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Nepal's first pet shop opens up

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Nepal’s first pet shop opens in Patan


Kathmandu - With the number of pets growing in Kathmandu Valley, animal

lovers are relieved to know that Nepal’s first pet shop has opened up.

Animal Nepal’s Pet Shop caters to responsible pet owners with a collection

of pet items from around the world.


The Patan-based pet shop is an outlet for imported pet care products as

well as a collection of locally produced items such as collars, dog beds

and drinking bowls. Joined with the pet shop is Animal Nepal Café, an ideal

meeting point for animal lovers and their pets.


Part of Animal Nepal’s mission is to promote a pet-caring culture in

Nepal.The vast majority of dogs are maintained as a form of property

protection, and they are not treated as pets. The fate of cats is not much

better. In order to promote responsible pet ownership Animal Nepal has

introduced pet product development, dog tagging and dog behaviour

workshops. The production of pet items, including collars, leashes,

cushions, dog houses, dog biscuits, etc. is carried out by disadvantaged

people, and the establishment of micro-industries by aspiring business

people is encouraged. Sales profits go to animal welfare projects, thus

encouraging initiatives that directly address animal cruelty in the

country. Animal Nepal's dog behaviour workshops are joined by interested

pet owners, whom Animal Nepal regards to be role models for society at

large. Teachers’ trainings are organised once a year to build a committed

team of well-trained dog trainers.


Animal Nepal, an innovative non-profit company based in Kathmandu, Nepal,

is run by an enthusisatic team of Nepalese and overseas animal welfare

campaigners and educators. Animalnepal.org believes that through awareness

raising and practical interventions widespread animal cruelty can be

gradually reduced, and that Nepal can ultimately become a model country for

animal welfare in the region.


For more Information contact Animal Nepal Pet Shop & Café, Jhamsikhel (just

below Herman Helmers German Bakery), tel. 9841-334537.




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