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Hi Chris!!

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I'm glad you decided to join this club. I'm still

pretty new myself and am just now getting to know some

of the members. It seems like a friendly place

:-)<br><br>Congrats on your 4 raw days! How are you feeling? Being

vegan for so many years will definitely help with the

detox process. It shouldn't be so extreme. What does a

typical day of eating consist of now, being all raw? How

is your family accepting it? DO they think you're a

loon? (har har). My one brother is totally supportive

and plans on going raw pretty soon. My other two

brothers are a lost cause, unfortunately.<br><br>Keep us

updated on your progress and welcome aboard!

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Thanks Ladybug for your welcome. This Lady is a

good person to have around, she is so enthousiastic

(is that the riight spelling?). Yes I am doing well

so far, but I couldn't do anything else, I took you

advice :) Seriously though I do feel a bit different.

Cleaner inside, less wind (inside there's plenty in the

garden right now and it is wet - no good for aphids!);

and I feel stronger but have a little less stamina.

On monday I visited an exercise gym, yesturday we

went for walk in woodlnads to the sea. My wife (a life

Vegan) is fine with it and supportative, she understands

the benefits, but being in good health doesn't see

the need. The cats don't mind any way! They do eat a

little raw food! (Bach does love his cucumber, raw and

juicey, Bach & Kitty go mad on melon). Can anyone help

about what dried fruit counts as raw, prunes, apricots,

figs etc. (i know sugared ones are no good, nor are

those in SO2.) Chris. :)

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Welcome aboard Chris; About dried fruits, unless

it specificaly states the temperature they were

dried at, assume they are cooked dead, even though they

are technically raw. enzymes are killed at around 110

degrees. I don't know what that is celsius. When I was a

kid, I worked in a place that dried fruit. It was HOT

I would guess between 160 and 200

degrees.<br><br>Sooner or later you will start to detoxify, you may feel

weak and dizzy don't let it scare you away. Just keep

in touch with us, we'll see you through.<br><br>Doug

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Thanks Doug. After 5 days I have not been dizzy

or hungry. As I said Ladybug has been my inspiration

to try this diet out, and she has helped me. Other

people's contribution will be welcome too though. I know

there are some grey areas like dried fruit, sprouted

grains and seeds and herbal teas. I see that I have see

what is best for me. I have been vegetarian all my

life and vegan for about 30 years, have always had

fruit & salad every day. So it is not so strange to me

as some people. Even my wife Dilys (vegan all her

life) was wondering if she might try raw for at least a

while, to make her feel less stiff. But she is worried

partly because it would mean more chewing, and she says

her teeth are wearing out (her dentist says they

are). Chris.

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Hi there, Raw Chris! I'm glad you're feeling good

so far. I sent you a long email yesterday about

sprouts and a few other things. Wheat, no matter what

form you eat it in (sprouted or otherwise) isn't good

for you. It contains gluten and that coats your

intestines with a paste-like substance. After eating wheat

for a few years, this gluten build-up becomes hard

which makes it difficult for you to absorb any

nutrients. Stay away from wheat!<br><br>What Kauguy (did I

spell that right?) said about dried fruit sounds like

sound advice. I buy small quantities of dried fruit

from a health food store and I'm ass-uming they

dehydrate their food at tolerable levels. Above 110 degrees

destroys the nutrients. I think it would be best to buy a

dehydrator and dry your own food so you can regulate the

temperature. That's if you want to eat dehydrated foods. It

certainy isn't necessary to do so.<br><br>Your wife's

teeth are wearing out? That sounds odd. I just read

something interesting about teeth in " The Raw Life " . He

says cavities are nothing more than toxins coming out

of your teeth and after you eat an all raw diet, you

won't get cavities since you are no longer toxic

inside. Interesting, eh?<br><br>Anyway, I'm glad your'e


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