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September 16, 2005


Media Contact: Richard O'Barry, Marine Mammal Specialist, One Voice-France

(Miami, Florida office)

Email: ricobarry Phone: 305 6684834






Moby Solangi, owner of Marine Animal Productions (MAP) in Gulfport Mississippi,

is being painted as a hero by CNN, ABC News and other media outlets for rescuing

the very same dolphins that he abandoned before hurricane Katrina struck. So

far, none of the media have investigated Solangi's background or his track

record. If the media had done a little research, they would have learned that

Solangi has captured more than a hundred dolphins in US waters, particularly in

Mississippi Sound. These victim dolphins have been sentenced to a miserable life

in sea circuses, amusement parks, the US navy and other captive dolphin

facilities. Some of the captured dolphins were rented to zoos in the United

States, such as the Oklahoma City Zoo. The Zoo's dolphin exhibit was finally

closed when animal protection organizations exposed the high death record. It is

therefore ironic to see how the media is now portraying Solangi as a heroic

figure who actually cares about dolphins.


The media is not telling the public the whole story, and the dolphin protection

community is calling for a balanced account. The media left out one of the most

important parts of this feel-good-story: Who is Moby Solangi, and what exactly

does Marine Animal Productions do?


Everyone knew in advance that a category five hurricane was bearing down on the

Gulf states. There was plenty of time to evacuate the animals from this

disaster. Why were these helpless animals abandoned in the first place?


Dolphin captures are carried out in great secrecy, as dolphinariums don't want

the graphic images of struggling and panic-stricken dolphins to reach the

public. We will never know how many dolphins have died as a result of capture

operations orchestrated by MAP but, according to a sworn statement written and

signed by a former employee of Marine Life, Gulfport, Mississippi, more than

twenty dolphins were killed during a single capture. Here is an excerpt from the



" Every diver had a dolphin, although they could not keep their blowholes above

water (.) Through the semi-circle the float corks were going under, obvious

signs of netted, drowning dolphins. We could not help them, just watch until

they went still. It did not take long for the dolphins to start drowning,

probably because of their extreme exertion and panic. (.) One dolphin had a loop

around his fluke. (.) We continued to remove the net from the dolphins, and they

just slowly sank to the bottom. "


The eyewitness account ends: " The permanent Marine Life employees who were on

that collection were later told by Moby not to discuss Marine Life business with

any other employees or with anyone outside of Marine Life (...) I have since

learned that there is good reason for Moby to be concerned, given the fact that

Marine Animal Productions delivered at least 23 dolphins to the navy in 1988.

The death of over 20 other animals would have exceeded his quota for capture by

at least 18. "


Solangi is one of the world's biggest traffickers in captive dolphins, and his

track record is a litany of violent dolphin captures and exploitation. One

Voice-France hereby urges US government officials to deny Solangi a permit to

rebuild another captive dolphin facility anyplace.





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It would be very beneficial to provide suggestions as to what we can

do to effectively get this message out with you.


If there is someone or some organization (government, media or

civilian) that we can contact (via mail or phone) to help expose

Moby Solangi & MAP, could you please post it at this forum?


When I read of the efforts to recapture the dolphins, all I could

think of was how I wished there was an organization out there that

could prevent the dolphins from being recaptured. Do you know if

anyone is trying to do this?


Thank You,






aapn , " Richard O'Barry " <ricobarry@b...>






> September 16, 2005


> Media Contact: Richard O'Barry, Marine Mammal Specialist, One

Voice-France (Miami, Florida office)

> Email: ricobarry@b... Phone: 305 6684834






> Moby Solangi, owner of Marine Animal Productions (MAP) in Gulfport

Mississippi, is being painted as a hero by CNN, ABC News and other

media outlets for rescuing the very same dolphins that he abandoned

before hurricane Katrina struck. So far, none of the media have

investigated Solangi's background or his track record. If the media

had done a little research, they would have learned that Solangi has

captured more than a hundred dolphins in US waters, particularly in

Mississippi Sound. These victim dolphins have been sentenced to a

miserable life in sea circuses, amusement parks, the US navy and

other captive dolphin facilities. Some of the captured dolphins were

rented to zoos in the United States, such as the Oklahoma City Zoo.

The Zoo's dolphin exhibit was finally closed when animal protection

organizations exposed the high death record. It is therefore ironic

to see how the media is now portraying Solangi as a heroic figure

who actually cares about dolphins.

