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Drinking Distilled Water

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Hello everyone,<br>Only just joined this club.

Find this a great site and I've spent many many hours

reading through messages.Haven't read them all yet,

somewhere 780 but haven't seen anything about distilled

water use. I am on rawfoods, juices, Barleygreen etc

etc, and always keen to learning more though. <br>Now

I got very confused about info about distilled

water. Honestly thought it was the way to go (surely

must be better than the tapwater we have here in South

Australia). <br>I would like to hear from people who drink

distilled water or used to drink it, and their thoughts

about the use of distilled water. Does it leach

minerals from the body? Does it increase blood pressure

(mine is high enough as to be concerned about anymore

increase)? Does anyone have personal information. On the Net

I found something like 146.000 websites re

distilled water, many of them from traders, others from

researchers. All up very few personal experiences.

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Hello to Oz (to blosshan)!<br> I personally don't

put high stress on water for a simple reason. I

almost don't drink it. If I'm thirsty I take fruit.

Thirstness is result of overdosed body with sodium. By the

way, the same is a cause of high blood pressure...<br>

Strange to hapen this in Oz. I couldn't decide which

fruit to eat first in there... " just eat an apple " ...

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I also find that my body doesn't require much

water when I'm getting adequate fruits, vegetables and

freshly-extracted juices, but I do try to stick to distilled water.

I feel better when I drink distilled, as opposed to

tap water or other bottled waters, but that may be

all in my head. :) I don't have any concrete proof of

its benefits, as I have had very few health problems

to overcome.<br><br>Maggie

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I use to drink distilled water. I have not heard

that it leaches the minerals from the body. Dr. John

Christopher recommended drinking distilled water because all

of the toxic minerals have been removed. I was able

to get off of my high blood pressure medication

while drinking distilled water, but also went from

working nights to working days and that may have been a

big part of why I was able to get off of it.

Distilled water is best used for organic herbal teas

because it draws out more of the minerals in that plant

than any other type of water and makes it available

for your body. I now drink spring water and when

making herbal teas, I used distilled. I stress to people

asking me about water that they are sure to use only

organic teas when using distilled water, otherwise the

water will draw out the toxins also and we, at least I

dont, want them in my body.<br>Marlene

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Some people say that they have cured their health

problems by drinking alot of water. I am sure that those

people are not consuming copious amounts of sodium along

with this procedure. My body needs water during the

summer months or I would become dehydrated. My body

metabolism does not do well with eating alot of fruit when I

am thirsty. I would get very fat. I think everyone

must decide for themselves and see what works for

their bodies than to say that one thing would work for


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Distilled water dose leech INORGANIC minerals

from the body allong with other toxins through

osmosis. This is a good thing. The only minerals you want

(that your body can use for its tissues) are organic

minerals or minerals that are a part of an uncooked plant.

Inorganic minerals are pretty much just more work for the

body to clean up after.

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Okay, I'm dumb, 'cos I still can't get it why to

drink distilled water. As a substitute for tap water

when suspicious quality, ie. ocassionally, is fine.

Why to drink it on regular basis though? In my

country, you can get such water only in petrol stations

for engine water-cooling systems of cars. But

remember,we are human beings, not machines! Why reach for

laboratory purity? We have evolved in Nature, not in a lab.

We've been used to drink pure fresh water naturally.

The purest and richest in organic minerals is water

in vegetable and fruit, especially in tree fruits,

where ground water raises through roots up on through

branches when it eventually reaches fruit. In the plant

capillars there is no space for anorganic minerals. Water

is so purified the best way.<br> Another question.

Why are you thirsty? No, it's not becasuse you're

dehydrated, but overdosed of sodium. When you're overdosed of

sodium a bit and get dehydrated, the concentration of

sodium raises. Don't you feel like a piece of juicy

fruit in such a situation? Yes, your body wants to

neutralize the sodium by potasium, which is nowhere but in

fruit. Even at McDonald's they know it. To salted

hamburger they offer you suggarized Cola.<br> In one post

of this topic thread appeard an argument that after

fruit you get fat. In wonderful book " Fats that heal,

fats that kill " by Udo Erasmus, there is described

process of transformation of a sugar into fat. That

happens when body doesn't currently need the sugar so it

stores it for the future in form of fat. It implies that

fruit should be eaten when hungry and only in amount

that suffice to meet the hunger. Any exceeded sugar

when not immediatelly burn by an activity is then

stored as a fat. That fat is light, readily

reusable.<br> Yours Tom.

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When I draink distilled water, in the past, I did

it to remove lead and arsenic that may be in my body

to cause health problems for me. I will still

sometimes drink it for that reason. I don't drink alot of

water like some other people do. I know that organic

apple juice will also remove lead from the body. I know

some people who don't like the taste of distilled

water because they like the taste of minerals in water.

Some people in the USA have tested water in various

parts of the country and have found antibiotics in it.

My daughter lived in Milwaukee, Wisconsin when they

had cryptosporidium in their water and I remember

that some people died because of drinking the tap

water there. We have fluoride (a poison) and also

chlorine (another toxin) in our city water in my hometown.

I will sometimes boil it to use for cooking but

prefer to use the bottled distilled or spring water. We

have alot of poisons in our water and I believe that

may be why we have so manyhealth problems.<br>Marlene

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Thanks for the replies re drinking distilled

water.<br>Not sure where you live czechrawman, but the water

here is NOT good. It stinks! It has chlorine in it,

fluoride and many other chemicals to make it drinkable. In

summer, (long hot (40 plus/103F) summers here) I won't

have access to cool water let alone cold, and whatever

comes out of my tap is brownish. So if I do want to

drink a glass of water I like either bottled water or

distilled water. No, I am not a compulsive

8-glasses-of-water-a-day or so drinker. I'd rather have juices, greens and

carrot or whatever is available from my fridge. And

plenty of fruit too but in the summer, one needs plenty

of liquids here.<br>Regards Hanneke

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Dear Hanneke,<br><br>I am partly to blame for the

quality of your water. We are in the same watershed, only

I am upstream, a long way upstream of

you.<br><br>If I were living in South Australia, I would

probably buy a kitchen distilling unit. They are

relatively efficient and cheap. And there is no need to keep

buying filters. And I must admit they look like

fun.<br><br>All you need to do is put the distilled water in the

fridge. If you have a good blender like a VitaMix, it's

nice to have fresh water to add.<br><br>Victor.

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Thanks Victor for your positive reply. That's

what I did, bought a kitchen distilling unit, which

produces about a gallon per4 hours. It was only 2 days

after I got it here, excited that I got one at last,

when I came across 2 articles that advised strongly

against drinking this on a regular basis. Again, I

thought I had done my homework and why I missed those 2

articles before I don't know. If and when there is any

truth in it I wouldn't hesitate to sell it again. But

until I learn morer than I already know, I certainly

will drink it because it SUPERIOR to our Murray water

by far.<br><br>Hanneke

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If you drink rainwater you are drinking pure

distilled water with only what it has picked up in the

atmosphere mixed in. Of course that can be some pretty funky

stuff. All water is/has been distilled at some point and

will be again, and again, and again.<br><br>LL

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