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Scientific Evidence

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Scientific evidence cannot prove the truth of an

hypothesis, but it can disprove it.<br><br>That is why

scientific evidence is disparaged by those with a belief or

interest or way of life that they wish, understandably, to

protect.<br><br>But the cure is worse than the disease. If Raw

Foodism has to be defended by dismissing scientific

evidence, it has become a religion.<br><br>I call for

scientific evidence to test the benefits of eating raw

food.<br><br>Victor.<br><br>PS: if you dismiss scientific testing, you are left

in the paranoid position of talking about enemies.

And we all know you can't reason with enemies, so

that removes the need for us to be rational.<br>I

think raw food deserves better.

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Victor;<br> I am very sceptical of scientific

evidence.I don't know what its like in Australia, but here

in amerika, we just buy scientific evidence.For

years the tobacco industry " sponsered " studies that

showed smoking did not cause cancer. Other studies

showed that it did but they were never publicized. The

American Dairy Ass. " sponsered " studies that showed that

milk strengthens bones. Other studies have shown that

dairy products cause osteoporosis, but you won't see

that on the weekly T.V. commercials for the American

Dairy Ass.<br> Have you noticed, there is no scientific

evidence on the other side? No studies have been done to

show that cooked food is healthy.<br> I believe this

is a common sense issue. I don't need a scientific

study to show me that jumping off a cliff is unhealthy

( and I don't believe, not jumping off a cliff is

my religion, or that only paranoid people do not

jump off cliffs ). Of the estimated 7,000,000,000

organizims on this planet only 1, Man, cooks its food. Fire

diminishes everything it touches, trees become ash even

hardened steel can be burned to ash. Food becomes smaller

softer and darker in color. and is no longer Whole! <br>

If you read the books that have been talked about on

this site, you will see, there is mounting evidence

for raw foods, I would like to add another; " Living

Foods for Optimum Health " by Brian R. Clement.<br> PS.

No innocent animals have been slaughtered, in the

name of science, for the writing of this


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  • 3 weeks later...

Kauguy,<br><br>Very well said. I couldn't agree

with you more. <br><br>Sadly, the sheep are lined up

at the cliff. So difficult to turn them around but a

few actually do.<br><br>If opening one's eyes and

acting on common sense rather than on majority rule

makes one crazy so be it for me.<br><br>Orion's " crazy "

Dad (45 and raising his first 2 year old)

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Look Guys,<br><br>I think raw food is delicious

and probably saved my health.<br><br>I think it is

good to tell people how delicious and healthy raw food

is. Most people don't know.<br><br>Like you, I'd

rather be free than belong, however most people would

rather belong than be free. So the best way to reach

them is through the institutions they belong

to.<br><br>They may be sheep but even sheep can learn to eat

freshly cut, raw grass, if all the other sheep do

too.<br><br>We must decide do we wish to make them into free

spirits like us or will we accept them as sheep whose

diet we want to improve.<br><br>I find it frustrating

to move one sheep, but my dog and I can move a

flock, no worries. So how do we move this flock of

consumers?<br><br>The first people to convince are the nutritionists

who then pass the message on to

consumers.<br><br>Nutritionists are very influenced by scientific studies made


reputable Universities.<br><br>So the first thing to do is

to look up the nutrition literature to find what

studies have already been done and to find out are there

any theories or competing theories of raw food in

nutrition.<br><br>The second thing is to write out a clear

hypothesis.<br><br>And the third is to write to a University department

and ask them to test the hypothesis.<br><br>Sheep

think they are very clever for belonging to a flock;

they think they are absolutely brilliant for not

standing out as prey for the predator. If you tell a sheep

to be an individual, she will look at you as if you

are mad.<br><br>But while an individual sheep can't

be driven, a flock can.<br><br>At least by a man and

his dog.<br><br>Victor.

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