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This is with reference to the unfortunate animals of the Olympic Circus at



Dr. nanditha Krishna, Honorary Director of the CPR Environmental Education

Centre (CPREEC) and

a member of the CZA has taken up the matter with both the Secretary, Min of

Env & Forests (MoEF),

Government of India and the Member Secretary of the Central Zoo Authority



Dr. Sundaramoorthy of the CPREEC has spoken to Dr. Brij Kumar Gupta,

Scientist with the CZA today.

He confirms that the animals of the Olympic Circus have been taken note of

by the CZA. Considering

the capacity of the existing five rescue centres for rescued circus animals,

the MoEF has released

money two months ago to set up three more rescue centres - one by the

Calcutta zoo; one at Bhubaneswar

in Orissa; and one at Bhopal.


The circus animals of Olympic are to be taken in at the Calcutta rescue



All concerned should now apply pressure on the Calcutta zoo authorities to

complete the work

on top priority and release these animals in their new centre.


I will continue to follow up and keep aapn informed.


Dr. S. Chinny Krishna

Blue Cross of India



Col. D. Brewin [dbrewin]

Friday, July 08, 2005 11:15 PM


Re: PETA India -- Needs your Help



Dear Suparna Ganguly,


I have been hesitant to mention this, but in the end I decided that I

should, because, for the benefit of the animals, it may be that the sooner

it's tackled the better.

PETA, USA is getting in increasing trouble over bad ethics, supporting

terrorist organisations and actual cruelty to animals. They are under

prosecution at this minute. I heard so much credit about your organisation

when I was in the Nilgiri Hills last year that I should hate to see it


Perhaps a change of name may be appropriate ?



Dennis Brewin


" Suparna Ganguly " <suparnaganguly

<aapn >

Thursday, July 07, 2005 12:23 PM

Re: PETA India -- Needs your Help



> Dear Jayasimha,


> CUPA has been keeping track of these circus animals and I wish to share

> some

> information regarding their possible transport to rescue ctrs.

> BornFree rep. Tony Wiles was in Bangalore recently and we had a discussion

> reg. this issue. It seems they have some 5 or 6 travel cages for tigers,

> which had been used to bring their tigers to India. They could possibly

> have

> these repaired. I think you should get in touch with Tony and co-ordinate

> matters. Also, instead of making 13 cages, let 2 trips be done. I think

> transport may be cheaper than having cages manufactured.

> Also, Karthik of Wildlife SOS may be able to help with the bears and i'm

> sure the monkeys can be housed in a local shelter in Calcutta.

> Hope this helps ........

> regards,

> suparna.


> ----


> aapn

> 06/30/05 18:42:20

> aapn

> Re: PETA India -- Needs your Help


> You can contact Animal Welfare Board of India, Chennai as it can pay for

> transportation/Rescue.

> Sandeep.



> On Thu, 30 Jun 2005 jayasimha N.G wrote :

>>Dear Activist


>>I am writing to you from People for the Ethical

>>Treatment of Animals, India in the hope that you can

>>help us to help some circus animals who are suffering

>>terribly being kept in confining cages for the past 5

>>years in a field outside the city of Kolkata. The

>>government of India passed a law in 1998 that 5

>>animals could no longer perform in circuses, i.e.

>>lions, tigers, monkeys, panthers and bears. The

>>government set up 5 rescue centers for these circus

>>animals. Unfortunately because of bad planning, the

>>number of banned animals in circuses far exceeds the

>>capacity of the rescue centers. Add to that the fact

>>is that circus owners have been fighting to overthrow

>>this ban or get monetary compensation from the

>>government before giving the animals up. The

>>government of some of the states has not supported the

>>ban and so some circuses still have these animals. On

>>top of that, even if we activists get the order to

>>have these animals removed to rescue centers, the

>>state governments do not have the money to pay for

>>their transportation! Till date PETA, India has

>>rescued 43 lions and tigers from 3 circuses and paid

>>for them to be taken to rescue centers across the



>>There is one such circus called the Olympic Circus who

>>has 11 tigers, 2 lions, 2 bears and one monkey. They

>>have been kept in cages for the past 5 years, and they

>>are dying of starvation and lack of movement. The

>>circus owners cannot sustain their funds for these

>>animals anymore. After a lot of hard work, we have

>>finally been able to get the order for the animals to

>>be moved to rescue centers. We have enclosed a copy of

>>the letter written to us by the Central Zoo Authority.

