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Re Helping Animals

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Dear Liz,


I am so glad that you have been doing this significant and tough task for our

best/loyal friends----dogs. the only friends that they wont choose us weather we

are ugly or not. their higest love to us should be appreciated and honoured but

not killed and tortured in this way!!!!NO!!!


animals are programmed to help us to build up our love, to awaken our passions

in our life!!!! how could the purest and loyalest love be treated in such way

and pain!!!!


GOD can u open your eyes and watch !!!! look at these people how they kill our

own life! how they destroy the love inside us!!! i feel the pain as i am one of

them, i could see the hopelessness in their eyes! we are part of the world, we

dont live here on our own, animals are our life-guards, our teachers, our

friends, and our neigbours, how could we treat our friends like this??!!! how

could people have no feelings of pain?! how we treat the world and other lives

is how we treat ourselves!


it is very sad and heart breaking to watch and read, but i agree that these

pictures MUST be posted in order to let more people to see the stories behind

animal furs and dog meat! how they suffered to die, how they were skinned

alive!!!! this is absolutely a SIN and GUILT! humen are creating the sad world

for themselves! we are destryoing our own planet!!! our heart and our soul!!!!


you should let more and more peole watch and read your site, let them know apart

from wearing a fur, they are wearing a hoplesness, pain, suffer, betraied

friendship, cold-blooded torture, sin, guilt, ignorance, of which the sadest

thing: an clear mirror reflecting their evil hearts!


Liz, please accept my sincerest appreciations for all you have done to reduce

the pain, and suffer! your kindness has brightened up our soiled hearts and let

us watch clearly what the reality is behind the fur!!! Please keep on your goood

work till the day people see animals equally as we human, teach them we are

nothing superior! teach those people how to respact lives!


is there anything i could do rather than siting here???

i am going to forward your site.


pls keep me notified and informed! and i just want to let know that your

efforts will make the european governments to ban this tragic animal fur tardes

and this barbaric skin-alive slaugter will cease! love will come to the world!

love will eventually brigten up the land pf sins! believe yourself and believe

you have that power!!! i am always on your side !!!!!


billion thanks and best regards!!





Liz Hastings <lhastings wrote:

Hello Jeremy,


I am responding to your message's regarding the articles and others similar to

" Beijing: Dog Slaughtering Scene in Shuny " like you, I felt very sad after

reading it, and I also felt a bit angry that the sender had posted it but didn't

say what could be done about it.


A year ago I found that dogs are being " literally " skinned alive by the million

in China for their fur and skin, cats also are killed in gruesome ways, then

turned into products that are shipped to Europe. At that time, I had d

to this list hoping to find someone or a group who was trying to get this

stopped but there wasn't any, I then wrote to the international organisations

and they wrote back that they already campaigned enough issues and couldnt take

on any more, so I wrote to Animals Asia , but they said they only campaign

against bear bile farming & dogs for food, I could see no difference between

dogs being boiled alive for meat, or being skinned alive for their fur, so I

formed a website www.voice4dogs.org to expose what was happening and try to get

dog/cat fur stopped, other people shocked at this horror joined me and now after

a year of campaigning there is a significant achiement - on 20/12/2003 the

European Parliament officially approved a Written Declaration to

ban dog/cat fur. We are waiting until after Xmas to see how events unfold,

because pressure will maybe still have to be put on government's until the ban

is in action.


Voice 4 Dogs is based in the UK and our focus is on helping dogs and cats in

China. The reason I'm writing this is because you sound like you desperately

want to help animals, and want to join others with the same goal, after the ban

has gone into actual action on dog and cat fur - our intentions is to get street

dogs from wandering the streets in China sent to the UK where we could rehome

them after quarantine here, but to do this we would need the help of someone

living in China, if you feel you would like to work with us to help dogs in

China, please let me know.


Best regards




Voice 4 Dogs




®öº©¹aÁn ±¡¤ß³sô





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Excellent news that the European Parliament will make a declaration banning

trade in dog fur. What will be the effect of the declaration? Will it

ultimately translate to law? The European Union has wide power to regulate

trading and this would seem something that could be dealt with by a law at

the EU level rather than leaving it to individual member countries to enact

their domestic law.


