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What % raw... Benefits of raw!!!

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Mallon, <br><br>You say you eat at leat 50% raw,

I have found that people almost always over

estimate their raw %.<br><br>I'll give some examples. Say

an active person consumes 2500 calories a

day.<br><br>If this person consumes raw foods such as:<br>-2

pounds of fruit<br>-2 pounds of veggies<br>-the rest is

cooked<br><br>2 ponds of veggies + 2 pounds of fruit =

~900calories or less = ~ 36% raw!!!!!!!<br><br>People will

often say they are 65% raw when they are more like

30%.<br><br><br>I am not convinced 100% raw is optimum for everyone

in the long term. and before you say but all animals

in nature eat all raw let me explain.<br><br>The

majority of people who attempt to stay all raw in the long

term devolop problems. possibly to do with<br>-living

our whole lives on cooked junk<br>-hybridised

fruit<br>-not eating fresh and well grown fruit<br>-Not

blancing the diet properly, it's not as easy as you may

think.<br>-Not exercising enough, burning off the sugar from

fruit.<br><br>B12, this can be a problem fro anyone, vegans should

definitely put their desires for purity and 'faith in

nature' aside and get a reliable supplement.

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Blake,<br><br>From what source do you base your

statement that the majority of people who attempt to stay

100% raw develop problems? I'd be curious to read what

they have to say, after I first was able to determine

whether there was any inherent bias in the group that

produced the study/report.<br><br>Your comment about

exercising enough to burn off the sugar from the fruits

seems to imply that you're suggesting people on raw

food diets that include lots of fruit need more

exercise than a " normal " diet. I don't buy it. When I've

gone mostly raw at times, I eat like a pig (to try and

stay " full " ) and my weight still tends to drop. The

one comment I've read from most raw fooders,

particularly men, is they get concerned early on about weight

loss, until they stabalize or otherwise form new

conclusions of what a " normal " weight should be. Stated

another way, I think the body's intelligence (or call it

what you wish) knows the difference between naturally

occurring sugars and refined white sugar. Conventional

wisdom probably disagrees, but then conventional wisdom

doesn't do a good job explaining why people on SAD which

normally includes a high amount of processed sugar tend to

be overweight. I've read statistics that say the

average American consumes a total of about 175 pounds of

sugar per year - the number has risen dramatically in

the last 20 or so years. I think any concerns about

naturally occurring fruit sugars are insignificant by

comparison.<br><br>You're correct about how easy it is to overestimate the

percentage of raw foods one consumes. However this is not an

issue to me, because when I say my goal is 50% raw at

present, that is not a calculated figure, but rather a

workable goal that means I'm getting a pretty good amount

of fresh foods into my system.<br><br>to be


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continued...<br><br><br>Some of the concerns you

raise about issues or possible problems with an all raw

diet are valid discussion points in my opinion, but

let's disect them one by one.<br><br>Living our whole

lives on cooked junk: Are you implying because we've

eaten crap for many years, that it's dangerous or a bad

idea to start eating right?<br><br>Hybridized or

poorly grown fruit: I don't like the idea of pseudo

scientists and corporate whores monkeying around with our

produce, especially when they genetically engineer it.

What's the solution - throw up our hands and surrender

ourselves to the mercy of the processed food industry to

sell us products they say are balanced? Or seek out

and support organic growers and do our best to eat

right despite the activities of agribusiness. (I say

the latter).<br><br>As a society, most people

relinquished responsibility for their health to the health

care industry during the last 50 years, with the

promise that diseases resulting from bad lifestyle

choices could be all cured by the latest antibiotics,

vaccines, and surgical and high-tech treatments around. The

" health care " and pharmaceutical industry took advantage

of it to sell more overpriced drugs that cause more

problems than they fix. The whole AIDS scam has sucked

over $50 billion of American taxpayer dollars and they

have nothing to show for their efforts. Unless you

count the dead bodies that started out healthy people

with positive HIV tests whose well-meaning doctors

literally poisoned them to death with AZT and other DNA

chain terminators and poisons... but I'm getting off

track here.<br><br>The bottom line to me is that in the

developed world most diseases are diseases of excess,

rather than diseases of deficiencies. The food industry,

like many businesses use scare tactics to make you

think diet is more complicated than it need be. " Use

underarm deodorant or you'll smell bad...use mouthwash or

else you'll have butt-breath...consume 1500 mg of

calcium or you'll develop osteoporosis (btw, the only way

to get that much calcium from " food " is drink

several glasses of milk daily - guess what industry

prompted the US govt to recommend 1500mg/day?)<br><br>I

don't eat from a position of fear. I eat using a small

amount of logic and mostly intuition. I'm not going to

let commercial interests scare me into buying their

products. Their motivations are real simple: profit. I'm

interested in my health. In the macro view, it is totally

illogical to believe we need to take extraordinary steps

involving processed food products and measuring

fat/protein/carb intake, etc....nice information to study as a

hobby or profession, but not necessary knowledge to

survive IMHO.