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  • 4 months later...

Victoria Boutenko <victoria wrote: 04 Feb 2006 15:15:29 -0800"Victoria Boutenko" <victoria<victoriaPRESS RELEASESat, 4 Feb 2006 15:11:31 -0800 PRESS RELEASE For immediate release Friday 3 February 2006 The Green Smoothie Revolution Starts Here! Join world famous raw food authority Victoria Boutenko as she teams up with The Fresh Network, the UK’s national raw and living food organisation, to launch the brand new and world-first Raw Food Leaders Teleclass Series on Wednesday 15 February 2006 at 8pm UK time (12 noon PST / 3pm EST). Presenting a 1 hour live teleclass entitled “The Green Smoothie Revolution†Victoria will be presenting some of her most recent findings after more than a decade of living on an exclusively raw vegan diet. Having noticed that most raw foodists’ diets seemed to be somehow missing a certain something, it became increasingly clear that the common theme and the

vital link missing were green foods. In her search for the ideal raw food diet Victoria took a little closer to nature – resulting in some fascinating insights. Victoria explains: “In search of the perfect human diet, I compared the standard American diet with the diet of wild chimpanzees. Chimpanzees share an

estimated 99.4% of genes with humans, but their diet is dramatically different from ours. The most glaring difference is that chimpanzees consume significantly more green leaves than humans. Based on these observations, I have developed a series of green smoothie recipes that enable anyone to consume the necessary amount of greens in a palatable way.†10

important reasons why you should be on this call: 1) Discover why we find it difficult to eat enough greens – yes, there is a

reason! 2) Learn about the rarely-discussed key internal factor that must be present for optimum human health. 3) Do greens equal protein? Yes/No? If yes, how much exactly and is it good enough? 4) Learn how Dr. Ann Wigmore reached radiant health and went from grey-haired to brunette again via her high-green diet 5) Discover how to make delicious green smoothies that even children will love 6) Learn why we need to have a wide variety of greens in our diet and what will happen if we don’t 7) Learn why greens are not vegetables, but in fact a separate food group 8)

Learn why green smoothies are superior to juices 9) Find out why our body pH can only become

sufficiently alkaline by consuming enough greens 10)Learn how you can be part of the green smoothie revolution - the wave of the future! All callers who book for this call will not only come away with an armful of must-have information and the opportunity to have their questions answered personally by Victoria, but will also be offered the following exclusive bonuses: From Victoria: For every caller’s order of Victoria’s new DVD “Greens Can Save Your Life†OR the new book “Green for Lifeâ€, Victoria will add a free copy of the new edition of her book “Raw Family†into the package – wow! From The Fresh Network: Each caller who emails the given address after the call will receive a free Fresh Network Tip Sheet: 10 Easy Ways to Make Green Foods Part of Your Everyday Diet – and Love It! Price and how to book: Each call in this series will be priced at just �10 per person for the live 1 hour call, with a 5% discount for Fresh Network members. At this price it’s exceptionally good value for money and means that the classes should be affordable for all – the bonuses are worth more than that alone! Places on the call are limited, and early booking is strongly advised. To book online, please visit The Fresh Network web site at www.fresh-network.com. To book by phone, please call 0870 800 7070. About The Fresh Network: The Fresh Network is the world’s most active raw food organisation, based in the UK. Its products and services are many and diverse including: An extensive mail order division, a regular live events programme, Get Fresh! magazine published quarterly, the world’s most sophisticated annual raw food festival, weekly Fresh Friday! calls, an information-packed web site, an exciting membership

scheme, monthly raw dinner parties and now the addition of the monthly Raw Food Leaders teleclasses. More information: www.fresh-network.com or call Karen Knowler on +44 (0)1353 723976 or email karen. About Victoria: Victoria Boutenko is the author of Green For Life, Raw Family, 12 Steps to Raw Foods and several raw recipe books. She teaches classes on raw food all over the world and is a highly respected and well-loved presenter. As a result of her teachings, many raw food communities have formed in numerous countries. Victoria continues travelling worldwide sharing her gourmet raw cuisine and her inspiring story of change, faith and determination. Victoria touches the hearts of her listeners, assuring us that we can choose to live raw, be healthy and live the life we imagine! More information: www.rawfamily.com or email victoria.

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