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having a hard time

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Hello what is my problem!!!!! I am getting discusted with my self,why do I have

a hard time staying on this diet....It is like a yoyo...any suggestions

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It seems that you like hunting and

fishing....<br>Is that true or it was a past activity? just

wonder.....<br>You can try to give to your mind something to do

everyday at the same time. The same thing. it will bring

you stability, rest. clean something...i dunno....

Also try to eat at the same time, that would be good

for the fire of your stomach. Moreover the

intelligence of your body (cels) will not became " crazy " . do i

explain myself correctly?<br>plain and simple flavors

last forever.<br>when you eat something well dressed

or flavored...<br>perhaps it has a good taste at

first, but after a while this feeling dissapears. it

does not happen with a bowl of rice, for

example.<br><br><br><br><br><br><br> POR FAVOR NO MATEN A LOS ANIMALES<br><br>


r><br> <br><br><br><br> " Cada día cuando amanece en

América Latina comienza el sacrificio de<br> animales. Al

anochecer casi 30 millones de vacas, ovejas, puercos,

pollos y<br> pavos han sido torturados hasta perder la

vida. Este horrible proceso<br> continua día tras día,

hasta que, para el fin del año más de cinco

billones<br> de seres de sangre caliente y sentimiento habrán

perecido. Además del<br> sinnúmero de animales sacrificados

en laboratorios y de los perros y gatos<br>

eliminados por los servicios de salud. " <br><br> " Antes de

morir los animales de las fabricas de carne llevan una

vida de<br> agonía sin fin. El hacinamiento, las

privaciones, el maltrato y las<br> mutilaciones imperan en las

fábricas de carne de hoy. El ganado vacuno se<br> cría en

pequeños corrales sin refugio de los elementos de la

naturaleza.<br> Terneros recién nacidos son separados

violentamente de sus madres y puestos<br> en jaulas que impiden

el movimiento del animal. Igualmente otros

animales<br> sufren privaciones y maltratos abusando de ellos

hasta sus limites<br> biológicos en la incesante

búsqueda de ganancias a corto plazo. " <br><br> " Alimentados

a la fuerza, manipulados genéticamente,

inseminados<br> artificialmente, cortadas sus orejas, colas,

picos y cuernos, marcados con<br> hierros calientes,

castrados y mutilados sin anestesia ni entrenamiento<br>

médico. Las condiciones horripilantes de transporte y

movilización<br> privándolos de alimento, agua y abrigo de los

elementos prolongan su agonía<br> hasta el último

suspiro. " <br><br> " Millones de otros animales silvestres son

torturados cada año cuando sus<br> terrenos se convierten en

pastos y campos agrícolas de las fabricas de<br>

carne. " <br><br> 91 665 70 25<br> buzon

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Hi Ginny, I have similar problems, if you'd like to contact me direct on <br>

beavis101<br>maybe we can encourage each other?<br> all the

best,<br> Dee

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Hi Ginny<br>I went 100% raw Dec. 22, 99 and I am

having a hard time with detox. I sometimes think if I

had known what I was getting into, when I started I

wouldn't have done it. Maybe your body is telling you to

go slow ( I wish mine had ). Maybe this is a good

way to transition to raw food. The most important

thing is not to be disgusted with your self, and when

you go off raw, stay vegan on your cooked food. Maybe

you could make cooked food, part of your

transitionary program.<br><br>Doug

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Kauguy,<br><br>I'm surprised the detox effect

would still be an issue after 5 months raw. I never

heard it spelled out exactly but roughly figured a few

weeks to a couple months to go through detox or

experience what's called the " healing effect " where

supposedly any diseases from your past that have been

supressed (but not really cured) will resurface and work

themselves back out of the body.<br><br>Anyway, I'm one of

those who's tinkered with raw. I first got interested

from reading a couple good sources a couple years ago

suggesting at least 50% raw. I've pushed it at 50% to 80%

for a couple weeks at a time but haven't gotten the

willpower yet and mental focus to go 100%. But I believe it

is the way to go and figure even if I'm hitting 50%

plus, I'm doing better than 95% of the planet. I hope

one day to take the plunge and see for myself what

all the huhbub's about.

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