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Hiya Chris!<br><br>The reason I'm going to fast

isn't because I'm unhealthy but because I want to speed

up the detox process. A fast is easier to do if you

can relax and not have to go to work. I have a 4 day

weekend over Thanksgiving plus I think it'll be neat to

fast while the rest of the country is being gluttonous

and YES the whole slaughter aspect does have a part

in it. So there's too many good reasons NOT to fast

at this time!<br><br>Fasting rests the whole body.

Your organs don't have to work at processing all that

food so they can truly rest. Since the body doesn't

have to deal with digestion, absorption and so much

bowel elimination, it can concentrate on eliminating

stored toxins. It kind of 'cleans house' in a sense.

There are some great books out there about fasting. One

is called Fasting Can Save Your Life. If you want

more info on this, email me. I can't rememeber the

other books right now. Maybe someone here

can?<br><br>The fasting you did sounds like it was a very

positive experience. Not only did it help you mentally,

but it helped your physical body as well. That is

very cool :-)

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Hiya Teri, The resaon I asked the question was

because I would have thought after having been on a raw

diet for 5 or 6 weeks I wouldn't have thought you need

a fast like that as well. <br> I fully appreciate

the detox effect, and giving the body a rest, that is

good. <br> In 1969 I organised a sponsored 30 mile walk

aound London to raise money for VEGFAM, (a charity

which is the vegan alternative to OXFAM), We had about

150 walkers walking through the centre of london on a

twice round 15 mile circuit. The point I am getting at

is that two of the walkers were fasting and running

instead of walking. They said it gave them MORE energy. I

still find that difficult to believe. anyone have any

opinion on that?<br> Anyway Teri I hope you enjoy your

rest and feel a new women after it. You really are

going to be healthy Teri. Look forward to hearing how

it goes, here's to a Teri bubbling over with

vitality, you'll have to forget those aphids for a while

too! ( I presume that will be in about two weeks time)


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Periodic, short-term fasting is a good idea even

when eating all raw. It allows the body to rest and

cleanse even further. You better believe you'll have more

energy after a few days or so of fasting. The first few

days you might feel tired, but after that your energy

level will soar so I can believe those people were

running instead of walking. Their bodies weren't working

to digest and process food. Digestion is the number

one energy sapper there is. It takes more energy to

digest food than it does to swim, run, bicycle and even

have sex! Of course the worse someones diet is, the

more energy their bodies will need to digest the

food.<br><br>My longest fast so far is 8 days. I did 4 days of

nothing but water and watermelon then 8 days of just

water. The 4 watermelon days were kind of a preparation

period. After going on all water, I felt tired and kind

of spacey for a few days but by day four, I felt

fantastic. The remaining 4 days were great. I had an

abundance of energy.<br><br>Remember, the more toxic a

person is, the heavier the detox process will be,

especially if a person is taking medications. They may feel

lousy for alot longer than just a few days. It really

depends from person to person. <br><br>If anyone is

thinking about doing a fast, I'd suggest reading about it

first. It may be too shocking for the body if one is

extrememly toxic and taking meds. It's best to ease into a

fast in that case. I think most of the people in this

club are pretty much able to do a short fast without

any problem (my opinion).<br><br>I'd eventually like

to do a two week fast. That oughta be a trip,

eh?<br><br>I'll have to abstain from aphids for the upcoming

Holiday but it'll be well worth it ;~}<br><br>I think a

group fast would be cool. We can keep in touch with

each other via the internet on our progress. If any of

you ever decide to do a fast, just let me know. I may

very well join you.

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Chris;<br>Don't expect to be healther and feeling

better in a few weeks on living foods. It takes months,

young people are not detoxed in less than 6 months , it

could take 18 months, or even years. On Dec. 22 I will

have been 100% raw for 1 year, and I still go through

periods of detox where I feel dizzy, spaced out, and even

sick. Fasting can hurry this process. Remember, as with

all of us, you have been addicted to cooked food

since birth. There are two basic things you are dealing

with. Raising your enzyme levels and cleansing your

intestins,. The average adult is carrying 15lbs of undigested

toxic waste around in their intestins, some of this

toxic waste has been their since we were infants. You

need to read some books on living foods, I recomend

" Natures First Law " by Arlin, Dini, and Wolf. I have love,

hate, feelings toward this book. Although it contains

great information, it is poorly written, repititous,

and reactionary.(it is written by young people, I was

the same way once) It is written by 100% raw foodists

which is rare. Another good book is " Intutive Eating "

by Humbart Santillo. This is an excelent book on raw

foods, but Santillo is not a 100% raw foodist, so I

don't take any of his advice, in fact one of the things

he says you can eat is cooked rice. Cooked starch is

the WORST thing you can eat. Another good book, which

deals more with intestinal cleansing is " Mucusless Diet

Healing System " by Professor Arnold Ehret. I like the

book " The Master Cleanser " by Stanley Burroughs. for

fasting. Another great sourse of info is this message

board, you could go back and read all the posts, and its

free. <br><br>Doug

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Hi Doug. Thanks for that information. I

understand what you are saying. I have generally been

brought up on a fair amount of raw food, often home

grown. So a lot of these ideas are not really new to me.

Ladybug says the reason I am not feeling any side effects

of going on a raw diet is because I have generally

speaking have had a reasonal diet all my life. I have had

hardly any bad effects since being raw for three weeks .

I thought that I might, but I havn't. just for a

few days i seemed have a little less stamina, now I'm

back to normal, feeling cleaner inside, less wind

(much less) and have lost about 10 pounds in weight. I

know the advantages of fasting, just didn't think such

a long fast was necessary , that's all. Chris (PS

you seem to be a sporty type of person.?)

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