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side effects: what are they, really?

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Side Effects: what doctors don't want you to know

about them!<br><br>How many have looked closely and

seriously considered the long list of unpleasant symptoms

listed as side effects for drug medicines? Often the

list of unpleasant side effects is so long that it

should make any thinking person seriously<br>wonder what

kind of person would consider taking the

stuff.<br><br>If one considers the nature of the symptoms listed

as " side effects " for these drugs, it should become

obvious that the phrase " side effects " is merely a

euphemism for " poisoning effects. " If one took a list of

" side effects " and removed the label that said " side

effects " , replacing it with a new label that said

" poisoning effects " , without telling people that it was a

" medicine " , people would not even question calling that list

" poisoning effects " upon reading it. They would believe that

it was a poison. But take those same<br>people and

tell them that said chemical is a " medicine " and they

will say " oh, these are only " side

effects " ...<br><br>This shows the degree to which the field of drug

medicine inculcates magical, superstitious thinking in

it's adherents. It has never been valid science, even

from the very beginning. At least in the early days of

drug medicine, it's pioneers were more honest about

the nature of their " cures " . It was considered an

undeniable truth by early allopaths, that only a substance

that was poisonous in larger doses could possibly be

considered as curative. Looking at the early pharmacopeia

will show that these early allopaths believed in this

principle, that was commonly<br>voiced by their own

membership, and most definitely practiced it. Modern

practitioners today simply have more technologically advanced

poisons, therefore more technologically advanced

" cures. " <br><br>All chemical drugs have their " side effects " , which

are actually " poisoning effects " . All chemical drugs,

in a sufficient dose, will KILL. All chemicals are

poisons, without exception, even those euphemistically

called " medicines " by the modern day witch doctors

called allopathic doctors. If a person doesn't believe

this, just let their kid ingest anything in his/ her

chemistry set. They'll get the picture. Or maybe they

won't! (you won't find anything in a chemistry set the

doctors haven't already used!)<br><br>Habib

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I think you brought up an interesting point about

pharmasutical drugs. I do have a question reguarding

antibiotics though. I developed bronchitis and I have been

taking an antibiotic that was recomended by my doctor to

destroy the virus in my system. I have been taking it and

been feeling better but I have had stomich cramps and

the runs though. Is the antibiotic kicking the virus

out of my system or is it poising it? I am also

taking another drug for my caugh and it has no side

affects. <br> There are many drugs that help people feel

beter but is this feeling better only temporary before

the posining affect set it?<br> So my main question

though is about the antibiotics i am taking. What are

your view on those?<br> Thanks:)

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Anti-biotic literally means " anti-life "

(biotic=life). Antibiotics are toxic as are all other chemical

drugs. They kill microbial life by literally irritating

it to death. The problem is that any synthetic

chemical, is toxic to ALL living cells, not just those

called microbes. While they are killing bacteria, they

are also killing cells of your body, too! Antibiotics

can't discriminate between different kinds of living

cells. They kill them all. You are having stomach cramps

because the antibiotics are killing the necessary,

beneficial intestinal bacteria in your colon. I would

recommend eating lots of raw, cultured sauerkraut and other

cultured vegetables, drinking rejuvelac, eating raw

cultured nut and seed cheeses, and eating at least some of

your organic fruits and vegetables unwashed, to

replenish these bacteria. When the bacteria repopulate, the

cramps in your abdomen will immediately cease. Sometimes

people get the same kind of stomach cramps from overuse

of echinacea, which also kills intestinal bacteria.

Those in the know use live cultured yogurt to make the

pain go away, but you can do better than that, with

live,<br>cultured seed yogurt, and the above mentioned items.

Antibiotics can't kill viruses in your body, only bacteria,

and body cells. The reason is that viruses are not

living organisms. You can't kill what's already dead!

They are merely the genetic and metabolic waste matter

from cells in your body that have died. They do not

replicate. They only appear to do so because the cells in

your body replicate. When your body is depleted of

it's energy, and toxic, more body cells die, hence

more so-called viruses. Viruses are the biggest hoax

in the history of medicine, second only to the lie

that drugs heal!

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Habib,<br><br>I agree with everything you said

and confirm your description of viruses as residual

genetic material from the break up of dead cells. It is a

big hoax.<br><br>But what is " cultured seed yogurt " ?

I never heard of that.<br><br>-OrionsDad

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Similar to " nut yogurt " but using seeds, such as

sunflower seeds. Just culture as though you were making

sunflower cheese, but use more water when you blend the

sunflower seeds, for a thicker, yogurt-like consistency,

somewhere between a " cheese " and a " milk. " Some people will

not use cashews, because they feel they are " cooked " .