>>Unfortunately the state government who need to move

>>these animals do not have any money to make new cages

>>for them and have approached us for help. The old

>>cages are all decript and falling apart. I am

>>attaching an article on the condition of the circus

>>animals outside Kolkata. The problem is that this is

>>going to cost a lot of money - there are a total of 13

>>cages to be made - 11 for the tigers and 2 for the

>>lions. We have been told that each cage is going to

>>cost Rs. 27000 each. We have already raised money for

>>5 but still need the rest of the amount. As we are

>>paying for the cages, they will belong to us and hence

>>we will be able to use the cages in the future when we

>>need to rescue and relocate.




>>We are a charitable organization and it is a large

>>amount for us to raise so fast. Once the cages are

>>ordered, it will take at least 14 to 20 days for them

>>to be ready and every day of delay is another day of

>>suffering for these animals.

>>Mail me at jayasimhang



>>Yours sincerely,


>>Coordinator campaigns and Legal Affairs

>>0091 9870452444












>>I am only one but still I am one. I cannot do everything but still I can


> something. I will not refuse to do the something I can do.

>>Helen Keller 1880 - 1968







>> Messenger - NEW crystal clear PC to PC calling worldwide with

> voicemail http://uk.messenger.





>>For more information on Asian animal issues, please use the search feature

> on the AAPN website: http://www.aapn.org/ or search the list archives at:

> aapn

>>Please feel free to send any relevant news or comments to the list at

> aapn


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Guest guest

Dear dr. Krishna,

 we must thank U and Dr.Nanditha Krishna for her efforts and hope that poor

animals will get some respite.

Best wishes,




On Fri, 08 Jul 2005 Dr.S.Chinny Krishna wrote :

>This is with reference to the unfortunate animals of the Olympic Circus at



>Dr. nanditha Krishna, Honorary Director of the CPR Environmental Education

>Centre (CPREEC) and

>a member of the CZA has taken up the matter with both the Secretary, Min of

>Env & Forests (MoEF),

>Government of India and the Member Secretary of the Central Zoo Authority



>Dr. Sundaramoorthy of the CPREEC has spoken to Dr. Brij Kumar Gupta,

>Scientist with the CZA today.

>He confirms that the animals of the Olympic Circus have been taken note of

>by the CZA. Considering

>the capacity of the existing five rescue centres for rescued circus animals,

>the MoEF has released

>money two months ago to set up three more rescue centres - one by the

>Calcutta zoo; one at Bhubaneswar

>in Orissa; and one at Bhopal.


>The circus animals of Olympic are to be taken in at the Calcutta rescue



>All concerned should now apply pressure on the Calcutta zoo authorities to

>complete the work

>on top priority and release these animals in their new centre.


>I will continue to follow up and keep aapn informed.


>Dr. S. Chinny Krishna

>Blue Cross of India



> Col. D. Brewin [dbrewin]

>Friday, July 08, 2005 11:15 PM


>Re: PETA India -- Needs your Help



>Dear Suparna Ganguly,


>I have been hesitant to mention this, but in the end I decided that I

>should, because, for the benefit of the animals, it may be that the sooner

>it's tackled the better.

>PETA, USA is getting in increasing trouble over bad ethics, supporting

>terrorist organisations and actual cruelty to animals. They are under

>prosecution at this minute. I heard so much credit about your organisation

>when I was in the Nilgiri Hills last year that I should hate to see it


>Perhaps a change of name may be appropriate ?



>Dennis Brewin


> " Suparna Ganguly " <suparnaganguly

><aapn >

>Thursday, July 07, 2005 12:23 PM

>Re: PETA India -- Needs your Help



> > Dear Jayasimha,

> >

> > CUPA has been keeping track of these circus animals and I wish to share

> > some

> > information regarding their possible transport to rescue ctrs.

