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Found an interesting website:)

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That website presents the views of failed raw

foodist named Tom Billings. I say failed, because to

listen to people who were close to him when he was

supposedly a raw foodist, he was actually binging on

junkfood in private, and eating the most horribly

unbalanced raw diet imaginable. So of course he failed,

because he never actually went totally raw, and continued

living very unhealthfully. Now it is his life mission to

try to debunk raw foodism. That is the purpose for

that website. Tom Billings once even wrote a letter to

the editor of Yoga Journal, saying that raw foodism

is based in pathological addictive behavior. He

makes a life now, out of projecting his own

pathological addictive behavior (the reason he never succeeded

at raw foodism)upon everyone else. He thinks his own

failure applies to everyone else. This is not true. Many

people have eaten raw for decades, remaining perfectly

healthy. BTW, Tom Billings believes in eating raw


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Well, that web page lost me and was sort of

confusing. There are few things that I have heard from raw

food vegetarians that are simply in my oppinion not

true. Like the fact that all cooked food eaters have a

violent nature. That is to the extreme to say that and I

dont believe it is true. <br> There are so many

lifestyles about different foods choices that is all

basically confuses me a little bit. I eat mostly raw food

and I feel beter then I have ever been. But my aunt

who is a dietishion, nurse, and acupunturist has a

totally different view. she believes that the body needs

warm food and that eating a diet of 100% raw is bad

for the kidneys. I dissagree with that because I hear

that eating raw food is eisyer to digest, so dont you

think it would be easier on the kidneys? I am

confused.<br> Also there are many Natural Higenists that

believe eating combined meals. Like for example, they

believe that fruit should only be eaten alone and if you

eat fruit with a carbohydrate or protien it will

ferment in the system and therefore not digest properly.

Now does that also apply to raw foods? What if it is

a spouted nut or grain? Can we eat a piece of fruit

with that or does that only apply to the cooked

protiens or carbos we should not mix fruit with? I see

lots of raw food recipies do mix fruit with sprouted

nuts and grains. Is that OK?<br> There are so many

people that believe one diet is better and inferior then

the others that it sometimes confuses me. I believe,

from what I feel, that the raw food diet works well

for me. Maybe it is right or maybe it is wrong, who

really knows? I just chose to live this way because what

I learned about raw food makes sence and it feels

good to me. <br> P.S. My other aunt has I believe

candida(pronounced it wrong I think) and her natural health

practishioner recomends that she only eat no more then one

fruit a day because she should stay away from all

sugars. What do you think about that?<br> An then there

is the lady I babysit for in which her Naturalpathic

told her to eat more Meat because according to her

naturalpath her blood energy is low and it needs to be

" beefed up with animal protien " She was on a vegetarian

diet before and now that she listened to her

Naturalpath she feels much better from eating meat in her

diet. I dont know about you but i find this

strange.<br> Well, as confused as I am about what is right and

what is wrong I still am going to stick with the raw

food lifestyle because I think it is write for

" me " <br> Hope I can get more answers to my

confusions:)Hope you have a wonderful day:)

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Of course not all cooked food eaters are violent.

But you will find that the longer you have been raw,

your disposition will become more peaceful, and you

will begin to notice that cooked eaters are more apt

to engage in acts of violence. Not all of them,

certainly. A person must have a violent nature to begin

with. A person who is naturally peaceful will tend to

be be peaceful even if they are eating cooked food,

but will still have a harder time maintaining

emotional balance. Try this experiment. Eat nothing but raw

food for a few weeks. You will feel great inner

peacefulness. Then eat a bunch of cooked food. you will find

yourself easy to anger, and overly emotional. It will come

upon you before you know it. One must have first had

this experience before they truly understand what is

meant by a raw fooder who says cooked food predispose a

person to violence. to predispose does not mean every

person will become violent.<br>For your aunt. Body heat

comes only from the body's cells burning calories, not

from heat in cooked food. That kind of heat just

dissipates away. Calories from raw food burn more

efficiently , and produce heat more easily from within.

Animal protein not only damages the kidneys, but

predisposes a person to cancer, causes genetic cross-linking

(the animal's dna combines with ours, causing it to

mutate and break down), etc. When a person says they

feel better after eating meat or cooked food, that is

because eating it is so toxic, that it stops the body's

detoxification. Symptoms go away, but the person is addicted.

They must keep eating that food. If they then fast,

they get horribly ill, which is a sign just how

terribly toxic their body was to begin with. This woman

you baby-sit for: if she cannot go for 3 days without

food without feeling sick, then her body is toxic. The

sicker she gets when fasting, the more toxic this means

her body is. It is strange for a naturopath to

recommend eating meat. very strange. Food combining is

good, but mono-eating is better. Some simply call it

sequential eating. Eat a variety of food, but eat only one

food at a time. <br>Candida: simply staying away from

fruit won't do it. Eat lots and lots of fresh raw kale.

Drink lots of kale juice. work up to a 3 day water

fast, after going completely raw. Many people with

candida completely kick it after 3 or 4 days of water

fasting (they need to rest in bed during this time). Once

the body has been sufficiently purified and

strengthened, it can handle all the fruit you can eat. I have

known people who have actually kicked candida by going

on a fruit diet. So-called candida (the bacterial

over-growth is merely a secondary symptom), is merely a sign

that the body is trying to eject poisons. But most

people never allow it to finish it's job. That's why

their " candida " does not go away. They need to rest,

and fast. They can even eat fruit if they will also

rest sufficiently. The symptoms may become more

severe, as this will allow the body to intiate a very

deep elimination of toxins. But for those who will

" grit their teeth and bear it " , the illness will also

be over sooner for them than it would have been

otherwise. For most people, is would make sense to do lots

of green juices, and do some fasting. Then gradually

introduce fruits back into the diet.

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I can't remember who said this, but it goes something like this " You can always

tell who is right, in any situation. He is the one with the most

enemies " .<br><br>Doug

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I like that saying:) <br> I think there should be

more scientific testing on the benifit on a raw food

diet on curring disease and cancer to prove to doctors

and scientists that eating a diet full of fruits and

veggies can not only prevent disese but also cure it,

because of the stories I have read I think it may. I

think they should be testing this out more<br> Any

thoughts on my opinion?

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I think there should far be more testing. But I

also think the medical " orthodoxy " intentionally

avoids this kind of testing. I think they have tried to

pretend for years that raw foodism does not even exist.

They have much to protect and defend, that is unworthy

of defense. I think that if there were much

scientific testing of raw foodism, that it would not hurt

the cause of raw foodism in the least. I think it

would completely confirm it's power to heal. I also

think it would confirm the falsity of many conventional

methods and views that the " orthodoxy " is clinging on to

for dear life. I hope it happens. With the current

resurgence of the raw food movement, who knows? We may just

get our wish. Certainly overnight.<br><br>The stories

you read are true. I personally know many people who

have healed themselves of all kinds of chronic disease

and life threatening conditions, by eating raw


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