I have noticed that all nuts, when they have been

heated, will always putrefy when you try to culture them.

Raw cashews don't do this, and culture just fine, so

in all likelihood, are truly raw. I mention this,

because they make the best tasting, creamiest nutmilks,

creams, yogurts, and cheeses. Anyway, a seed yogurt is

just one that uses seeds as opposed to nuts. I'm off

to work for the weekend...have a good


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You brought up a good point about the

antibiotics. I think they are nasty now. I stoped taking them

because of the stomach cramps i was having and I put more

fruits and veggies in my diet. I dont really feel 100%

but my stomach cramping and problems has gone down. I

want to thank you for your knowledge about this. It

made me realize that the best way to heal most any

problem of the body is through the natural way.:)<br> Do

you have a recipie for the seed yougart that you

mentioned?<br> Thanks

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  • 1 month later...

Oh mighty Raw One,<br><br>I enjoy your posts and

agree with most comments. I'd like you to expand a

little on viruses. I know they spent years and billions

trying to blame cancer on viruses, now they're spending

many more billions chasing a hardly detectable

retrovirus as cause of AIDS(except they never proved the

link, minor detail when you're awash in taxpayers'

cash) but what is your take on flu being caused by

virus. I always took that as a given, is it not true?

Are you saying no virus is harmful? Your comments


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  • 2 weeks later...

I actually do not maintain that viruses are

harmless. I do deny that they are living organisms that can

take action against the body. they are fragmentary

genetic waste, that is produced from incompletely broken

down cells after they die. The body always is working

to eject this waste, because if it allowed to

accumulate in the body, it is toxic and harmful. But viruses

do not attack cells, and reprogram their nuclei to

create more viruses. Viruses cannot do anything at all,

for they are dead, lifeless matter with no power to

act. They have no metabolism, ingest nothing, secrete

nothing, and have no means for movement or

locomotion...why then do people ascribe action to them? they are

harmful, but only by their accumulation beyond the body's

ability to excrete them as fast as they are produced.

Normally the body can keep pace with this task, until it

is weakened or enervated. When it is weakened, it's

eliminative faculty is degraded, and this genetic waste then

accumulates. It is toxic. <br><br>Here is a quote from a man I

have been emailing

with:<br><br>********************************<br><br> " I hold viruses innocent

until proven guilty. And

the literature of viropathology is based on one

supposition and postulation after another. It<br>is stated in

" Fields Virology " (1996) that much of the proof is " guilt


association " .<br><br>************************<br><br>Interesting, eh? " Guilt by

association? " <br>When does guilt by

association ever qualify as direct evidence? If you think

about what is meant by " guilt by association " , it

becomes clear, that this field is quite possibly built

upon more shakey grounds than we have been lead to

believe.<br><br>viruses are not transmissible, and many instances such as

flu, are explainable by other means. In the instance

of flu that " goes around " during certain times of

year, when major weather changes occur, which the

hygienists would hold as " mass prostrating influence " , many

people's bodies are forced to deal with temperatures

outside of the body's normal homeostatic range. the body

expends much vital energy to bring the temperature back

within this safe, homeostatic range, and keep it there.

This causes many individuals in a local population to

become " enervated " at the same time (vital force is

dissipated or depleted). When people are all enervated at

the same time, due to being exposed to the same

prostrating environmental influence at the same time, they

all begin to accumulate waste materials in their

intracellular environments, and BINGO! Everyone " gets " the flu!

And people still say they " caught " the flu from

someone else, because they apply the very same " guilt by

association " idea to their environment, that the

viro-pathologists mistakenly apply to their field of


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I have to play devils advocate here. There is far

more evidence concerning viruses than " guilt by

association " . For instance the DNA of viruses can be

established and tracked from person to person. Symptoms of

each virus remain the same as it moves through the

population, in the 1918 influenza epidemic one of the

symptoms was a pneumoric type of influenza which killed an

estimated 40 to 100 million people. In one village in

Alaska, everyone died except the young children. In

Hawaii Parvo virus is rampant, my neighors' dogs, five

of them, all died of Parvo, all with the same

symptons. My dogs (three) were unaffected. They have been

vaccinated. Which brings up another problem if viruses are

not pathogens, why do vaccines work. I agree the

evidence for viruses is circumstantial. but it is

mountanous.<br><br>I also believe that, as raw foodists we don't have

to worry about viruses. The best defence against any

disease, is health.

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