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I have cravings for fish or meat or

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We crave protien because it is a

artificial<br>stimulant. " Uric acid, which is a byproduct of meat,

metabolizes and acts as a stimulant (false strength) and is

very irritating to the nervous system. In order to

protect itself from the excess uric acid, the body steals

calcium, as a buffer, from the teeth and bones, and

combines it with the uric acid to form calcium urate

crystals, a less irritating substance, but one that can

also lead to kidney stones and rheumatic disorders.

There are two things happening here: the body

is<br>overstimulated, giving us a false sense of strength, and calcium

is being depleted. Both these factors are considered

to be a major part of the aging process. This aging

effect is seen in heavy meat-eating tribes, such as the

Eskimos and the Masai of Africa, where the average

lifespan is approximately 25 to 45 years of age.

Experiments have proven that one can secure all protein

that<br>is necessary from vegetable and fruit sources, and

that the use of meat is both unnecessary and harmful. "

Intuitive Eating, Humbart Santillo, N.D.<br><br>Calcium

urate crystals also cause Gout a form of<br>arthritis.

" With this low-protein diet I have overcome allergies

and arthritic symptoms, and lost 75 pounds of

unnecessary weight. " Humbart Santillo. <br><br>Now for the

cravings I have been 100% raw for 15 months and I still

crave all kinds of crap. But I know the secret of

cravings. Dr. Irwin Stone found that vitamin C (30 grams a

day to start, tapering off to a maintenance dose of

10 grams a day in divided doses after a few weeks)

enabled addicts to quit heroin without withdrawal

symptoms. However vitamin C supplements are

inorganic<br>non-living and un-catalyzed by enzymes. I have found that

two oranges takes care of the most severe cravings. I

just always have citrus fruits on hand. I really

believe that Cravings are just our body's way of telling

us that we need Vitamin C.<br><br>Hope this helps,


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Thanks, Doug!<br>The funny thing is, that I used

to eat meat or fish only every few months for years

befor I went raw. I will take your advice with the

oranges and see what happens: allthough I just decided to

reduce fruits ( I was a carbohydrate addict) and I quit

lemons a few days ago after I read that some people

can't break down the acid and don't become alkaline. I

wanted to try that because my urin never tests alkaline

even if I pour 2 liters of fresh squeezed

Spinach/Kale/Parsley juice in my body.<br>Probably I just have to be

more patient with myself.<br>I find it very difficult

to shop meanwhile. I walk around in the hugest

vegetable shop I have ever seen and there is not much I

really want besides garlic, onions and sauerkraut.Is

that just my negativity that comes out as a result of


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Miri;<br>As transitioning raw foodists, the two

most important foods for us are; fresh watery fruits,

and green leafy vegatables (and I mean GREEN leafy

vegatables like spinach, lose leaf letuce etc. its the

chlorophyll we are after). I do not consider fruits,

carbohydrates because there is so much more than carbohydrates

in the fruit. Fruit is one of our basic foods. They

say that avocadoes and bananas are dense fruits and

should be eaten in moderation, but I don't pay much

attenion to that. I am Hypoglycemic (thats as bad of a

carbohydrate addict as you can get) and bananas cause me a

slight problem, but that deminishes with each passing

month. <br><br>Garlic onions and sauerkraut? Wow thats a

good one. I hope the sauerkraut is not cooked. All my

life I hated raw food, in fact I put off going raw for

years because of that. When I started I ate strange

stuff too. Now I love the taste of raw, its the best

thing I ever ate.<br><br>Doug<br><br>Citrus fruits are

not acid in our bodies. " Acid-forming foods are not

the same as foods that have small amounts of acid in

them, like lemons, limes, grapefruits, and other

citrus. Although these foods have organic acids in them,

these mild acids are cleansing to the system, are

oxydized into CO-2 and water, and do not create an acid

effect on the body fluids. They also contain high

concentrations of alkaline minerals which, after digestion,

increase the body's alkaline mineral reserves. " Intuitive

Eating, Humbart Santillo.<br><br>I don't understand why

you are so concerned about your PH. I have never

known mine, and never cared. I would not expect your

body to become alkaline for quite a while. Your body

(in detoxifying) is getting rid of acid. This can

take years. I am not detoxed yet, but don't be

discouraged, you will feel beter with each passing day. I feel

better now than I did as a kid.

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Vitamin C huh? I would really agree with this. I

have strong cravings in the late afternoons and have

recently been taking 2 extra oranges to work with me.

Completely balances my afternoons. No cravings.

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