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We've got it... Orthorexia Nervosa!

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Did anyone see the tv segment last night on " The

Fox Report " (Fox News Channel) on " Orthorexia

Nervosa " ? <br><br>We've been labeled with an eating

disorder! How about that? Dr. Steven Bratman, M.D. has

written a book about people like you and me. Watch out!

The medical industry says we have a disorder because

we have a " fixation on eating proper food " . Wow! You

all better make appointments with your Dr. right now

and get a check up! Maybe they have a pill to help

cure us of this horrible disorder!<br><br>Here's a

good article on our sad disorder

folks:<br><a href=http://chetday.com/healthfoodjunkie.html

target=new>http://chetday.com/healthfoodjunkie.html</a><br><br>And here's the

book:<br><a href=http://shopping.altavista.com/product.sdc?p=12762496


nonsense! Before this we were just " health nuts " .

Now we have " Orthorexia Nervosa " because we want to

eat healthy and it takes some effort to do so. Well,

if the food industry wasn't so bent on irradiating

and poisioning our food supply perhaps it would be

easier for us. If there weren't a Burger King on every

block perhaps it would be easier. If farmers stopped

picking fruits 4 weeks before they are ripe and gasing

them to artificially ripen them perhaps it would be

easier for us. But they are not that thoughtful are

they? Adulterated food " stuff " is easier to package,

more profitable and has a greater shelf life. Nobody

wants sicko's like us who want pure and natural foods.

Sorry Charlie, food products " enriched " with chemical

vitimins and minerals does not equate to healthy food for

me. I want real food the way it was meant to be

consumed.<br><br>Let's face it. It's hard for most people to eat healthy

without effort. It's hard to find good food and unlearn

all the unwholesome eating habits we have acquired

from our family upbringing. And then in many cases you

have to do it alone because you are the only person

who can figure out that there is a relationship

between what you put into your mouth and your health

before you reach your death bed.<br><br>I think if we

pull the wrappers off this book we will see it is more

of the same. Political foes use the same technique.

You don't like what somebody is doing then " label "

them. Now they can write us off in there own minds

because now they know we have Orthorexia Nervosa. Poor

club members.. I feel so sorry for us. Pity we can't

be like everyone else and sit in the dr's office

waiting to be diagnosed with something awful. We're all

going to feel pretty stupid someday dying of

" nothing " .<br><br>Of course I focus on healthy eating and habits more

than the average American but I see the benefits. The

benefits for me far outweigh the effort. If they didn't

I'd stop. It tells me I'm headed in the right

direction. The mistake I see some people making is putting

too much faith in one aspect of healthy eating and

living and doing just that one thing over and over again

until they drive everyone around them crazy. Take

juicing. Good stuff. But let's not go overboard and juice

50 pounds of carrots each week! Exercise-- good

stuff. But let's not spend 5 hours each day in the gym

while our family sits at home. Moderation is key. Get

your bearing and head in the right direction but go at

a moderate speed. Life is to be enjoyed. Our eyes

have been opened to the path that leads to good

health. Hopefully we are going to be around a few extra

years so love and laugh, share and enjoy with your

family and friends along the way.<br><br>Look at that!!!

I did it AGAIN! I gave healthy advice to people I

haven't even met! You didn't even ask me for the advice.

I just gave it! What a sicko I must be! Doctor!

Doctor! I need HELP!<br><br>-OrionsDad

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Hey wait a minute--- if we have a DISORDER I'm claiming it on my Insurance.

Maybe I can go on Welfare. Or better yet free psychiatric care, I could use

that. We got it made.<br><br>Doug

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I'm afraid you're still in denial. The first step

to curing your afliction is to admit you have a

problem. Don't be embarrassed, this insidious disease

creeps up on people without them even realizing it. Now

that the good doctor has identified and labeled it,

help is on its way.<br><br>What a whiner this guy who

wrote the article about his new-found disorder. So he

had a bad experience catering to various classes of

vegetarians, vegans and such. I tried to read his article with

an open mind, but I couldn't take all the whinging

and complaining. This guy needs to lay off the

caffein and do something productive. Of cource since he's

a recovering Orthorexia Nervosa or whatever, he'll

make a great poster child for the cooked food

industry... Money-wise, things will probably start looking up

to him. " News " stories like that one serve to

reaffirm that I aint missing nothing since I gave up

commercial television years ago. That's all I need are dim

wits giving advice. Jeez.

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