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Bio-diversity & Kolkata


Kolkata, the " City of Joy " , is on its way to becoming the most modern, densely

populated and posh metropolis in all of South Asia. To fend off the increasing

population pressure, the city is rapidly taking the " vertical " look with swanky

malls and highrise apartments. But invisible to our eyes, the once colourful and

vibrant bio-diversity of Kolkata is rapidly crumbling to pieces.

This brings us to Bio-diversity. Let " Voices " be your guide and open the windows

to a world where people are fighting to save the environment, struggling to save

the ecology of a place, protecting endangered species and making the Earth a

better place to live. The recent buzzword is " Biodiversity " so let's take a look

at it.

What is bio-diversity?

The bio-diversity of an area, be it a continent, nation, or even the backyard of

our home means the totality of all living organisms living in an area.

Generally, by organisms we mean mammals, birds, trees, reptiles. But there are

micro-organisms like bacteria, unicellular animals and plants, invertebrates and

fungi. They help in breaking down bodies of bigger organisms and convert them to

food for other organisms; thus maintaining the food chain.

Apart from the total number of species, the term " Bio-diversity " also represents

the small groups and varieties existing among a species.

Why we should care?

Our civilisation thrives due to the bio-diversity that exists in our world.

Bio-diversity is that treasure-house of genetic resource on which agriculture

and pharmaceuticals industry will depend in the near future for their


Innumerable hidden treasures are lying idle in our bio-diversity which we can

use to the benefit of the human race and that can only be accomplished by

preserving our bio-diversity, not by destroying it. We must understand that the

very existence of the human race depends on our bio-diversity. At present, the

situation is grim with hundreds of species becoming extinct every day. Unless

we, the people put a united front against big companies, unscrupulous builders

and plainly ignorant men, it will not be long when Homo sapiens follow the path

of the now extinct Dodo.

A few good men: Worldwide, conservationists are fighting to protect the

bio-diversity of this planet. Here are a few well-known organisations which are

at the fore-front of the battle.

The World Wildlife Fund: Known worldwide by its panda logo, World Wildlife Fund

(WWF) leads international efforts to protect endangered species and their

habitats. WWF works in more than 100 countries around the globe to conserve the

diversity of life on earth. With nearly 1.2 million members in the U.S. and

another 4 million worldwide, WWF is the world’s largest privately financed

conservation organisation. WWF was founded in 1960 by renowned biologist Sir

Julian Huxley and eminent ornithologist and artist Sir Peter Scott, who created

the famous Panda logo.

WWF directs its conservation efforts toward three global goals: saving

endangered species, protecting endangered habitats and addressing global threats

such as toxic pollution, over-fishing and climate change. From working to save

the giant panda and bringing back the Asian rhino to establishing and helping to

manage parks and reserves worldwide, WWF has been a conservation leader for more

than 40 years.

Greenpeace: In 1971, motivated by their vision of a green and peaceful world, a

small team of activists from Vancouver, Canada founded Greenpeace. These

activists believed a few individuals could make a difference.

Based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, Greenpeace has 2.8 million supporters

worldwide with national as well as regional offices in 41 countries. Today,

Greenpeace is an independent, campaigning organisation that uses non-violent,

creative confrontation to expose global environmental problems, and force

solutions for a green and peaceful future. As a global organisation, Greenpeace

focuses on the most crucial worldwide threats to our planet’s bio-diversity and


Kolkata wakes up to the need for a richer bio-diversity

ASED or The Association for Social & Environmental Development is a non-profit

making; Kolkata based NGO operating at the local, national and international

level. ASED’S main goal is to spread awareness among the masses regarding

environmental conservation and community health.

A mammoth program was undertaken by ASED covering the period of 15 June to 15

September. The theme of the program, “Conserving Kolkata’s bio-diversity?was

aimed at educating the generation X regarding the variety of plant and animal

life in Kolkata & suburbs.

The 3-month long agenda climaxed at Parish Hall, St. Paul’s Cathedral recently

in September, which was the fourth foundation day of ASED.

The day-long program commenced with a highly informative slideshow presentation

on “bio-diversity on Kolkata? The slideshow focused on rich variety of birds,

snakes, migratory birds observed in Kolkata. Concern was raised on the ever

decreasing number of migratory birds visiting Kolkata every winter. Heavy

pollution, depletion of ponds, wetlands were cited as the principal culprits for

the phenomenon. Students attending the program various city schools were

especially concerned at the rapid extinction of vultures in the city & in all

over India.

A “Just a Minute?extempore competition for students of classes XI and XII from

20 city schools was held. Piyaltaru Sengupta of Vivekananda Mission School was

judged the winner of the environment-based extempore contest.

Mr. A.K. Raha, Director of the Sunderban Biosphere Reserve commented that the

concept of the participants was excellent. Regarding the fight to save Kolkata’s

biodiversity, he remarked, “Our means are limited, but our will infinite.?

Students from Sammelani College organised an excellent play, titled ‘The Mimic

Show?focusing on Earth’s pollution, deforestation and perils endangering

bio-diversity of the planet.

School students from 28 city schools participated in an intra & inter school

essay competition that was conducted from 15th June to mid-August 2005. Prizes

were given to the respective winners in various categories on the ceremony.

Topics ranged from “Kolkata’s bio-diversity; fact or fiction?in junior

categories to “Conserving Kolkata’s biodiversity; Our Challenge?in the senior


Mr. Jiban Sardar, one of the judges and pioneer of children’s nature education

through the well-known Prakriti Parivar Daphtar in Sandesh magazine commented

that the participants were extremely well-informed and passionate about the

given topics. Awareness level has also shot up enormously in the last 20 years.

Indeed, but with the rising deforestation and pollution levels, we don’t have

much time to save the third planet from the Sun, our home.



“Kolkata, a city of rich cultural heritage should also be proud of its

bio-diversity, our national heritage.??Labanya Pradhan, Ballygunge Shiksha Sadan

“All is not lost and much has to be done to save our city’s bio-diversity

turning from fact to fiction.? Y.R. Vishal, Birla High School (Boys)

“Are city-dwellers talking on cell-phones realising that sparrows and other

birds are disappearing from Kolkata’s skyline??- Priyadarshini Nag, Birla High

School Girls?


Coordinator, ex-Benachity High School, Durgapur





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