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Fuss about raw food

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Dear Vela,<br><br>I think the fuss, for me, is

that I can see a ninety percent raw diet is good for

me; and when I am on it, I can feel it is good for

me, but the problem is giving up the high protein,

high fat diet for raw fruit and vegetables and living

on the raw diet.<br>It's almost as if the SAD

(Standard Australian Diet) is addictive.<br>However as a

balance, I feel that live tucker is seductive and will

eventually steal me away from SAD.<br><br>Victor.

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Dear Victor, <br><br>By " fuss " I meant what is

the fuss about changing over from SAD or whatever to

raw food? I just did it, virtually overnight from

chicken, fish, veggies, fruit, to fruit only for about 3

month and felt no ill effects, except a bit of detox

first, more energy, and just healthier, and after about

3 month I added raw veggies, and a bit of sprouted

bread here and there. Of course, according to everyone

I know, I am completely nuts, maybe I am...I love

being a nut, a healthy one, better than being a sick

square!<br><br>Well, SAD will be very sad once it has lost you for

good, whenever that may be?<br><br>Don't stay with SAD

for too long...it'll only make you sad in the


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  • 2 weeks later...
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Dear Vela,<br><br>I admire your energy and

optimism but if changing to raw food was as easy and as

beneficial as you imply, everyone would eat raw

food.<br><br>Changing to raw food is more difficult than changing one's

country and language. It's much more difficult than

changing your house or your job or your

spouse.<br><br>Change produces stress and we can handle just so much

stress at one time.<br><br>To advocate raw food while

denying the difficulties and disadvantages is no more

than a confidence trick.<br><br>A 90 percent raw diet

is beneficial for a small number of people; more

fruit and vegetables in anybody's diet is beneficial; a

100 percent raw food diet without meat or fish or

eggs leads, over a two year period, to a slow but

steady decline, due to nutrient deficiency.<br><br>My

aim is a 90 percent raw food diet but I am not a

booster, confidence man or a salesman. And I don't think

that raw food is a replacement for religion or a

healthy spiritual life.<br><br>Changing to a raw food

diet is not for everyone; a genuine change of such

magnitude is long, profound and difficult; it does not

produce instant gratification.<br><br>Your culture adores

and promotes instant gratification. You are a true

daughter of your culture, and so you are telling us that

'you are a good girl'. We deserve better than


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Dear Victor,<br><br>I am sorry I upset you, you

seem to be really angry. AND WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT MY

CULTURE? And who says I am a good girl? And I never said I

wasn't stressed, but eating what I eat (about 90% raw

food - no animal products) helped me cope a lot better

with all sorts of stresses, especially changing things

in my life that had to be changed.<br><br>It seems

to me that you are really having a hard time with

all that raw food, maybe you should stick to 'SAD',

it might not make you so angry...And I am no better

or worse than anyone else, just because I eat what I

eat.<br><br>Oh, by the way, I am glad you are not a booster,

confidence man or salesman, I like you so much better for


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Victor,<br><br>The SAD IS ADDICTIVE!<br><br>That

is why it is so hard to go raw. Your body craves the

junk food it is use to getting and goes crazy when you

eliminate it from your diet. And by junk food I'm including

all animal products, sugars, salt and expecially

baked goods. <br><br>People mistakenly blame the raw

fruits and vegetables when they experience detox

symptoms. I hear it all the time from my friends and

associates. They will say they had a bad reaction to eating

just fruits and vegs and so they revert to their

normal SAD. They feel better and think I am crazy for

going raw. You have to have the knowledge and the will

to get over the detox period and keep your eye on

the prize. <br><br>From what I have read and

experienced your body will go through several detox periods

as you stay raw. Some symptoms can be very alarming.

But by eating raw and eliminating the junk you are

giving your body the necessary time and energy it needs

to detox. Detox is a GOOD thing. Welcome it and

enjoy it because when it is over you will feel better

and be healthier. You are also helping your body to

prevent future disease.<br><br>-OrionsDad

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Dear OrionsDad,<br><br>I do think you are right:

animal products, salt, sugar and baked goods are

addictive.<br><br>And how extraordinary. Most people are food

addicts!<br><br>What would happen if most of us gave up our

addiction?<br><br>If we are basically good, we would create paradise

on earth. If we are basically bad, freeing us from

our addiction would free us to carry out evil as

never before.<br><br>In the Garden of Eden Adam and Eve

ate of the fruits of the trees; can we return to

Paradise? can we regain our innocence?<br><br>I bury my

nose in the fruit bowl; peaches caress my cheek;

avocado promises herself; and pineapple leads me to

heaven.<br><br>I remain, as always,<br>Your Intoxicated Victor.

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Dear Victor,<br><br>I love your

sarcasm...<br><br>And people are addictive to all these things (sugar

etc.), that's why they can't give it up, and lots don't

want to, they rather get all sorts of diseases and

take pills.<br><br>And you are right, just because

someone eats fruit/raw foods doesn't make that person a

better person. So we probably might not have a paradise,

but it still would be a whole lot better than it is

now. <br><br>I think it couldn't get any worse, we

really stuffed up the environment for good, and there is

no turning back, it is too late for that, so maybe

we need a big comet or something to sort things

out?<br><br>Well, I am really very pessimistic...<br><br>Enjoy your

fruit, I enjoy mine.<br><br>Vela

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Dear Vela,<br><br>I do enjoy my fruit and I enjoy

your messages.<br><br>In American eyes Australians do

have a deflating even destructive sense of humour. In

Australian eyes Americans have no sense of humour and think

they have the best sense of humour in the world. So we

are involved in cultural difference. This is

inevitable in a global medium.<br><br>So not only are we at

the cutting edge of healthy eating but also at the

cutting edge of communication. How we resolve both these

issues will affect more than you and me.<br><br>Just

think: your summer is my winter and my spring is your

autumn or fall; what delicious fruit and vegetables are

in season here are out of season there. So what is

in season in my culture is out of season in your

culture.<br><br>So I will share my fresh fruit and vegetable with

you, if you will share yours with me.<br><br>Victor.

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Dear Victor,<br><br>Do we have a culture clash

here? I love the Australian sense of humour because

they don't take themselves nor anything or anyone else

too seriously. That is the only way to survive, and

healthy eating, of course.<br><br>Americans on the other

hand are taking themselves too bloody seriously. Now,

I just stated two cliches here.<br><br>And, despite

different seasons, in both countries you can get tropical

and other fruit all year round, even though one

should only eat the fruit that is in season according to

where one lives, how boring. Maybe we are all too

occupied with food, but then it sustains us. Or do you

know any breatharians? Do you think they cheat?

<br><br>And what about genetically modified food? How do we

know we don't eat pig, really, instead of, say papaya,

or whatever? Organic fruit and vegies? They are just

lasting too long sitting on the bench, so sometimes I

wonder if they are really the real thing.<br><br>So

maybe we should all become breatharians and live off

air and? water? are they allowed to drink?<br><br>Are

you cold wherever you live right now?<br><br>Vela

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