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How about over eating by raw foodists? This is a

problem I have ie. eating makes me hungry, anything with

high sugar content, like carrot juice makes me very

dizzy. Obvious symptoms of hypoglycemia. Let me quote

Frédéric Patenaude from Sunfood Ezine #17;<br><br> " -

Overeating of any foods causes more problems than

undereating of <br>regular, cooked foods. Excess with any

food: fruit, nuts, seeds, fats, <br>salads, etc., will

cause problems. Undigested foods will ferment in the

<br>gut and produce poisons that will acidify us. "

<br><br>I do not eat all that much, I eat 1 papaya and 1

bannana for breakfast. A large salad for lunch, and a

small salad or an avocado for dinner. But raw foods are

much more nutritious than cooked foods. We need very

little, I can tell when I am toxic, I get a high pitched

whistle in my ears. I somtimes can keep the eating down

by drinking lots of water 1 1/2 to 2 gal a day.

during these times my energy returns and the ringing in

my ears stops. Fasting is out of the question my

body starves, to the point of not being able to get

out of bed. This is also dangerous to hypoglycemics.

I could die. I have tried the Master Cleanser fast

(drinking lemon-aid made with maple syrup) and I'm ok, but

I over drink the lemon-aid. I have not been able to

find much on raw food, hypoglycemics. Victoras

Kulvinskas says it can take " years " to cure. Which is not

encouraging. So if any one comes accross anything on the net,

let me know.<br><br>Meanwhile; send food... Just

kidding :-)<br><br>Doug

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I also have problems with sugar and have found

two books that were life saving to me. Having

hypoglycemia and trying to be a raw foodist with no direction

can be frustrating when you see others thrive and

your head is spinning and you are starving. I get

terrible headaches and can relate to feeling toxic. Being

new to raw foodism I was drinking carrot juice

faithfully, unknowingly- the headaches I thought were from

detox led to burning in my joints. I went to the doctor

and found out I was low in my eloctrolytes. My body

had become depleted in minerals from processing the

sugar in the carrot juice. I backed off the carrot

juice in a few days I was back to normal.<br>Anyway, I

found an awesome book by David Wolfe with a whole

section on overcoming hypoglycemia called the Sunfood

Diet Success System.<br>Also, the best book I have

read on raw foodism yet is by Gabriel Cousens called

Conscious Eating.<br>I just a couple days ago read a

chapter in there about metoblic body types and why I

can't handle so much sugar and had a list of all the

foods I can eat that are low glycemic and vegetarian. I

feel great, am not starving and no headache or toxic

feelings.<br>I can send you a list of the foods if you like.

<br> Tammy

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Tammy,<br> I read David Wolfes Sunfood Diet as

well and it is very convincing and inspiring. However

I am interested in your comments about carrot

juice. I drink a big glass every morning. I have heard

lots of raw foodist go to such extremes as to not

eating anything sweet at all...no raw honey, raisins,

fruit...how much does one have to give up? I just cant imaine

living on nothing but greens and nuts. What sorts of

foods do you eat that make you raw food lifestyle an

enjoyable one?<br><br>Warmest Thanks<br><br>Wes

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Hi Wes, <br>You know I wondered the same thing

for myself, since my husband is 75% raw and can eat

an abundance of dried fruits, fruits hi in sugar,

carrot juice etc. and thrives, whereas I get too much

sugar from a banana and more than 8 ounces of carrot

juice gives me a carbo headache. I was feeling

frustrated until I read in the book Conscious Eating by

Gabriel Cousens that there are<br>fast and slow oxidizing

metabolisms. He goes into great detail on the chemistry of

these body types but basically he says that " fast

oxidizers onthe traditional vegetarian diet of low fat, low

protien, and high complex carbohydrate have a diminished

energy production. " He also says it is important for

fast oxidizers to minimize foods that are high on the

glycemic index. He also has a questionare that helps you

determine what type you are. My husband, being a slow

oxidizer, thrives on a high carbohydrate diet. It would be

hard for me to explain this as well as Gabriel Cousens

But in reading it, I at least understand myself and

am less frustrated knowing the food ratio that

benefits my metobolic type which is<br>50-55% protein,

30-35% carbohydrate, and 20-25% fat. " For frustrated

fast oxidizers who are struggling to be vegetarian

because they are sticking to the traditional vegetarian

approach of a low protein, low fat, high complex

carbohydrate diet, this information has been a tremendous

boon. Literally overnight they transformed from low

energy vegetarians to high energy 'successful'

vegetarians. " <br> Some of the foods that are enjoyable for me and

low on the glycemic index are apples, peaches, pears,

and oranges. He recommends that carrot juice be

diluted by 50%.<br> The website to this author if anyone

would be interested is www.treeoflife.nu.<br> Tammy

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Hi Wes,<br> I guess the biggest thing that helps

me is making my salad int a meat. I use shredded

cabbage with romaine lettuce, red peppers, guacamole,

sunflower seeds, green onions and any other veggie I crave.

I have a huge bowl for my salad and eat until I

feel satisfied. Fruit smoothies also help me get thru

the cravings. Another favorite of mine is gazpacho

soup. Only I put it on my salad. Don't lose your goal.

Its a good one. <br> Tammy

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