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Water fasting requires supervision!!

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I have to discourage unsupervised which is

generally what all the fasting experts say.<br><br>Jeff, if

you read this can you please elaborate on the

potential dangers?<br><br>I beleive various things can go

wrong and overwhelm the body, best to have supervision

just in case.<br><br>Blake

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Dear Jeff,<br><br>Yes, I would like to know what

the dangers are of an unsupervised 10 day water

fast.<br><br>I read that anything over 14 days requires

supervision. So maybe 10 days is safe.<br><br>I am starting my

2nd day, only 9 days to go.<br><br>Every day I will

log in an tell you how I am going. So you may see if

anything is going wrong.<br><br>I am doing this to bring

down my blood pressure.<br><br>So far I feel fine

except for sinus pain which I expect will go after a day

or two as my sinus clears.<br><br>Victor.

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Victor,<br><br>Great luck on the water fast. Keep

updating us daily with your experiences. From what I've

read, assuming you're pretty healthy and not obese, a

10 day fast is safe (some will disagree and I admit

here I'm no expert). Of course if you can have someone

supervise you, that might be good (you need

supervision!)<br><br>On second thought, this board will supervise you. As

long as you post daily, we'll know you're alive and

probably ok. If you miss posting, and we see buzzards

circling overhead, or there's an evil stench in the winds

crossing from Oz over the Pacific to here, we'll send out

someone to retrieve you!

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Dear Mallon,<br><br>Thank you for thinking of me.

Yes I think 10 days is safe. I'm not obese and I am

healthy otherwise and I am not under stress, so I'm

probably OK.<br><br>I'll update daily except on Sunday.

And if anything goes wrong, just how far away is

Texas?<br><br>I keep reading about a Texan in the White House so

you guys must be doing something right. I do think

though that we should be aiming at a Raw Texan in the

Top Job. Giddy-up RawHide!<br><br>Thanks for your


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Dear Galapugust,<br><br>Thank you for the

information on the dangers of fasting.<br><br>So far I am up

to day 2.5 and I feel fine.<br><br>I am higly

motivated to continue this 10 day water fast because I want

to lower my blood pressure.<br><br>When I saw the

graphs of water fasting and blood pressure, I knew that

this was an opportunity to deal with a very serious

problem I have. So I plan to continue.<br><br>You are a

marvel in being able to find the right information at

the right time. Thanks.<br><br>I wonder though if I

run into electrolyte problems, how would I know, I

mean what are the symptoms and what action should I


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Perhaps I could avoid the electrolyte problem by drinking some fresh carrot and

celery juice halfway through my 10 day water fast. Say day 5.<br><br>What do you


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Ok, I have to jump in here and disagree with

water fasting " requiring " supervision. All fasting

books will tell you this but here's why: To avoid a

lawsuit IF something should happen to go wrong. If you're

relatively healthy and not on meds, there is no reason to be

supervised during a 10 day water fast. I've done it for 8

days and saw no reason whatsoever to have someone

supervise me.<br><br>If someone is very sick and/or taking

alot of meds, then yes, I'd say it's a good idea to

have someone there with you 'just in case'. If nothing

else, they'll explain why you feel so lousy and why

your skin is breaking out, etc. They'll be able to

comfort you when the detox takes place.<br><br>In Roe

Gallo's book " Perfect Body " , she talks about many fasts

she's personally supervised but these were extremely

ill people and needed guidance and reassurance to

continue the fast and she explained to them what was

happening to their bodies. I gather she's had a 100%

successs rate from what she wrote. It's an interesting

book.<br><br>Anyway, if you aren't real sick or taking meds, there's

no real 'need' to be supervised, imo.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Victor,<br><br>You keep mentioning the fact we

have a Texan in the White House. Just to set the

record straight, Alan Greenspan runs the country now. He

just gave us another 0.5% interest rate cut to help us

remain rich, although the greedy stock market would've

liked 0.75%. We should be thankful for the 0.5% we

got.<br><br>The Texan you refer to is in charge of finding a new

world enemy, what with the collapse of Soviet Union

etc. We function better as a society when we clearly

know who the bad guys are. Helps the common man divert

his attention from addressing his personal problems.

So the Texan is really in charge of protecting the

livelyhood of all the defence industry companies located

here in Texas and elsewhere.<br><br>How about an

update on the fast. Are you still on a water and cup of

juice per day regimin?

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Dear Mallon,<br><br>Thanks for asking about the

fast. It went surprisingly well and easily with nice

long term effects. I am grateful for the support I

received from the members. I think one small vegetable

juice every second day probably kept me away from

electrolyte depletion. In fact it was so good I'll do another

after a couple of months.<br><br>Psychologically, I

know I find it hard to do new things. When I find I

can actually do something I am inclined to become

over-confident even boastful. So as a fellow member I ask you to

give me support when I am starting out, but to mock me

unmercifully as I become successful.<br><br>I was very

interested in your post. I had imagined you to be somewhat

right-wing, but I find you are a thinking Texan.<br><br>In

general I agree with your analysis of your economy.

Ironically, along with defence industry companies, we are

beneficiaries of military socialism. In that we rely on your

military under the ANZUS Treaty. So I am not so keen to

'mock the uniforms that guard us while we

sleep'.<br><br>Though I am very pleased that I found this wonderful raw

food site.<br><br>Thanks for asking about

me.<br><br>Victor.<br><br>PS: I met a young Texan on the bus the other day and

he called me Sir. I sounded nicely old-fashioned to

me. Is this common practice?

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Victor,<br><br>On the simple-minded political

spectrum, I'd fall about 85% of the way to the left side.

But I also think I'm similar to a lot of people who

don't like either extreme or the various types of

hypocrites that cling hard and fast to one side or the

other. I want reasonably efficient non-obtrusive

government that recognizes - like it or not - an obligation

to the environment and to set policies that help

somewhat rationalize the distribution of wealth. My

profession is in the corporate world, and while I support in

general free market ideas, total lassez faire (sp?)

approach has bad side effects like GM food, factory farms,

mad cow, etc and other underirables from capitalism

run amok. When the food I'm eating has been altered

or drugged without my knowledge, my free choice is

stolen and I have a problem with that.<br><br>Growing up

in the southern USA I can tell you children used to

be taught to address adults as sir or m'aam, but

that practice is diminishing in the cities although

still prevalent in small towns.<br><br>Although I don't

always agree with all your comments, I enjoy your wit

(as well as the other posters) and your willingness

to express honest -even if unpopular - viewpoints.

Seems to be an Aussie trait based on the handfull of

Ozmeisters I've known.<br><br>P.S. Don't tell anyone, but

I've been known to eat a little raw fish now and then

myself but i keep consumption of domesticated animals to

an extreme minimum and will probably give it up

totally at some point.<br><br>To the others, sorry for

going off-subject and I'll try and restrain myself

somewhat in this regard. I do think mucking up the food

supply in secrecy is a concern for all raw fooders as

well as cooked fooders too. And this board is one of

my few outlets for venting since most Americans are

in the dark about what's happening to our food


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