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headaches from eating

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I've been an average of 75% raw for about 7

months now. My biggest problem is headaches. They have

improved 90% since I started the raw diet and gave up

various foods. <br><br>But I still seem to get a headache

mostly when I am eating. I thought it was from chewing,

and that this was aggrevated by all the new fiber in

my diet, but today for lunch I just had a fruit

smoothie, and even that gave me a slight headache.

<br><br>So, my latest theory that it has something to do with

my breathing. I know that I don't breathe deeply

enough and don't get enough oxygen in general. I

exercise 5x a week, 30 min of walking. I've noticed when

work out harder, I have less headache problems.

<br><br>Has anyone else experienced headaches from eating?

This is just bizarre. I guess I should go to a doctor,

but can't afford a good non-traditional one.

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Hi ZibWorm!<br>I haven't heard about headache

from eating. What I know about headaches is that they

are caused by presence of caffeine or cholesterol in

your blood when eliminating. Elimination starts as

soon as catabolism is higher then anabolism. The more

your body is acid the faster is the elimination and

the more intensive is the headache. As soon as your

body is free of caffeine and cholesterol, the

headaches are gone. You didn't mention what is the left

25%? What is the smoothie made from? Cow milk? There

must be some source of cholesterol or coffeine in your

diet that causes the headaches. You check it! Maybe

you ask what food is alkaline to slow down the

elimination and lower the intensity of your headache. The

answer is simple: all green leafy vegetable rich in

calcium. Check a wonderful book " ECO EATING " by Sapoty


(<a href=http://www.midcoast.com.au/~sbrook/eco-eating.htm


Say (or miaw?) hello to Boo!<br>As a traveler,

have you been to Sri Lanka?

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I think they might be sinus headaches. I've been

off caffeine, cow's milk and have had very little

cheese for the past 7 months. The 25% is only whole

grains, brown rice, non-dairy, mostly veggies, whole

spelt pasta, some healthy corn chips, pasta sauce,

veganaise, salsa. And I eat tons of green, Barleygreen, and

carrot juice. Maybe it is just taking time to get it all

out of my system. I think I am done with dairy

cheese. I've cut down a lot, but I think I think I need

to cut it completely.

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Hi ZibWorm,<br>if you like chees, your body

probably wants a fat. Give it a cold pressed oil. Don't

worry you'll get fat after it if it's unrefined, raw

oil, or say avo or nuts. Don't forget to balance it

with sulfur-rich food such as garlic, hot peppers,

onion or cabage, radish etc. Wonderful book on that

topic is " Fat tha heals, fat that kills " or so... and a

good article on sulfur is online (Just eat an apple

web site).<br>Tom.

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Do you eat cheese by any chance or other dairy

products? Harvey Diamond says eating cheese can trigger

migraines in some people. I think other milk products can

do this too but he says cheese is usally the

culprit. I hope you get relief soon.

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Well, that answers my questions about cheese and

dairy. Maybe you have a wheat allergy. Alot of people

are allergic to wheat and don't even know it. Also,

how long have you been taking the Barleygreen stuff?

Is it in powder form? That may also be the cause.

I'd eliminate wheat for a week or so and see if that

helps (grains, bread, pasta). If it doesn't, try

eliminating the Barleygreen powder next. Hopefully, one of

those two thing is causing you to have the headaches

and can easily be eliminated. Let us know what


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that may be true that I'm craving fat. I eat a

whole avocado almost every day! As for cheese, its

mostly the creamy effect that I want. I don't really

crave it, but when I make something w/ cheese in it for

my husband, it looks so good, I usually snitch.

Guess I need to stop making it for him, for my own

sake! That is hard, because we are newly married, and

also, if I don't cook for him, he eats worse junk.

<br><br>I didn't have my carrot juice and Barleygreen this

AM, first time in a long time, and I'm sneezing a

lot. May be a connection. Sinuses and infections,

hayfever are a long time problem. My body has a big fight

still ahead to get healed. No headaches the last few

days though.

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Thanks! You guys are motivating me to completely

give up cheese, and chocolate (I have a bit

occasionally) I didn't realize the connection to headaches.

Even with my diet so extremely healthy in other areas,

little slip ups can have an effect.

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Yes, I probably need to give up the wheat, and

also corn. My cooked food portion is almost always

wheat or corn. Even though is is whole grain, if that

is what is giving me headaches, its outta

here!!!<br><br>Barleygreen I've been taking for about 7 years. It's like my

best friend. It helped me overcome frequent

respiratory infections years ago. I'm curious as to why you

think it could be a culprit. Yes, it is powder.

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I don't think you should cook for your husband

just so he won't eat " worse junk " . Hey... this is a

new millennium... women don’t HAVE to cook for men.

It is not up to you to baby-sit his diet. You need

to take care of yourself, first and above all. You

are too important. He is an adult. He can make his

own choices and his own dinner.

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I truly enjoy cooking for my husband. I don't see

it as something I have to do. <br><br>But...cheese

may be something that I can't cook for him anymore

because it is too much of a temptation to me. I just need

to find something to replace it with. Any ideas?

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Hey, do you like avocados? You mentioned you like the creamy texture of cheese.

Avocados are very creamy and satisfying. Maybe 1 or so a day will help curb your

cheese appetite. Just a thought.

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Finally, I've gotten to this through my inbox.

Okay, you wrote you're sneezing. You know why? That's

one of the first attempts of your body to get rid of

the mucus built up of the casein from your beloved

cheese. Yes, lungs are great eliminating organs and the

windpipe transports the rubbish up to your nose. have a

nice milk-free day. <br>Tom.

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