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IDA Enews: Happy Thanksgiving!

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Vol. 2, Issue 21 November 25,










Table of Contents:




1. Canada Begins Bloody Seal Hunt – Take Action!

2. Speak Out Against Foie Gras

3. Japan Arrests Sea Shepherd Crewmembers; Seizes Cameras,

Film, and Video

4. Hold California Veterinary Medical Board Accountable

5. Terrific New Stickers Make Us All Activists!



With the holiday season upon us, the IDA staff and I wish you and yours the very

best and hope that you have a happy Thanksgiving.




We are thankful for your support throughout the year and for all that you are

doing on behalf of our animal friends.





Please visit the web site: http://www.gentlethanksgiving.org/ to find out about

vegetarian Thanksgiving events in your area and for some tasty vegetarian





With warm wishes,




Dr. Elliot M. Katz, Founder and President, and all of the IDA staff



















1. Canada Begins Bloody Seal Hunt – Take Action!











On November 15th, the 2003-2004 Canadian seal hunting season began, allowing

anyone with a license—and they are all-too-easily obtained—to club or shoot harp

and hooded seals to death on the ice off the coast of Labrador and Newfoundland.

The Canadian seal hunt has become the largest commercial slaughter of wildlife





Each year, animal protection campaigners gather footage of the hunts, which

consistently reveals that methods of killing are crude and barbaric. These

videos expose seals being skinned alive, wounded by gunfire and left writhing in

agony for several minutes after being clubbed, caught on sharpened steel hooks,

and still more seals clubbed to death with illegal weapons. Government internal

reports show that approximately 8 out of 10 seals are just days or weeks old;

they can only be killed legally at an age of 12 days or older.







Please write letters to government and tourism officials to voice your outrage

at Canada's commercial exploitation of seals.




The Honourable Robert G. Thibault

Minister, Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Parliament Buildings, Wellington Street

Ottawa, ON K1A 0A6




The Honourable Jean Chretien

Prime Minister

80 Wellington Street

Ottawa, ON K1A 0A2



Canadian Tourism Commission

8th Floor West, 235 Queen Street

Ottawa, ON K1A 0H6



For Canadian residents, please write your MP:


For non-Canadian residents, please write the Canadian embassy or mission nearest



For much more detailed information and photos on seals and the Canadian hunt,

visit: www.CanadaSealHunt.ca















2. Speak Out Against Foie Gras











As part of an effort to end the sale of foie gras, Sonoma County, CA, residents

presented their case for banning the sale of this “gourmet delicacy” in Sonoma.

Foie gras is cruelly made by force-feeding massive amounts of grain down the

throats of ducks or geese in order to produce a “fatty liver.” At least a dozen

countries around the world have banned this cruel practice, and there is

currently legislation pending in New York and an IDA-sponsored lawsuit pending

in California, which threaten to shut down both foie gras farms in the U.S.








Please contact members of the Sonoma City Council and ask them to outlaw the

sale of this cruel product.




Mayor Dick Ashford, Joe Costello, Larry Barnett, Ken Brown &

Doug McKesson

City of Sonoma

#1 The Plaza

Sonoma, CA 95476.






Please also sign an online petition to Sonoma’s mayor:


Respectfully speak out against foie gras when you see it in restaurants or read

about it in the paper.




San Francisco Chronicle:


USA Today:


These were just two of the articles in the Bay Area and across the country that

would benefit from letters to the editor.















3. Japan Arrests Sea Shepherd Crewmembers; Seizes Cameras,

Film, and Video











On October 6th, Sea Shepherd crewmembers exposed the atrocities of the Taiji

dolphin slaughter to the world by providing major media the gory images and

video of the hunt. This made headlines around the world and fueled a global

protest on Nov. 4th in 22 cities. Another protest is planned for Dec 10th.

Although the dolphin hunt continues in Taiji, the ruthless fishermen are not

able to kill as many as last year due to Sea Shepherd's direct intervention and

the embarrassing media coverage provided by their documentation.




