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If you're still around, I highly recommend

reading " The Sunfood Diet Success System " by David Wolfe.

This book will motivate you beyond belief.<br><br>Fit

For Life II was a great book (I read it three times)

but if you want to get motivated to move to a raw

foods diet, read the book by David Wolfe. You'll be

eating a raw diet before you know it.<br><br>I tried

going 70% raw before and it was A LOT harder than going

100%. COoked food is addicting and the best way to

overcome an addiction is to abolish the addictive

substance completely. After a few weeks at 70% raw, I

slowly slipped to 60% then 50% without really realizing

it. 100% is much easier to maintain.<br><br>I wish

you the best!

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Hi Ladybugg<br> Yes, I'm still here. Thanks for

the information. I saw that book online, but did not

order it. Now that I have your recommendation, I will

do so.<br> It is very interesting that you say 100%

raw is easier than less than 100%. I have struggled

with this idea for many years. I often find that doing

100% of a change is easier while you're doing it(like

cutting out sweets), but that I easily fail and go back.

Perhaps it was because starches and other carbs are so

similar to sweets that I wasnt really going all out.<br>

I'm also very glad you said that cooked foods are

addictive. I have thought that for a long time, especially

with sugar and carbs. I wasnt sure if it was the

nature of carbohydrates, especially sugar, or additives,

or what. Why do you think cooked food is addictive

(scientifically speaking)?<br><br> My biggest questions to you

and everyone else who is on 100% raw is ...<br><br>1.

how do you overcome the intense craving for something

that seems more " filling " or substantive than salads,

fruit, etc.? (and can you recommend a recipe sources

that uses foods I've heard of and can find in the

store!) Also, I'm assuming that the goal is for all the

raw food to be organic.<br><br>2. Is it REALLY true

that the desires for these foods (cooked, sweets,

carbs, etc) go away? Please be honest! <br><br>3. I

don't like meat, but after many years of researching

this issue, I think that humans should have meat

(poultry, fish, included) every so often and that it should

be organic and hormone free. When I researched

Chimpanzee diets I found that they too eat meat (usually

baby monkeys) but in small amounts (about 5% of their

diet). What the research showed was that the chimps that

ate some meat had a better successful birthing rate

than those that did not. Of course, they're eating raw

monkey, and, even though the Eskimos (far from

civilization) can eat raw meat, I wouldn't dare do it in this

day and age (and I couldn't even stomach it). So what

do you think of small amounts of organic cooked

meats every once in awhile taken with digestive

enzymes?<br><br> <br>Thanks in advance for any

information!<br>Raven<br>PS. I read what people said about raw nuts being bad

for you - dont animals in the wild eat raw nuts?

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I got David Wolfe's book from barnes and Noble. I

didn't want to wait for it to be shipped to my house, or

pay the freight charges so I called a local Barnes

and Noble and the had ONE copy left so I went down

and bought it that day. Crown books doesn't carry it.

If the Barnes and Noble by you doesn't have it, you

can order it over the phone and it should be there

within 3 days or so. That's if you don't want to order

it online. Either way you choose, you'll love it!!

The book was fantastic.<br><br>He talks about cooked

food being addictive but I really don't remember the

particulars of " why " . I loaned the book to my brother so I

can't go back and look it up right now.<br><br>Yes, you

definitely want to eat as much organic produce as you can.

That's hard to do when you dine out since 99% of the

restaurants don't serve organic produce. I rarely go out to

eat. I'm happy making my meals in my own kitchen. That

way, I know everything is organically

grown.<br><br>Believe it or not, I eat much less food on a raw foods

diet. I used to be quite the chow hound before making

the switch. I always wanted to eat, whether I was

hungry or not. When we eat cooked, processed junk, our

bodies aren't getting nearly enough nutrients and our

brain signals us to eat more food because it is

essentially malnourished. Eating a raw foods diet, our body

is able to absorb alot more nutrients. Cooked food

gums us up our intestines so when we do eat a piece of

fruit, the nutrients don't get very well absorbed. Once

the body is cleaned out, we can better absorb these

nutrients. I don't get nearly as hungry eating a raw diet

and I eat alot less. I have virtually no cravings for

cooked food whatsoever. I thought for sure I'd be hungry

all the time, but the opposite of that is true.

