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Japan: Shitai no bansan - Dr. Helmut Kaplan´s book Leichenschmaus published

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" Stefan Eck " <eck.tierrechte

Sun Mar 20, 2005 1:59pm

A.K.T.E.- News - Shitai no bansan - Dr. Helmut Kaplan´s

book Leichenschmaus is published in Japan!


" Shitai no bansan " - Dr. Helmut Kaplan´s book " Leichenschmaus " is

published in Japan!


This 20th of March, 2005, is a historical day for every animal

rights-activist in the world and a pretty good reason for all of us

to celebrate. On this day, it is also a special Japanese holiday,

the animal rights-classic " Leichenschmaus " written by Dr. Helmut

Kaplan will be published in Japan ( " Shitai no bansan " ); it will be

the first book about animal rights published in Japanese letters and

available in bookstores there.


Until now animal-ethics and reasons for moral considerations of

animals are nearly unknown in Japan - so the publication

of " Leichenschmaus " has a special sense. With the publication

of " Shitai no bansan " it will be possible for the first time to

reach more interested people and to explain the idea and concepts of

animal rights, because this important message could be spread out

only by verbal propaganda till now, leaflets, small announcements or

short essays in the internet.


By publishing " Shitai no bansan " the modern idea of animal rights

has a solid fundament in Japan and we hope, that - similar to the

publication of Peter Singer´s book " Animal Liberation " in Germany -

step by step a strong group of animal right-activists will be formed

to fight for the fundamental rights of our animal fellow creatures.


This historical day for the animal rights-movement could not be

possible without Lydia Tanabe, founder and leader of SASA Japan

(Small Animals Support Association) and also a member of A.K.T.E.

Lydia Tanabe translated " Leichenschmaus " into Japanese and was the

driving power for the publication of " Shitai no bansan " . Of course,

we are indebted to all the other members of SASA Japan, who helped

to realize this significant project in Japanese animal rights-

foundation. At last this historical date is due to Dr. Helmut

Kaplan, who conferred the rights for publication

of " Leichenschmaus " , to bring the idea of the worldwide struggle for

animal-liberation to this country. SASA will take over with this

project the leadership for the growing animal rights-movement in



The 20th of March will be a significant day for the members of

A.K.T.E., too, because we will try to support SASA Japan here in

Europe. Alongside with the Japanese animal rights-activists in the

country of the rising sun, we will try to bring hope in the

legalised animal-concentration-camps, in the dirty sheds and into

the torture chambers of the pharma-industries...

The suffering of animals is without limits - our fight against this

suffering has to be limitless, too!

More information about SASA Japan and its work:










Stefan Bernhard Eck

(Leader / Speaker - Arbeitskreis Tierrechte & Ethik - A.K.T.E.)




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On Mar 20, 2005, at 10:44 PM, hecal_2000 wrote:



> " Stefan Eck " <eck.tierrechte

> Sun Mar 20, 2005 1:59pm

> A.K.T.E.- News - Shitai no bansan - Dr. Helmut Kaplan´s

> book Leichenschmaus is published in Japan! 


> " Shitai no bansan " - Dr. Helmut Kaplan´s book " Leichenschmaus " is

> published in Japan!


> Until now animal-ethics and reasons for moral considerations of

> animals are nearly unknown in Japan - so the publication

> of " Leichenschmaus " has a special sense. With the publication

> of " Shitai no bansan " it will be possible for the first time to

> reach more interested people and to explain the idea and concepts of

> animal rights, because this important message could be spread out

> only by verbal propaganda till now, leaflets, small announcements or

> short essays in the internet.



Peter Singer's book " Animal Liberation " has been available in

translation for over 15 years. Anyone truly interested in the topic can

find it in most big urban bookstores or order if it's out of stock.


Jeff Bryant

Kobe Japan



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