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International campaign against the suffering of the bulls in Extremadura (Spain)

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Dear list,


This is not an Asian animal issue but I've been asked

to urge Asian animal groups and activists to join this



If you have questions, please contact Tony Moore at

below address.





" FAACE " <action


Attention: Online form available below.



International campaign against the suffering of the

bulls in Extremadura (Spain)


Each year, during the fiesta of San Juan in Coria

(Caceres - Extremadura), which lasts for several days,

two fighting bulls a day are darted with blowpipes by

the public. Their favourite targets are the eyes and



In the end they are covered with darts like a

porcupine or pin cushion (hence the term

" toros-acerico " ). Bandarillas are stuck in their flesh

and pulled out again. Their ordeal lasts for about two

hours. They are then killed and castrated in the

street. Other cattle are also abused during this blood



In 1995 British animal activist Vicki Moore was

severely injured by the fighting bull " Argentino " in

the town of Coria, when she tried to document his

suffering. Later on she died due to her injuries.

Since then nothing has changed. Coria tries to promote

tourism and for this purpose receives subsidies from

the European Union (ERDF - European Regional

Development Fund)


Please send the sample letter or your own letter to:


Sr. Presidente de la Junta de Extremadura, D. J.L.

Rodriguez Ibarra

Avda. De Portugal, s/n.

E-06800 Merida (Badajoz)

Fax: +34 924 00 34 56

e-mail: presidente


Sra. Consejera de Presidencia, Da Maria Antonia

Trujillo Rincon

Paseo de Roma s/n. 4a planta

E-06800 - Merida (Badajoz)

Fax: +34 924 00 50 55

e-mail consejera


Sr. Consejero de Turismo, D. Eduardo Alvarado Corrales

c/. Cardenas No. 11

E-06800 Merida (Badajoz)

Fax: +34 924 00 38 19

e-mail : consejero


Tourism Office in Caceres

Pza. Mayor, 37.

E- 10003 Caceres

Fax: +34 927 62 50 47

E-mail: otcaceres


Tourism Office in Badajoz

Avda. de la Libertad, 3.

E- 06005 Badajoz

Fax: +34 924 22 27 63

E-mail: otbadajoz


Tourism Office in Coria

Avda Extremadura, 39

E-10800 Coria (Caceres)

Fax.: + 34 927 50 07 35

e-mail: turismo


Townhall of Coria

Plaza San Pedro, 1

E-10800 Coria (Caceres)

Fax: +34 927 500 735

e-mail: ayuntamiento


cc: info


(or click on



Sample letter

Excmo. Sr. Presidente,

Distinguidos Sres.,


Organizaciones europeas y espanolas (*) me han

informado acerca del sufrimiento al que son sometidos

los animales (toros y vaquillas) en los espectaculos

que se celebran en Coria y en el resto Extremadura,

durante las 'Fiestas de San Juan'. Estoy

escandalizado. Los toros son torturados durante horas

con dardos y banderillas. Es inconcebible que esto

ocurra en el siglo XXI.


No viajare a Extremadura, region en la que animales

son torturados hasta la muerte, mientras no se

promulgue una LEGISLACION que PROHIBA todas estas

crueldades con animales. De hecho, Extremadura ya es

tristemente conocida por el " burro de Pero Palo " de

Villanueva de la Vera " .






(*) Las organizaciones que me han informado son:

FAACE (Fight Against Animal Cruelty In Europe). -Reino


IAC (Initiative Anti-Corrida). -Alemania-.

Animal 2000. -Alemania-

ANPBA (Asociacion Nacional para la Proteccion y el

Bienestar de los Animales). -Espana-.



Dear Mr. President,



I was informed by animal rights organizations from

Spain and Europe(*) about the suffering of the animals

(bulls and cows) in the events in Coria and the rest

of Extremadura during the " Fiestas de San Juan " . I am

shocked. The bulls are tortured for hours with darts

and banderillas. It is unbelievable that this happens

in the 21st century.


I will not travel to Extremadura, where animals are

tortured to death, until legislation, which forbids

these cruelties to animals, is imposed. Extremadura is

already infamous because of the " Donkey of Pero Palo "

in Villanueva de la Vera " .


Yours faithfully:




(*) The organizations are:

FAACE (Fight Against Animal in Europe). -Great


IAC (Initiative Anti-Corrida) and animal 2ooo.


ANPBA (Asociacion Nacional para la Proteccion y el

Bienestar de los

Animales). -Spain-


Tony Moore




Fight Against Animal Cruelty in Europe

29, Shakespeare Street


Merseyside PR8 5AB

United Kingdom

Tel + 44(0) 1704 535922

Fax + 44(0) 1704 546384

Mobile + 44(0) 889 4427









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