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Hi everyone,

I've decided recently to hang out my shingle as a wellness consultant. It's

been tough convincing myself I'm qualified since I have no " credentials " .

But I only have to remind myself that, with very few exceptions, the ones

with the credentials are only making people sicker, not helping them get

well. I may not know everything I should know or will know, but I know

enough to help a lot of people, and Robert has promised to assist me if/when

I need it. It's something I really want to do, not just to help others but

for my own continued education and development as well. This brings me to

the point of this message. I'm in need of help building a very simple

website and was wondering if anyone might be in need of raw/wellness coaching

that I could exchange services with. I know it's a lot easier nowadays with

all the free hosting/user friendly resources out there, but I need help

sorting them out and getting acquainted w/ the process. Please email me

privately if you have any ideas/suggestions/willingness to exchange. Thanks!



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Congratulations Nora!


Your name came up in conversation today. I have the details at

work, but here it is.


Have you (or anyone) heart of Positive Talk Radio? On 1120AM

dial on the radio----


Between noon and 2pm during the week, they are taking calls

(phone number is on my desk at work) from people nominating

people or groups for making a difference. My friend Moreah

called in and nominated PSNCC,(NVC Compassionate

Communication local group). They asked her if she would like to

be on the show.


Sooo...... she suggested that somebody call in and nominate

RawSeattle! They are only taking nominations at this time, and

they seem to be a bit short on nominations right now. (The

nominated one of their own folks.) Would YOU be willing to call it

in and field any questions? AND maybe go on their show to give

a free publicity plug for RawSeattle?


We really need a speaker's group. Is anybody interested in filling

such a role for RawSeattle?





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Hi Linda,

Thanks! I've been listening to a station that sounds like it's the same one

you're referring to, but it's at 1150 on the AM dial. Is it the same one? They

also have Katie Evans on daily from 2-3p talking about weight loss and general

health issues that I've thought could be relevant to RawSeattle. I was thinking

of sending her a brochure, but that's about all I could do. I could call in the

nomination too, but I'd be limited as to how much I could talk/participate.


is when I have 10 dogs in my van, so it can be quite noisy! I have to work

everyday so I couldn't go on the show (the joys of self employment). I love the

idea, although it *terrifies* me. :) Let me know your thoughts. I'd love to be

part of a speakers group within RawSeattle. Anyone else interested?

While I'm on the subject ... this station had a fascinating interview on


morning that they are going to re-run tonight from 8-10. It's with David Icke,


journalist who has written a book about the real truth behind 911. I just had a

look at his website (www.davidicke.com) and although there is some really

bizarre/unbelievable stuff on there, it's still very interesting. He seems to

have the medical industry's number too, although he didn't talk about that this





Linda Reeves wrote:


> Congratulations Nora!


> Your name came up in conversation today. I have the details at

> work, but here it is.


> Have you (or anyone) heart of Positive Talk Radio? On 1120AM

> dial on the radio----


> Between noon and 2pm during the week, they are taking calls

> (phone number is on my desk at work) from people nominating

> people or groups for making a difference. My friend Moreah

> called in and nominated PSNCC,(NVC Compassionate

> Communication local group). They asked her if she would like to

> be on the show.


> Sooo...... she suggested that somebody call in and nominate

> RawSeattle! They are only taking nominations at this time, and

> they seem to be a bit short on nominations right now. (The

> nominated one of their own folks.) Would YOU be willing to call it

> in and field any questions? AND maybe go on their show to give

> a free publicity plug for RawSeattle?


> We really need a speaker's group. Is anybody interested in filling

> such a role for RawSeattle?


> --smiles


> Linda




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I've liked the panel format we've had in the past. It provides a nice

diversity of views. I'd be happy to participate!





>We really need a speaker's group. Is anybody interested in filling

>such a role for RawSeattle?





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> While I'm on the subject ... . It's with David Icke, a

> journalist who has written a book about the real truth behind 911. .....


> Nora




What a surprise to see you mention this. I have read several of David

Icke's Books and I am currently reading the 911 book - " Alice in Wonderland

and the World Trade Center Disaster - Why the official story of 9/11 is a

monumental lie " .


His books are very challenging to read. He fills your head with many facts

and support information. At times it can be difficult to read what he has

to say but like anything else take what you need and leave the rest. He

really has a way of " tweaking " your mind in a very big way.


Light and Love



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RawSeattle , " Nora Lenz " <nlenz@q...>


> Hi Linda,

> Thanks! I've been listening to a station that sounds like it's

the same one

> you're referring to, but it's at 1150 on the AM dial. Is it the same



** Yea. That's it.


I could call in the

> nomination too,


** Great!


but I'd be limited as to how much I could talk/participate. 11-3

> is when I have 10 dogs in my van, so it can be quite noisy! I

have to work

> everyday so I couldn't go on the show (the joys of self



** I wouldn't worry about that. You could work out those details

with the radio station.


I love the

> idea, although it *terrifies* me. :)


** Yep. me too.


Let me know your thoughts. I'd love to be

> part of a speakers group within RawSeattle. Anyone else



** Yes. Anyone else? I think it's important to have a few people to

draw from for speaking engagements.


Thanks for calling in the nomination. I don't listen to radio while

working. Let us know how it goes! :-)



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I'd be happy to be part of a panel. I have some knowledge in the

area of health, but am learning about the raw lifestyle.




RawSeattle , " Jeff Rogers " <jeff@t...> wrote:

> I've liked the panel format we've had in the past. It provides a


> diversity of views. I'd be happy to participate!


> Jeff



> >We really need a speaker's group. Is anybody interested in filling

> >such a role for RawSeattle?

> >

> >--smiles

> >

> >Linda

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  • 7 months later...

Sent to list at request of Yitze Ling, reply to yitzeling


Escaped piranhas could clearly be a menace to humans and stream and river

inhabitants. I can't believe anyone would want one such an aggressive

predator as a pet. Many countries ban their import. See:







>Anyone with information on piranhas, please

>help! Piranhas are imported into Malaysia now and are

>on sale in pet shops. Do they make good pets and what

>can happen when they are released into our rivers and

>lakes, and can they survive in tropical countries?

>The craze for the exotics has to be stopped.

>Any idea on how these fish are transported?


>Thank you for any information on the fish.







>New Photos - easier uploading and sharing.


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  • 7 months later...
Guest guest

Dear Christina,

There is a list of organisations working in China at:


International organisations have helped organise protests in particular

instances - but the protests have usually been ignored though sometimes the

cull has been postponed until the fuss has died down.

In my opinion, the change has to come from within. Every Chinese city needs

an SPCA type of organisation formed by local people in order to give a voice

to the needs of animals. Those with a sense of what is right need to get

together and speak up!





" Christina Song " <csong


Wednesday, July 14, 2004 10:52 PM

help needed



> After seeing some very sad recent pictures, I made a simple web page to

> outline the situation ( http://pages.ivillage.com/ycsong). Anybody

> here knows any international organization that can put pressure to

> change the situation? Any suggestion will be appreciated.






> Christina Song





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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

We are interested in hearing from anyone who may have seen Australian Native

Animals in Thai zoos that are not being looked after properly. I know this is

easier said than done because not everyone is aware of the needs of Australian

Native Animals.


We would like info from anyone world wide that has seen Australian native

animals being kept in unsuitable conditions in zoos but at the moment we really

need to hear from anyone in Thailand.


Lynette Shanley




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