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Raw kids?

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Hi All,<br><br>I've been a veggie for 30 some

years and am messing with the idea of Rawdom. Here's

the deal. I have a new 21 month old girl, Hannah,

whose smart, beautiful, healthy and generally wonderful

(Of course) and like my wife and I,

Veggie.<br><br>Does anyone know of any books specifically devoted to

raising young children on raw food? From what I read here

the raw diet is really great and I look forward to

possibly taking the plunge. It's pretty amazing, we avoid

as many antibiotics and manufactured medicines for

Hannah as legally possible. She always does better when

medical stuff is called for with " natural " remedies, save

emergency treatment for physical


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Their is a good artical on raw vegan babies in

the Sept.- Oct. issue of Just Eat An Apple magazine

issue #13. If you contact them, you can order back

issues.<br><br>I have read that all people who become raw vegans

become more intuitive. There is some anecdotal evidence

that children raised raw vegan from birth become

clairvoyant.<br><br>That said; keep in mind that what you will be doing is

against the law. You could be imprisoned and lose custody

of your child, for child neglect. So if you do it,

keep it quiet. Remember a couple of years ago, they

chased a young couple accross the contry, caught them,

and did just that. It was all over CNN. I felt like

throwing up. <br><br>Doug

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Thanks for you thoughts Doug,<br><br>I’ll check

out the article. I’m really surprised about the legal

ramifications. I raised my first brood Veggie and they turned

out very healthy. One girl, well woman of 31 now,

turned out to be a militant vegan (She’s scary lol) the

other two eat meat, (Their choice, surely not

mine).<br><br>I wish I knew more about that case. My wife used to

be a CPS (Child Protective Services) investigator in

Austin Texas and I’ll see what she has heard about it.

Jeez, I can't imagine what the circumstances of that

case were.<br><br>Are you on Kauaii? I’ve been there a

couple of times and thought it was absolutely wonderful.


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All I can remember about the case was this young

couple were staying with some people, and the people

wanted to give the baby cooked cows milk, they refused,

and the people turned them in. They chased them

accross a few states before they caught them. My girl

friend says she thinks it started in Texas.<br><br>No I

don't live on Kauai but on the big island of Hawaii,

all the way down by south point. Most of the time, I

am the southermost Doug in the United States.


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