Rather than helplessly witness and document more dolphins being killed, on

November 18 (in Japan) two Sea Shepherd crewmembers—Allison Lance-Watson of the

USA and Alex Cornelisson of the Netherlands—jumped into the frigid waters and

swam for an hour to untie and sink the nets penning a pod of dolphins awaiting

slaughter. Together Allison and Alex were able to save the lives of 15 dolphins

by creating an escape route back to the open sea. Sadly, both crewmembers were

immediately arrested by police when they swam on-shore and were taken to a jail

in nearby Shingu.




During the evening of Wednesday, November 19 (in Japan), Japanese police raided

the trailer park where the Sea Shepherd crew are based in Taiji. The police then

entered and boxed up all the property in the trailer including cameras, film,

clothing, and a laptop computer, leaving them stranded in a hostile village in

Japan without personal assets. The police have continued to hold Allison and

Alex Cornelisson in the jail at Shingu. They have not been allowed to

communicate with any persons outside of the jail. Sea Shepherd has been trying

to reach them through diplomatic channels.




Worse yet, as a result of negative media coverage, it is now illegal to

photograph or film the slaughter of dolphins and small whales.






Contact the Japanese government offices below and request that they immediately

release Allison Lance-Watson and Alex Cornelisson from jail and drop any

charges. Return the personal property, cameras, film and documentation belonging

to the Sea Shepherd crew in Japan. Reverse any new law or regulation which makes

it illegal to photograph, film, or videotape the dolphin slaughter. Ask them to

permanently stop the barbaric slaughter of dolphins and whales in Taiji and all

coastal fishing villages in Japan.




Locate a Japanese embassy or consulate office near you.


Mr. Yoshiki Kimura, the governor of Wakayama

Prefectural Office of Wakayama

1-1 Komatsubaradouri, Wakayama-shi

Wakayama-ken, 640-8269 Japan

Tel: +81-73-441-2034 Fax:+81-73-423-9500

Email: teigen-s




Prime Minister of Japan

Mr. Junichiro Koizumi,

1-6-1 Nagata-cho 1 Chome

Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo. 100-8968 JAPAN


Send an e-message by completing the online form on their site:


Learn more about how you can free Allison Lance-Watson and Alex Cornelissen!




















4. Hold California Veterinary Medical Board Accountable











The California Veterinary Medical Board, the state agency charged with

overseeing California veterinarians, needs improvement. The Board is supposed to

hold vets accountable when they violate the rules and regulations governing the

practice of veterinary medicine, but it rarely does. The Board’s failure to

create and maintain accountability by imposing meaningful penalties exposes our

four-footed friends to avoidable and unnecessary pain, suffering and death.




For example, if you look at the Vet Board’s website, you’ll notice a section

called “Enforcement,” and within that a sub-section called “Disciplinary

Action.” Because it’s listed by year, rather than by vet, it’s not very

consumer friendly. Nevertheless, when you check each year, and see that the vet

you’re interested in is not listed, you’ll likely conclude that he or she hasn’t

done anything wrong, or at least hasn’t been caught. And then you might conclude

that he or she, not having been “disciplined,” is a perfectly safe doctor for

your four-legged friend.





Unfortunately, the Board’s website does not tell you which vets have been cited

for violations of the law unless they referred the matter to the Attorney

General’s Office, and the Board doesn’t reveal what it knows about particular





The Board’s performance is reviewed every few years by the State Legislature in

a process known as “Sunset Review.” The process requires the Board to submit a

report to the Joint Legislative Sunset Review Committee. The Committee reviews

the report and then holds hearings. This is your chance to speak out.




Email your comments and ask the California Veterinary Medical Board to stop

hiding complaints and begin imposing predictable and meaningful consequences to

negligent veterinarians. Ask that the Enforcement Section on their website be

made more user-friendly and clearly indicate if a veterinarian has had

complaints filed against him or her. Contact:




Robin Hartley


Joint Legislative Sunset Review Committee
















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