If the EU or domestic countries need a nudge to outlaw dog/cat fur is it

worthwhile enlisting the tabloid press (the UK Sun, Mirror etc)? I guess

that you have probably already taken this on board.


Best wishes,


Chris Osborn

Perth, Australia



" jeremy chung " <jeremy_hkg2002



" Liz Hastings " <lhastings

Cc: <aapn >

Saturday, December 27, 2003 10:58 PM

Re: Re Helping Animals



Dear Liz,


I am so glad that you have been doing this significant and tough task for

our best/loyal friends----dogs. the only friends that they wont choose us

weather we are ugly or not. their higest love to us should be appreciated

and honoured but not killed and tortured in this way!!!!NO!!!


animals are programmed to help us to build up our love, to awaken our

passions in our life!!!! how could the purest and loyalest love be treated

in such way and pain!!!!


GOD can u open your eyes and watch !!!! look at these people how they kill

our own life! how they destroy the love inside us!!! i feel the pain as i am

one of them, i could see the hopelessness in their eyes! we are part of the

world, we dont live here on our own, animals are our life-guards, our

teachers, our friends, and our neigbours, how could we treat our friends

like this??!!! how could people have no feelings of pain?! how we treat the

world and other lives is how we treat ourselves!


it is very sad and heart breaking to watch and read, but i agree that these

pictures MUST be posted in order to let more people to see the stories

behind animal furs and dog meat! how they suffered to die, how they were

skinned alive!!!! this is absolutely a SIN and GUILT! humen are creating the

sad world for themselves! we are destryoing our own planet!!! our heart and

our soul!!!!


you should let more and more peole watch and read your site, let them know

apart from wearing a fur, they are wearing a hoplesness, pain, suffer,

betraied friendship, cold-blooded torture, sin, guilt, ignorance, of which

the sadest thing: an clear mirror reflecting their evil hearts!


Liz, please accept my sincerest appreciations for all you have done to

reduce the pain, and suffer! your kindness has brightened up our soiled

hearts and let us watch clearly what the reality is behind the fur!!! Please

keep on your goood work till the day people see animals equally as we human,

teach them we are nothing superior! teach those people how to respact lives!


is there anything i could do rather than siting here???

i am going to forward your site.


pls keep me notified and informed! and i just want to let know that your

efforts will make the european governments to ban this tragic animal fur

tardes and this barbaric skin-alive slaugter will cease! love will come to

the world! love will eventually brigten up the land pf sins! believe

yourself and believe you have that power!!! i am always on your side !!!!!


billion thanks and best regards!!





Liz Hastings <lhastings wrote:

Hello Jeremy,


I am responding to your message's regarding the articles and others similar

to " Beijing: Dog Slaughtering Scene in Shuny " like you, I felt very sad

after reading it, and I also felt a bit angry that the sender had posted it

but didn't say what could be done about it.


A year ago I found that dogs are being " literally " skinned alive by the

million in China for their fur and skin, cats also are killed in gruesome

ways, then turned into products that are shipped to Europe. At that time, I

had d to this list hoping to find someone or a group who was trying

to get this stopped but there wasn't any, I then wrote to the international

organisations and they wrote back that they already campaigned enough issues

and couldnt take on any more, so I wrote to Animals Asia , but they said

they only campaign against bear bile farming & dogs for food, I could see no

difference between dogs being boiled alive for meat, or being skinned alive

for their fur, so I formed a website www.voice4dogs.org to expose what was

happening and try to get dog/cat fur stopped, other people shocked at this

horror joined me and now after a year of campaigning there is a significant

achiement - on 20/12/2003 the European Parliament officially approved a

Written Declaration to

ban dog/cat fur. We are waiting until after Xmas to see how events unfold,

because pressure will maybe still have to be put on government's until the

ban is in action.