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& gt; & gt; & gt;From what source do you base your

statement that the majority of people who attempt to stay

100% raw develop problems?<br><br>1. From the

countless raw gurus who where previously 100% raw and know

are not and recomend ~85%

raw.<br>Including<br>-Viktoras Kulvinskas<br>-Dr Gabriel Cousins<br>-Brian

Clement, (Hippocrates)<br>-Dr Malkamus,

(Hacres)<br><br>many others I can't think of know!!<br><br>These gurus

where also not 100% raw.<br>-TC Fry<br>-Arnold

Ehret<br>-Dr Shelton<br><br>2. The opinion of health

professionals who have seen the effects of the raw diet in the

long term of hundreds/thousands of people. I have

contacted some of these people personally.<br><br>3. The

shear lack of healthy raw fooders who have been around

a long time. Raw foods has been around, in a modern

sense, for many decades.<br><br>4. My personal internet

contact with various people who have been all raw for a

long time with

problems.<br><br>--------<br><br>I'm not saying

all raw can not be acheived but most

people who atempt it don't acheive

it.<br><br><br> & gt; & gt; & gt;Your comment about exercising enough to burn off the

sugar from the fruits seems to imply that you're

suggesting people on raw food diets that include lots of

fruit need more exercise than a " normal " diet. I don't

buy it.<br><br>I was just hypothesising one the the

possible causes of some of the problems that occur. I

obviously don't know all the

answers.<br><br> & gt; & gt; & gt;The one comment I've read from most raw fooders,

particularly men, is they get concerned early on about weight

loss, until they stabalize or otherwise form new

conclusions of what a " normal " weight should be.<br><br>I

agree, nearly everyone is overweight in terms of body

composition and most people who say they are an ideal weight

actually are carrying around much extra body fat and have

poor muscle tone. When these people lose fat from raw

they will appear very thin if they do not gain muscle

as they will have poor muscle tone and little body

fat.<br>There is no such thing as ideal weight but ideal BMI

and body composition. This was discussed on the

vegsource.com raw board recently.<br><br>I have always been

thin I weight ~128 pounds at 5'11, I actually really

like being thin believe it or not while I might be

considered underwieght by some I have no desire to gain

weight exept maybe a little healthy

muscle.<br><br> & gt; & gt; & gt;Stated another way, I think the body's intelligence


call it what you wish) knows the difference between

naturally occurring sugars and refined white sugar.

Conventional wisdom probably disagrees, but then conventional

wisdom doesn't do a good job explaining why people on

SAD which normally includes a high amount of

processed sugar tend to be overweight.<br><br>Conventional

wisdom agrees with you that there is a large difference

between refined sugar and sugar from whole fruits

differences include:<br>-the types of sugar, fructose is a

larger molecule and less quickly absorbed<br>-fruits are

nutritious sugar is nutrient devoid and calorie

rich<br>-Fruit has fiber in it which slows down the absorbtion

process.<br><br>But I still have some concerns about not yet known

possible problems with a mostly fruit raw

diet.<br><br> & gt; & gt; & gt;I've read statistics that say the average American

consumes a total of about 175 pounds of sugar per year -

the number has risen dramatically in the last 20 or

so years.<br><br>No doubt processed sugar is one of

the biggest villans to our health, more significant

than meat IMO. I think veg gurus should put as much

focus on avoiding sugar, refined grains, etc as they do

to avoiding meat.<br><br>Blake

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& gt; & gt; & gt;Living our whole lives on cooked

junk: Are you implying because we've eaten crap for

many years, that it's dangerous or a bad idea to start

eating right?<br><br>I am obviously not implying this,

what I was raising is the possibility that some people

could have a hard time adapting to a diet so

different.<br>-Suagar, salt, oils. meat, dairy, eggs, refined grains

etc<br><br>vs<br><br>-Fruits, veggies with some nuts or seeds<br><br>Growing up

with junk your organs grow to be used to process this

stuff. I'm just raising an

idea.<br><br> & gt; & gt; & gt;Hybridized or poorly grown fruit: I don't like the idea


pseudo scientists and corporate whores monkeying around

with our produce, especially when they genetically

engineer it. What's the solution - throw up our hands and

surrender ourselves to the mercy of the processed food

industry to sell us products they say are balanced? Or

seek out and support organic growers and do our best

to eat right despite the activities of agribusiness.

