= " http://www.china-embassy.org/ " >www.china-embassy.org</A>

Consulates General in: Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, New York (tel: (212)

502 0259) and San Francisco.




Macau Government Tourist Office

Integrated Travel Resources Inc, Suite 660, 5757 West Century Boulevard, Los

Angeles, CA 90045-6407, USA

Tel: (310) 670 2234 or (877) 622 2800 (toll free in USA and Canada only).

Fax: (310) 338 0708.

E-mail: <A HREF= " mgto " >mgto</A>

Website: <A HREF= " http://www.macautourism.gov.mo/ " >www.macautourism.gov.mo</A>



The Consulate General of the United States of America in Hong Kong deals with

enquiries relating to Macau ). style= " BACKGRO


Embassy of the People's Republic of China

515 St Patrick Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1N 5H3, Canada

Tel: (613) 789 3434 (visa section) Fax: (613) 789 1911 (visa section and

24-hour recorded information line)

Consulates General in: Calgary, Toronto and Vancouver.




Macau Government Tourist Office

GPO Box 5457

Sydney NSW 2001

Telephone: +61 2 8272 7878

Fax: +61 2 9241 6510









To ban the export of greyhounds to Asia.

Please send letters or use the sample letter provided to protest to the

racing industry as the majority of greyhounds exported to Asia come from

Australia. The Australian federal ministers have the power to stop the

export of Australian greyhounds to Asia. Please sign the letter including

name address and country of origin.



The World Greyhound Racing Federation

President WGRF

Jerry Desmond

Davis Rd


County Tipperary


<A HREF= " jerrydesmond " >jerrydesmond</A>



The Australian greyhound industry


Greyhound Racing Authority (NSW)

Steve Rosier, Chief Executive

PO Box 138



Australia 2141

<A HREF= " info " >info</A>




Northern Territory Dept of Industries and Business

Malcolm Richardson, Manager Racing

GPO Box 1154

Darwin NT

Australia 0801




Greyhound Racing Authority of Queensland

Darren Bevis, Chief Executive

Amy Street,

Breakfast Creek,

Albion, Queensland

Australia 4010

<A HREF= " graq " >graq</A>




Greyhound Racing SA

Chief Executive

PO Box 2352

Regency Park S.A.

Australia 5942


HREF= " enquiries " >enquiries\




Greyhound Racing Council Tasmania

Mrs June Phillips, Chairman

Racing House, 22 Paterson Street,

Launceston, Tasmania

Australia 7250




Greyhound Racing Victoria

John Stephens, Chief Executive

432-442 William Street,

West Melbourne, Victoria

Australia 3003

<A HREF= " admin " >admin</A>




Ken Norquay

Greyhounds WA

PO Box 6

Cannington, Western Australia

Australia 6107

<A HREF= " knorquay " >knorquay</A>




Below are the federal minister's responsible for the export of live animals

who can stop the export of greyhounds to Asia.




Warren Truss - responsible for live export

Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry

<A HREF= " w.truss.mp " >w.truss.mp</A>




The state ministers for racing (Victoria and New South Wales where the

industry seems to be predominant):




The Hon Rob Hulls MP

Minister for Raciing (Victoria)


HREF= " rob.hulls " >rob.hulls</A\





The Hon. Richard Face

Minister for Gaming and Racing

Level 13, 55 Hunter Street,

Sydney, Australia 2



Australian High Commission

Australian High Commissioner

Mr. Micheal L'estrange

Australia House

strand, London

WC2 B 4 L

Tel 02073794334

Fax 02072405333


HREF= " Email.mary.mckeown " >Email.mary.mckeown</A>






Sample letter-




Dear Sir,

I was horrified to discover that greyhounds are being exported for the

purpose of racing to Asia. Due to the surplus of greyhounds, there is a

rehoming problem in countries such as the United Kingdom, the USA and even in

Australia. Imagine the scale of the problem in Asia where they have neither

the infrastructure nor the incentive to rehome these dogs. No doubt they will

end up adding to the hideous dog meat industry, whereby the dogs suffer

unmentionable cruelty before and during slaughter.

Recently Korea has made world-wide headlines and has been condemned for their

barbaric treatment of dogs and there refusal to enforce the minimum animal

protection laws.

This is a country that is in the process of introducing greyhound racing with


dogs being exported from Australia.

What will become of the puppies that fail the grade?

What will become of the injured and retired greyhounds that have ceased to be



Needless to say you are already aware that greyhound racing is underway in

Macau and Vietnam and again the dogs are coming from Australia. They admit to


the killing of greyhounds that are not fit for racing. So why are there plans


to create a further network of tracks throughout Vietnam, Cambodia,

Philippines and China?

The treatment of these dogs are abhorrent. I urge you to immediately stop the

exportation of greyhounds to Asia. I can assure you that the civilised world

will not tolerate such abuse. I await your urgent response and immediate



Yours respectfully













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