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palm oil threatens orangutans

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One in Ten Supermarket Products Linked to Orang-utan


Sep 23








UK company demand for palm oil, a vegetable oil found

in one in ten products on supermarket shelves, is

driving the orang-utan towards extinction, new

research reveals. The `Oil for Ape Scandal', published

today by Friends of the Earth and the world's leading

orang-utan conservation groups, concludes that without

urgent intervention the palm oil trade could cause the

extinction of Asia's only great ape within 12 years




Palm oil is found in a diverse range of products on

our supermarket shelves, from bread, crisps, margarine

and cereals to lipstick and soap. Despite being warned

for years by environmental groups that oil-palm

plantations are associated with rainforest destruction

as well as human rights abuse, the report finds that

most UK companies do not even know where their palm

oil comes from.



The report finds that almost 90 percent of the

orang-utan's habitat in Indonesia and Malaysia has now

been destroyed. Some experts estimate that 5,000

orang-utan perish as a result every year. The

researchers found that oil-palm plantations have now

become the primary cause of the orang-utans' decline,

wiping out its rainforest home in Borneo and Sumatra.



New evidence shows that orang-utan rescue centres in

Indonesia are over-flowing with orphaned baby

orang-utans rescued from forests being cleared to make

way for oil-palm plantations. The Indonesian

Government is now planning to convert a significant

area of Tanjung Puting National Park, the world's most

famous protected area for orang-utan, into an oil-palm




Research by Friends of the Earth found that at least

84 per cent of UK companies are failing to take

effective action to ensure they do not buy palm oil

from destructive sources and that not one single UK

supermarket knows where the palm oil originates in the

products it sells.



Friends of the Earth and orang-utan conservation

groups say that the failure of UK companies to take

action shows that they cannot be trusted to act

responsibly. They are calling on the UK Government to

give company directors a legal duty to minimise their

environmental impacts through the Company Law Reform

Bill, which will have its first reading in Parliament

later this year.



Two weeks ago the United Nations published the

Kinshasa Declaration, an action plan backed by the UK

Government to protect crucial forest areas and save

the world's great apes from extinction [2]. The

Indonesian Government signed on to this agreement but

so far Malaysia has failed to do so. Friends of the

Earth and the orang-utan conservation groups urge both

Governments to implement the declaration and end the

conversion of orang-utan habitat into oil-palm




Friends of the Earth Palm Oil Campaigner Ed Matthew




" While the UK Government is prepared to fund

international ape conservation it is failing to clean

up its own back yard. Over 100 UK companies and every

single British supermarket is helping fuel the

obliteration of orang-utan habitat. The Government

must amend the Company Law Reform Bill to stop UK

companies acting so destructively. "



Ian Redmond, Chairman of the Ape Alliance, said:



" Governments in countries like the UK that provide a

market for palm oil must legislate to make their

corporations responsible and accountable for their

impacts. If not, it is we who will have to explain to

our children that the orang-utan became extinct, not

because of a lack of knowledge, but because of

corporate greed and a lack of political will. "



Research by Friends of the Earth shows that the forest

fires which ravaged the island of Sumatra in August,

and continue to burn today, were mostly set by palm

oil companies clearing land to set up their

plantations. It is estimated that one third of the

orang-utan population on Borneo was killed by the

forest fires of 1998.



Dr Willie Smits, Founder of the Borneo Orangutan

Survival Foundation, said:



" The rate of loss of orang-utan has never been greater

than in the last three years, and oil- palm

plantations are mostly to blame. "



Professor Biruté Galdikas, founder of the Orangutan

Foundation International, said:




" The orang-utan is endangered because of habitat loss.

Today the greatest threat to orang-utan habitat is the

continued expansion of oil-palm plantations. Palm oil

is the greatest enemy of orang-utan and their

continued survival in the wild. "



Dr Ian Singleton, Scientific Director for the Sumatran

Orangutan Conservation Programme, said:



" We have already lost huge areas of orang-utan habitat

and tens of thousands of orang-utan to the palm oil

industry. Now there are reports of an " oil-palm fence "

which will stretch 845 kilometres along the border

with Malaysia in Borneo, crossing through orang-utan

habitat. The problem is truly immense. "



Pictures of orang-utan can be downloaded from





Broadcast quality footage of orang-utans and oil palm

plantations is available from the press office at

Friends of the Earth with thanks to the Orangutan




Interviews with leading orang-utan scientists and

campaigners are available.






[1] The embargoed report, The Oil for Ape Scandal -

How palm oil is threatening the orang-utan, is

published by Friends of the Earth together with the

Orangutan Foundation, the Borneo Orangutan Survival

Foundation and the Sumatran Orangutan Society as

members of the Ape Alliance. For a copy of the summary

or full report please go to:








Full report:




[2] The Kinshasa Declaration on Great Apes was signed

on 9th September 2005. The signatories included range

states for great apes as well as the European

Commission and the following donor countries: Belgium,

France, Italy, Sweden, United Kingdom and the United

States of America.
















Contact details:


Friends of the Earth

26-28 Underwood St.


N1 7JQ


Tel: 020 7490 1555

Fax: 020 7490 0881

Email: info

Website: www.foe.co.uk





Michelle Desilets




" Primates Helping Primates "


Please sign our petition to rescue over 100 smuggled orangutans in Thailand:






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