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As vegetarianism becomes more prevalent and popular, many parents may wonder

if kids can safely follow a vegetarian diet and still get all the nutrients

necessary for growing up healthy and strong. Avoiding meat may sound like a

bad idea, but most dietary and medical experts agree that a well-planned

vegetarian diet can actually be a very healthy way to eat.


Of course, special care must be taken when feeding kids and teens a

vegetarian diet, especially if it doesn't include dairy and egg products.

And as with any diet, you'll need to not only ensure that your child is

getting enough of all the necessary nutrients, but understand that the

nutritional needs of children change as they grow.


Types of Vegetarian Diets

Before your child or family switches to a vegetarian diet, it's important to

note that all vegetarian diets are not alike. Some of the major vegetarian

categories include:


ovo-vegetarian - eats eggs; no meat

lacto-ovo vegetarian - eats dairy and egg products; no meat

lacto-vegetarian - eats dairy products; no eggs or meat

vegan - eats only food from plant sources

Many people who call themselves vegetarians are actually semi-vegetarians.

They may have eliminated red meat, but may eat poultry or fish.


The Choice of Vegetarianism

There are many reasons why children or families may follow a vegetarian

diet. Younger vegetarians are usually part of a family that eats vegetarian

meals for health or other reasons. Older children may decide to become

vegetarians because of concern for animals, the environment, or their own



In most cases, you shouldn't be alarmed if your child chooses vegetarianism.

The best way to handle your child's choice is to discuss what it means to

him or her and how he or she wants to implement it - making sure your child

makes healthy and nutritious food choices.


Making Sure It's Nutritious

Vegetarian parents should give their children a variety of foods that

provide enough calories and nutrients to enable them to grow normally. The

majority of pediatric experts say a lacto-ovo vegetarian diet (eating dairy

products and eggs, but no meat) is a healthy choice for most children

(although allergists suggest not introducing eggs until after 1 year of



Offering young children a diet filled with a variety of fruits, vegetables,

and whole grains helps them to learn healthy eating habits that may last for

a lifetime. And a diet rich in fruits and veggies will be high in fiber and

low in fat, factors known to improve cardiovascular health by reducing blood

cholesterol and maintaining a healthy weight.


However, kids and teens on a vegetarian diet may need to be careful that

they get an adequate amount of certain vitamins and minerals. Here are

nutrients that vegetarians should make sure they get, and some of the food

sources in which they can be found:


vitamin B12: dairy products, eggs, and vitamin-fortified products, such as

cereals, breads, and soy and rice drinks

vitamin D: dairy products, calcium-fortified orange juice, and

vitamin-fortified products

calcium: dairy products, dark green leafy vegetables, broccoli, chickpeas,

and calcium-fortified products, including orange juice, soy and rice drinks,

and cereals

protein: dairy products, eggs, tofu, dried beans, and nuts

iron: eggs, dried beans, dried fruits, whole grains, leafy green vegetables,

and iron-fortified cereals and bread

zinc: wheat germ, nuts, fortified cereal, and legumes

Depending on the type of vegetarian diet chosen, kids may miss out on some

of these important nutrients if the diet isn't monitored by the parents. The

less restrictive the vegetarian diet, the easier it will be for your child

to get enough protein and necessary nutrients.


The Vegetarian Infant

The main sources of protein and nutrients for infants are breast milk and

formula, especially in the first 6 months of life. Fruits and veggies should

be introduced around 6 months. For parents who want to raise their infants

as " semi-vegetarians " and serve poultry, meats don't come into the picture

until around 9 months.


The American Dietetic Association recommends that once an infant is

introduced to solids, protein-rich vegetarian foods can include pureed tofu,

cottage cheese, and pureed and strained legumes (legumes include beans,

peas, chickpeas, and lentils). Breastfed infant vegans should receive a

source of vitamin B12, if the mother's diet isn't supplemented, and a source

of vitamin D if sun exposure (which provides vitamin D) isn't adequate.


The Vegetarian Toddlerlers are already a bit of a challenge when it comes to eating. As they

come off of breast milk or formula around 1 year (although vegans often

breastfeed longer), children are at risk for nutritional deficiencies. After

the age of 1, strict vegan diets may not offer growing toddlers enough

essential vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin D, vitamin B12, iron,

calcium, and zinc. So it's important to serve fortified cereals and

nutrient-dense foods, as well as watch your child's fiber intake. Vitamin

supplementation is recommended for young children whose diets may not

provide adequate nutrients.

lers are typically picky about which foods they'll eat and, as a result,

some may not get enough calories from a vegetarian diet to thrive. For vegan

toddlers, the amount of vegetables needed for proper nutrition and calories

may be too bulky for their tiny stomachs. During the picky toddler stage,

it's important for vegetarian parents to make sure their young child eats

enough calories. You can get enough fat and calories in a vegan child's

diet, but you have to plan carefully when excluding food groups.


The Older Vegetarian Kid or Teen

Preteens and teens often voice their independence through the foods they

choose to eat. One strong statement is the decision to stop eating meat.

This is common among teens, who may decide to embrace vegetarianism in

support of animal rights, for health reasons, or because friends are doing



If it's done right, a meat-free diet can actually be a good choice for

adolescents, especially considering that vegetarians often eat more of the

foods that most teens don't get enough of - fruits and vegetables. A

vegetarian diet that includes dairy products and eggs (lacto-ovo) is the

best choice for growing teens. A more strict vegetarian diet may fail to

meet a teen's need for certain nutrients, such as iron, protein, zinc,

calcium, and vitamins D and B12.


The good news for young vegetarians - and their parents - is that many

schools are becoming more conscious of offering vegetarian fare, including

salad bars and other healthy vegetarian choices. Schools publish lists of

upcoming lunch menus; be sure to scan them to see if your child will have a

vegetarian choice. If not, simply pack your child's lunch. That old standby

- a peanut butter and jelly sandwich - is a great fast vegetarian lunch.


If your vegetarian preteen or teen would rather make his or her own school

lunch or opts to buy lunch, keep in mind that your child's idea of a healthy

vegetarian meal may be much different than yours (i.e., french fries and a

soda). Talk to your child about the importance of eating right, especially

when following a vegetarian diet.


Also be wary if your child has self-imposed a very restrictive diet. A teen

with an eating disorder may drastically reduce calories or cut out all fat

or carbohydrates and call it " vegetarianism " because it's considered

socially acceptable and healthy.


Even if preteens or teens are approaching vegetarianism in a healthy way,

it's still important for them to understand which nutrients might be missing

in their vegetarian diet so that they can replace them and avoid nutritional



To support your child's dietary decision and promote awareness of the kinds

of foods your preteen or teen should be eating, you might want to have the

whole family eat a vegetarian meal at least one night a week.


A Healthy Lifestyle

A vegetarian diet can be a healthy choice for all children, as long as it's

properly planned and adequate nutrients are eaten. With a little

exploration, you may find more vegetarian options than you realized.


The principles of planning a vegetarian diet are the same as planning any

healthy diet - provide a variety of foods and include foods from all of the

food groups. A balanced diet will provide the right combinations to meet

your child's nutritional needs. But be aware of potential nutrient

deficiencies in your child's diet and figure out how you'll account for



If you aren't sure your child is getting all the nutrients he or she needs,

or if you have any questions about vegetarian diets, don't hesitate to use

some of the excellent resources available to help you plan your child's

diet, including your family doctor, pediatrician, or a registered dietitian.



Updated and reviewed by: Mary L. Gavin, MD

Date reviewed: January 2005

Originally reviewed by: Steven Dowshen, MD, and Heidi Kecskemethy, RD, CSP




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