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Detox...and teeth

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Wow, I finished reading all the messages. Took a

while, have pages full with notes, websites and other

very interesting info gathered from contributions.

Thanks all of you. <br>Also had some good laughs along

the way. Australian humour is different alright, you

can't beat it. Of course I'm biased but I absolutely

love it. Learn to laugh at yourself and it becomes

quite digestible, something like raw food I

guess.<br><br>I wonder if there are people around who have had

detox experiences that caused tootaches or painful

jaws. Yes, I have been experiencing quite a bit of

pain, visited the dentist quite a few times but he says

it is not my teeth. Pain is unbearable at times and

for that reason went to see GP. Lymph glands etc in

throat hard as rocks, and bloodtest tells her: is not

inconsistent with infected tooth. Before he drills all my

teeth (no thanks!)to see if there is an infection

somewhere I'd like to hear from any of you if you had this

experience as a result of detox. <br>PS: I've no

amalgam/mercury fillings - were all removed in 1988.

<br><br>Thanks Hanneke

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Hanneke,<br><br>I don’t know about detox causing

tooth and jaw pain but old root canals are suspect. Do

you have root canals? No matter how hard the dentist

tries to clean out the root canal before filling there

is no way to effectively clean out all the little

tributaries in the tooth that lead to the removed root. The

disinfectants used can’t get all the way in them. Eventually,

these tributaries are the source of infections and

cause tooth, gum and jaw pain. I don’t think there is

anything that can relieve THAT kind of infection except

removal of the infected tooth.<br><br>-OrionsDad

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Oh, do I hope you are wrong. I really do but what

you write makes a lot of sense. Acc to the dentist,

there is nog sign of infection in the mouth and going

by the time this has been going on (since end of

March), if there were an abscess my logic tells me it

should have shown up by now in the form of a swelling

the size of an apple or so. I'm planning on getting a

second opinion from another GP re possible infection.

Have put up with the pain for 4 months, another couple

of weeks should not (ouch...) make a difference if

it means I keep my own teeth.<br><br>Hanneke

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Garlic can often eliminate jaw pains. Here is

what you do. Take a clove of garlic and crush it into

little pieces inside your mouth, make those pieces as

tiny as possible. But do NOT swallow the garlic pieces

yet. When you crush the garlic you release the

volatile oils into your mouth, it is these oils that have

the curative powers. Next, swish the oils, which mix

with your saliva, into the area of your jaw that is

most painful. Keep swishing the liquids in your mouth

around the painful area for a half minute or so to make

sure the oils get thoroughly absorbed into the jaw.

Then, you can either spit out the garlic pieces or

swallow them if you want, it is the oils that has the

healing part of the garlic. Repeat this process with

several more cloves if necessary. If you find that after

you've gone through 10 or so cloves, with this method,

and you experience no pain relief in that part of the

jaw, then this method will probably not work for your

particular problem. Remember, it may be necessary to use a

number of cloves for each section of the jaw that is in

pain. This method can cause your jaw to sting while

doing it, but it is worth it if it provides you with

relief.<br><br>I experienced much pain in the jaws for years until

i read that garlic can cure jaw pain. I then

developed the above method through experimentation and it

completely cured my jaw pains. It took about a year of

having to do the above laborious process for a half hour

at a time, several times a week, but it has now been

many many years since i have experienced any jaw

pains. I never went to a dentist during any of this.

Btw, i noticed that the pains were often caused by

eating food from cans.

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  • 2 weeks later...

what do you eat? are you mostly or all raw? teeth

pain is connected with sugar overdose as well.....if i

gorge too much on sugar like eating too many raisons or

sometimes i blend up oranges with bananas and drink too

much of this.......i get pain in my teeth and jaw

telling me TOO MUCH SUGAR! and its no fun.....you might

try easing up on fruit (especially seedless) and

increasing your leafy green intake....

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Hi,<br><br>Thanks for your lengthy reply. That

the oil of garlic can help ease tootaches was known

to me, but to embark on the procedure as you have

described, .... the people in the town might sign a petition

for me to move out. lol. <br>It may well work your

procedure, I'm not questioning that but I work as a

volunteer ambulance officer ... not quite the solution.

Usually the patients are sick enough as it is.<br>On a

lighter note, the pains have eased and all the glands in

my neck have come down. Not out of the woods yet,

and still seeing the dentist.<br>It wasn't just a

painful jaw/teeth, there was clearly an infection of

sorts.<br>But back smiling again.

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my diet is mostly raw. Re sugar: could the sugar

in carrot juice be the culprit. Have not have carrot

juice for 10 days since I went to stay with my daughter

for a while, left juicer at home. Was planning on

getting back on it tomorrow and reading your message

gives me the idea to do a little test. I'll let you

know how it goes. For the rest I don't use sugar (miss

it though.. yum).

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Dear Blosshan,<br>in my opinion, the sugar in

your CJ(carrot juice)is not the culprit. I used to

have painful jaw (gum) infection too. It always

appeared when I started detox. The neck glands (yours were

swallen, weren't they?), full of toxins started cleaning.

The more acidic was my raw diet, the faster it was.

As generally known, CJ is not only quite highly

acidic, but also rich in beta caroten which speeds up the

detox further more.

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