Amazing!<br><br>I don't think humans need to consume animal flesh

in any quantity. Besides, the true carnivores eat

their meat raw, as you stated. Raw foodist say to NEVER

eat raw meat. David talks about this in his book.

It's best to give up animal products altogether. (meat

and dairy)<br><br>He mentions the gorilla throughout

his book. It's the strongest land animal and is a

true vegetarian. They have been seen picking bugs out

of their food while observed in the wild. He also

says monkeys that do eat some meat, are much more

violent than vegetarian monkeys and their life span is

also shorter. Interesting, eh?<br><br>As far as taking

digestive enzymes, don't do it! Your body doesn't need any

assistance in digesting food UNLESS you eat the wrong types

of food. It's best to eat the RIGHT types of food

and forget the pills, powders and potions.<br><br>As

far as raw nuts go, I don't see anything wrong with

eating them but it is easy to overeat them because they

taste so good. David says to keep nuts and seeds to

about 5% of your diet. (approx 1 pound a week). I love

raw nuts and eat them everyday.<br><br>Let me know

what you think of all this! I highly recommend his

book. It gives you so much information and gets you

motivated beyond belief!<br><br>Ladybug~

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If I may butt in here, There are a two reasons

cooked food is addictive. First, is that anything toxic

is addictive. Ie; alcohol, heroin, cigaretts, etc. I

know that it does not seem that cooked food would be

any more toxic than raw, but compare cooked food to

raw, a carrot for instance, not only do they look and

feel completly differant, but they are chemicaly

different. The minerals are no longer organic in that they

are no longer bound to the cell structure of the

plant. The fiber of the cooked carrot has been degraded

to the point of being nearly nonexistent. Enzymes

are completly distroyed. When the cooked carrot

enters your stomach, it does not have the enzymes to aid

in digestion, so it just lays there undigested. This

is the secound reason cooked foods are addictive.

They give you that full feeling after you eat. When

you first become raw, you always feel hungry because

raw foods are digested so quickly. Meanwhile this

cooked carrot is still laying in your stomach making you

feel nice and full, but without enzymes the only thing

your body can do is throw a lot of acid at it. This

causes Heartburn, and reduces the carrot to a pasty slop

that is finaly pushed into the intestins where the

pancreas overworks trying to add the valuable enzymes your

body needs for other metobolic functions, to this mess

in a desperate attempt to digest it. As it moves

through your intestins lacking the fiber that it once

had, it becomes a pasty substance that smears its self

along your intestinal walls, where it stays for twenty

years or more, putrifying and poisoning your blood. It

is believed that average adults carry fifteen pounds

of this undigested plaque around in their intestins.

When John Wayne died an autopsy showed he had 45

pounds of this waste in him, he died on the toilet

trying to have a bowel movement. When I was younger, I

was a DRUNK (I wasent an alcoholic because I refused

to go to meetings). I had read that with any

addiction, it is the toxins in you, that make you crave more

of those toxins. It is the same with cooked foods.

When I quit drinking I did the " Master Cleanser " fast

by Stanley Burroghs, after cleansing my body of

alcohol I quit very easily. Addictions ALWAYS get worse,

this is why going to 70% or 90% raw is harder to do,

and 100% raw, is much easier. Finaly if you want to

see evidence that cooked food is addictive, just stop

eating it, see what happens.<br><br> Also I saw a

program on TV. about Chimpanzees eating some meat and

they said that more recent research showed that only

some Chimps ate meat, and that they were the sickly

ones.<br><br> The craveings for cooked food don't last very

long, and in the meantime, read, read, read, every book

you can find on raw food, go to all the web sites.

Have fun, get excited. You are making the biggest

change a human being can make in their life. The future

is not a place we go to, but rather a place we

create every day. The most important desision you will

ever make in your life is what you put in your


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