> > BornFree rep. Tony Wiles was in Bangalore recently and we had a discussion

> > reg. this issue. It seems they have some 5 or 6 travel cages for tigers,

> > which had been used to bring their tigers to India. They could possibly

> > have

> > these repaired. I think you should get in touch with Tony and co-ordinate

> > matters. Also, instead of making 13 cages, let 2 trips be done. I think

> > transport may be cheaper than having cages manufactured.

> > Also, Karthik of Wildlife SOS may be able to help with the bears and i'm

> > sure the monkeys can be housed in a local shelter in Calcutta.

> > Hope this helps ........

> > regards,

> > suparna.

> >

> > ----

> >

> > aapn

> > 06/30/05 18:42:20

> > aapn

> > Re: PETA India -- Needs your Help

> >

> > You can contact Animal Welfare Board of India, Chennai as it can pay for

> > transportation/Rescue.

> > Sandeep.

> >

> >

> > On Thu, 30 Jun 2005 jayasimha N.G wrote :

> >>Dear Activist

> >>

> >>I am writing to you from People for the Ethical

> >>Treatment of Animals, India in the hope that you can

> >>help us to help some circus animals who are suffering

> >>terribly being kept in confining cages for the past 5

> >>years in a field outside the city of Kolkata. The

> >>government of India passed a law in 1998 that 5

> >>animals could no longer perform in circuses, i.e.

> >>lions, tigers, monkeys, panthers and bears. The

> >>government set up 5 rescue centers for these circus

> >>animals. Unfortunately because of bad planning, the

> >>number of banned animals in circuses far exceeds the

> >>capacity of the rescue centers. Add to that the fact

> >>is that circus owners have been fighting to overthrow

> >>this ban or get monetary compensation from the

> >>government before giving the animals up. The

> >>government of some of the states has not supported the

> >>ban and so some circuses still have these animals. On

> >>top of that, even if we activists get the order to

> >>have these animals removed to rescue centers, the

> >>state governments do not have the money to pay for

> >>their transportation! Till date PETA, India has

> >>rescued 43 lions and tigers from 3 circuses and paid

> >>for them to be taken to rescue centers across the

> >>country.

> >>

> >>There is one such circus called the Olympic Circus who

> >>has 11 tigers, 2 lions, 2 bears and one monkey. They

> >>have been kept in cages for the past 5 years, and they

> >>are dying of starvation and lack of movement. The

> >>circus owners cannot sustain their funds for these

> >>animals anymore. After a lot of hard work, we have

> >>finally been able to get the order for the animals to

> >>be moved to rescue centers. We have enclosed a copy of

> >>the letter written to us by the Central Zoo Authority.

> >>Unfortunately the state government who need to move

> >>these animals do not have any money to make new cages

> >>for them and have approached us for help. The old

> >>cages are all decript and falling apart. I am

> >>attaching an article on the condition of the circus

> >>animals outside Kolkata. The problem is that this is

> >>going to cost a lot of money - there are a total of 13

> >>cages to be made - 11 for the tigers and 2 for the

> >>lions. We have been told that each cage is going to

> >>cost Rs. 27000 each. We have already raised money for

> >>5 but still need the rest of the amount. As we are

> >>paying for the cages, they will belong to us and hence

> >>we will be able to use the cages in the future when we

> >>need to rescue and relocate.

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >>We are a charitable organization and it is a large

> >>amount for us to raise so fast. Once the cages are

> >>ordered, it will take at least 14 to 20 days for them

> >>to be ready and every day of delay is another day of

> >>suffering for these animals.

> >>Mail me at jayasimhang

> >>

> >>

> >>Yours sincerely,

> >>Jayasimha

> >>Coordinator campaigns and Legal Affairs

> >>0091 9870452444

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >>




> >>I am only one but still I am one. I cannot do everything but still I can

> >>do

> > something. I will not refuse to do the something I can do.

> >>Helen Keller 1880 - 1968

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >>_________

> >> Messenger - NEW crystal clear PC to PC calling worldwide with

> > voicemail http://uk.messenger.

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >>For more information on Asian animal issues, please use the search feature

> > on the AAPN website: http://www.aapn.org/ or search the list archives at:

> > aapn

> >>Please feel free to send any relevant news or comments to the list at

> > aapn

> >>

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