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Vegetarian or Raw ?

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Dear Raws,<br><br>It seems that Vegetarians are

against killing animals because Buddha says, or to stop

animal suffering, or because farmed animals are

ecologically bad, or as a protest against Industrial

Society.<br><br>While Raws seem to be more interested in the good

effects raw has on their well-being.<br><br>My personal

opinion is I am far, far more knowledgeable than Buddha

was 3,000 years ago and no doubt a better integrated

person.<br><br>I don't believe animals suffer because I don't

believe they are conscious.<br><br>The farming of cattle

is ecologically bad, while the farming of kangaroos

is ecologically benign.<br><br>And I believe

Industrial Society has freed us from slavery and

serfdom.<br><br>To live in a Society where even the poor can, if

they wish, eat raw, that is, eat large amounts of

fresh fruit and vegetables, nuts and seeds, all year

round, is unprecedented in human history.<br><br>We are

the Princesses and Princes of history. We should

never complain. We should show our gratitude by

enjoying and celebrating fresh fruit and vegetables, nuts

and seeds, everyday. And it is our duty to share our

pleasure with others but with care and respect for their

wishes and tastes.<br><br>I find I am out of sympathy

with Vegetarianism although I like individual

vegetarians as I do meateaters.<br><br>The last century was

the century of -isms, which were plainly evil. No

more, please.<br><br>I think the nicest thing to do is

to share delicious fresh food with our friends,

family, the poor, the sick and the lonely.<br><br>They

probably think so too.<br><br>Victor.

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& gt; & gt; & gt;It seems that Vegetarians are against

killing animals because Buddha says, or to stop animal

suffering, or because farmed animals are ecologicall bad, or

as a protest against Industrial Society.<br><br>I

became vegetarian and then vegan becasue I prefer for

animals not to die or suffer for me in factory farms.

" Protest against industrial society " I have never heard

that one.<br><br>Many raw veg*ans origionally became

vegetarian for animal suffering reasons and then became

exposed to the raw food idea from there. As I

did!<br><br> & gt; & gt; & gt;I am far, far more knowledgeable than Buddha was

3,000 years ago and no doubt a better integrated

person.<br><br>Maybe buddists should start worshipping you! :) No

seriously that's the most arrogant thing I have ever heard.

You are are seriously deluded into thinking such

things or even comaring yourself in such ways to such

people.<br><br> & gt; & gt; & gt;I don't believe animals suffer because I don't

believe they are conscious.<br><br>Animals can feel pain

and emotions such as saddness and fear. Can I ask you

a question would it concern you if you had say a

pet cat and this cat was in

pain??<br><br> & gt; & gt; & gt;The last century was the century of -isms, which were

plainly evil. No more, please.<br><br>Raw foodism, raw

vegetarianism ....

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Dear Buddha, aka Shortus,<br><br>Me used to think

you spoke your beliefs and practices, even when you

knew they would be unpopular with some on this board,

in the interest of stimulating an interesting

conversation. Now I wonder whether you believe all you

say.<br><br>Re Buddha, he was born into a family of royalty but

became troubled at a young age by all the suffering he

saw in the ordinary people of his time. He devoted

his life trying to figure this out and came to a

number of conclusions that can be boiled down roughly as

this: In life there will be suffering. Full stop. If

you examine the causes of suffering you will usually

find that it is related to want, desire, greed, etc.

Therefore, if you want to eliminate suffering you have to

work within to eliminate these emotions. To do that

you follow a lot of practices designed to instil

control over your emotions and desires. There are

obviously many books about this that take it to further

steps, but this is more or less the gist of it as I

remember.<br><br>You say you believe you are " far, far more

knowledgable than Buddha " . You probably are on some subjects

(electrical engineer? physicist? whatever), but I doubt you

are on understanding human behavior and in any event

you absolutley have no way of knowing that since you

never met the Buddha. So your comment is unsupported as

stated.<br><br>Your mention that he lived 3000 years ago (I believe

it's more like 2500) suggests that the time span makes

it likely that people today are more " knowledgable "

(whatever exactly that means) than people of that time. We

in the technological era think we are advanced due

to all the neat gadgets and tricks " scientists " can

do nowadays to the human body, to crops, to studying

and breaking down objects. Doctors can stop your

heart, put it in an ice chest, scrape your arteries,

then put you back together again. I guess in some

respects that is " advanced " .<br><br>But how smart are we,

really. We have built road systems in most countries to

get to work faster an d move things around, etc. But

now we get stuck in traffic and problems from the

pollution. In most communities (US in particular) we almost

cannot live without an automobile. We are now dependent

on this technology and don't walk like we should as

a result. I can hardly ride a bicycle around Dallas

for fear of getting run over.<br><br>We've

" engineered " food products so they can be transported and

stored long periods. We've helped reduce starvation, but

the adulterated food contributes to chronic disease

and weakens our immune system (that's why I believe

raw is the better way!). We're now giving up our

responsibilities for our health and fate into the hands of doctors

and scientists even though we know that, in the US,

mistakes made by doctors and in hospitals are the 3

leading cause of ALL deaths. And now, our " scientists "

are genetically engineering everything they can think

of on the unstated premise that natural creation

made mistakes and we're smart enough to fix

them.<br><br>Archaelogists in the Americas have discovered great ancient

civilizations that existed thousands of years ago that were way

advanced in things like astrology, time, etc. Knowledge

can be used for many objectives. Let's not assume a

few thousand years in the long history of mankind

means we are now far superior. We may be advanced by

some measures but losing the big picture in others.

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Your post was a bit " different " but this sentence

stuck out like a neon sign.<br><br> & lt; & lt; & lt;I don't

believe animals suffer because I don't believe they are

conscious. & gt; & gt; & gt;<br><br>You aren't serious, are you? Animals don't


Of course they do. They (most) have central nervous

systems much like we do and they do suffer. They feel

pain like we do and some even feel sorrow, jealousy,

elation and a whole spectrum of emotions. I don't know

why someone would even say such a thing, unless he

was a devout meat eater or vivisector. You aren't

either of those things, are you? Sheesh!

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Shortus,<br><br>You say you don't believe animals

suffer because you don't believe they are conscious.

What exactly is conscious?<br><br>1. Using one's

mental powers; capable of thought, will or perception 2.

Able to perceive what is happening 3. Having or

showing self consciousness; aware 4. Done with awareness;

intentional; deliberate.<br><br>Have you ever seen a predatory

animal stalk it's prey? Have you ever seen a dog that's

been hit by a car and in agony? Have you ever seen the

fear in a dog's eyes when he thinks your going to swat

his butt with a newspaper for chewing on the

furniture (then he does it the next day anyway!)?<br>

Animals don't display consciousness?

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I think I understand Victor's post. People who

believe that animals aren't conscious are in that group

of soul-less humans propagating wretched amounts of

suffering on this planet. They probably all would say they

are more knowledgeable than Buddha. After all, that

silly saint was into peace, kindness and love.

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