Voice 4 Dogs is based in the UK and our focus is on helping dogs and cats in

China. The reason I'm writing this is because you sound like you desperately

want to help animals, and want to join others with the same goal, after the

ban has gone into actual action on dog and cat fur - our intentions is to

get street dogs from wandering the streets in China sent to the UK where we

could rehome them after quarantine here, but to do this we would need the

help of someone living in China, if you feel you would like to work with us

to help dogs in China, please let me know.


Best regards




Voice 4 Dogs




®öº©¹aÁn ±¡¤ß³sô





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Dear Liz and Jeremy - and everyone else!


Thank you for your letters to AAPN. It is a news AND discussion group and

you are right that all too often there is miserable news and no obvious way

of helping. But from time to time there is discussion - more often, which is

a pity, off-line than on-line - which results in plans being formed and

organisations set up to DO SOMETHING to find a solution to a particular

problem. Yes, it is not enough just to hear news - but hearing the news is

an essential first step. AAPN is only involved in this first step but hopes

that the knowledge and ideas it disseminates will result in some people

taking some constructive action.


I would like to start a discussion on Liz's idea of exporting street dogs

from China to UK. As far as I know, no one has exported Mainland Chinese

dogs in any systematic way - though quite a number of dogs have been rescued

and exported over the years by individuals. In Taiwan, an American teenager

called Mina Sharpe organised Taipei Abandoned Animal Rescue Foundation. This

has been criticised as a poor use of resources in that a lot of money is

needed for transportation which perhaps could be better spent on encouraging

local long term solutions. On the other hand the publicity involved raises

more awareness and funds - and of course many individuals are benefited.



What do readers think?


John, Web Manager, AAPN.

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Dear everyone,

i dun want to express my opion if it is a high cost transportation of abandoned

dogs, bcos i believe that world is so subtle. sometimes we may do something we

cant explain and in doubt, but this would actually help us eventually in

achieving what we are trying to do.


and indeed, at least this has drawn all my attentions to read carefully what and

why they are doing this way, and it does attract a lot animals lovers's

concerns! to me, i will think it really touch my heart as in this world, we will

see all normal things as usually and we just dun even care to glance, but if we

see a fat woman with no clothes but paint on all her body, we are not actually

looking at her, we are actually looking at something diferent from our views,

and this will attract our attentions and make us think in deep.


i dun know to other cities , but to mine in hongkong, peopel wont look at

anything that is not related to money nor anything that doesnt benfit them, if

you want them to look at some very usual flyers or tv ad, i doubt if they care!


i believe that no matter what we are doing , we are always gaining others' " for "

& " against " . bcos we all ahve different views and we all see the world



and there is one thing i believe truely: no matter how much money they spent on

saving the animals, there will always be helpers and donation to support their

actions, bcos money is from the universe and it doesnt belongs to anyone of us

in the world, and universe will do anything that helps humen to evolve and

balance thhe world!



Dr John Wedderburn <john wrote:

Dear Liz and Jeremy - and everyone else!


Thank you for your letters to AAPN. It is a news AND discussion group and

you are right that all too often there is miserable news and no obvious way

of helping. But from time to time there is discussion - more often, which is

a pity, off-line than on-line - which results in plans being formed and

organisations set up to DO SOMETHING to find a solution to a particular

problem. Yes, it is not enough just to hear news - but hearing the news is

an essential first step. AAPN is only involved in this first step but hopes

that the knowledge and ideas it disseminates will result in some people

taking some constructive action.


I would like to start a discussion on Liz's idea of exporting street dogs

from China to UK. As far as I know, no one has exported Mainland Chinese

dogs in any systematic way - though quite a number of dogs have been rescued

and exported over the years by individuals. In Taiwan, an American teenager

called Mina Sharpe organised Taipei Abandoned Animal Rescue Foundation. This

has been criticised as a poor use of resources in that a lot of money is

needed for transportation which perhaps could be better spent on encouraging

local long term solutions. On the other hand the publicity involved raises

more awareness and funds - and of course many individuals are benefited.



What do readers think?


John, Web Manager, AAPN.





For more information on Asian animal issues, please use the search feature on

the AAPN website: http://www.aapn.org/ or search the list archives at:


Please feel free to send any relevant news or comments to the list at





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