(I say the latter).<br><br>I wish it was as simple

as you say but basically all fruit is

hybridised.<br><br>The price is an issue for some of us as well, We

can't afford to buy organic produce as it is over twice

as expensive. At frist glance fruits and veggies are

cheap but when you realise how much of them you need to

eat to meet calorie needs then you realise how much

cheaper grains are.<br><br> & gt; & gt; & gt;The whole AIDS

scam...<br><br>AIDS scam, I have read a bit about this viewpoint, so

what eaxctly are you saying, you don't believe AIDS

exists.<br><br> & gt; & gt; & gt;and measuring fat/protein/carb intake, etc....nice

information to study as a hobby or profession, but not

necessary knowledge to survive IMHO.<br><br><br>I have to

disagree! Protein is not so improtant, protein deficiencies

generally don't exist in people who eat a diet with enough

calories and variation, ie not 95% fruit. <br><br>Fat is

important though. The fat in animal products is not

healthy. While meat has been a part of our diets for

millions of years, the fat content and types where very

very different. Eggs and dairy where not a major part

of our evolutionary diet and obviously there where

no oils, margarines etc. Fat is important for many

reasons including heart disease.<br><br>Would you mind

telling me how much fat is in you diet, as in what and

how much fatty foods you have in your diet.<br><br>I

personally eat ~8% calories from fat, very little. Not nuts,

avocado, oils, animal products etc. Just low fat plant

foods with some whole falx seeds for EFA's. IMO raw

fooders generally still eat too much fat. I think people

tend to do best with 10-15% fat range.<br><br>Blake

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Happy birthday Blake!<br><br>Re fat, I don't know

exactly what my intake is and I don't have a goal for it.

I eat organic butter occasionally and avocadoes and

nuts with some regularity, so I'm quite certain I'm

not deficient and I dont think excessive either, at

least not by comparison with avg American where the

govt recommends something like 40 - 60 gms/day. I've

read your body needs 20 or 25gms - I'm not sure what's

best but I probably average somewhere

in-between.<br><br>I don't want to delve into AIDS too far (we could

text hours on this one), but it is not a " disease " ,

it is a " syndrome " which tends to be a catch-all for

conditions that medical establishment cannot pin to a

specific cause, or which has ill defined

characteristics.<br><br>The term AIDS was coined around early 80's where

doctors were seeing people with opportunistic diseases

and with battered immune systems. What was odd was

how young they were to have such diseases and how it

was odd to get those diseases in a modern society

with hygenic standards etc. HIV was isolated from some

people who were diagonosed as having AIDS, but it was

rushed to press without subject to adequate peer-review

and other protocols that normally precede

announcements of this sort.<br><br>There are several " tests " or

rules which have served medical science to identify

causes of diseases and which conventionally must all be

anwerable before a " cause " is pinned on a factor. HIV

failed to be a proven cause on more than one of these,

but it's been touted as the sole cause regardless.

AIDS is not an infectuous epidemic, as the press would

have you believe, for a number of reasons including it

does not spread expotentially like other epidemics.

And it is hard to " transmit " (if you believe it is

transmittable) and it remains highly correlated to certain

segments of society rather than spread into the public

like any other disease.<br><br>Long story shortened,

most of the people with AIDS have other lifestyle

habits that would compromise their immune systems. It's

not an epidemic and doesn't behave like one. HIV has

never been proven to be the " AIDS virus " . Having the

HIV retrovirus detectable in your system does not

guarantee you'll get AIDS (they've had to admit one may be

HIV positive forever with no ill effect) and lack of

HIV present does not guarantee you will not get

acquired immune deficiency. But what is certain is if

you're treated with drugs intended to limit HIV, you

will get AIDS symptoms due to their extreme

toxicity.<br><br>AIDS seems to be growing, at least due to press

accounts, but they've had to continually increase the

number of " AIDS diseases " to make it seem as it is

getting much worse. If I develop tuberculosis and go to

the doctor for an AIDS test, by definition I have

" AIDS " if test positive, and I have " tuberculosis " if

test negative.<br><br>If you want to look into this

issue further, please visit Dr. Peter Duesberg's web

site and purchase one of his books. He very well

answers any questions you may have. If you can cite the

reference where HIV was proven to " cause AIDS " , please site

it for me. Duesberg and a number of others insist it

doesn't exist, which among other things is what

interested me in this subject in the first place.<br><br>I

have challenged gay friends and a gay pharmacist to

tell me of one AIDS case they know of where the person

became seriously ill prior to beginning AIDS drug

therapy. All I've found so far were people who first

tested HIV positive, then began drugs, then got

full-blown AIDS symptoms.

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