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Immunization for anthrax

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Natural Hygienists and people on an all raw diet,

mostly don't believe in getting immunizations because

they are believed to be harmful and unnecessary

because the immune system of raw fooders is able to fend

off the viruses. I know flu and colds are no problem

as they are few and far between the more raw you

are. But what about anthrax? Would our bodies be able

to defend itself against that virus?<br><br>More

curious than concerned.<br><br>Personally I would pass up

an opportunity to get vaccinated against it, or

anything else. Just wondering what others thought about


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I've been wondering about Anthrax as well. I

don't really fear Anthrax either. But it would be nice

to hear from an MD who is a raw foodist like Dr.

Gabriel Cousens on this issue.<br><br>I remember reading

in one of Arnold Ehret's books that he and his

friend went purposely into a leper colony or something

like that to prove that they were immune to disease.

Apparently they did not catch anything when they did that.

<br><br>Lately I've been exposed many times to people who were

sick and I did not catch the cold. I hope this will

continue. In the past I probably would have been sick.

<br><br>I wonder if there is any raw foodist willing to

expose themselves to Anthrax to prove that they would

not get sick? In fact that would be a great publicity

stunt for the Raw Food Movement. A natural antidote or

preventative measure for Anthrax. The worst that could happen

is that you catch it and that you would have to take

the antibiotic. Or maybe there are other methods to

deal with the Anthrax once it catches hold in the

body.<br><br>All I can say is that I'm really glad that I am 100%

raw now, so I can feel relatively safe with all of

these so called biological threats.<br><br>By the way

the Arnold Ehret books are very interesting even if

they are a bit dated. There is still quite a bit of

good information in them. He was an inspirational


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I read a book several years ago about the history

of the Hygienic (raw food) movement.<br><br>Back in

the early 1800s, there was an epidemic of bubonic

plague. People were dying all over the place except for a

small group of christians that seemed to be immune for

some reason. A doctor noticed this and after

investigating, found that they were following the original diet

outlined in Genesis, of fruits grains and nuts.<br><br>I

doubt if all raw makes us invincible, but it does give

us an extra margin of saftey against all sorts of

things. Of course plenty of rest, pure water, sunshine,

fresh air, exercise, etc... are all part of it too.

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The bubonic plague developed out of the

deplorable living conditions in the early 1800s.

“Cleanliness” was not part of anyone’s vocabulary. People took

baths very rarely—perhaps once a month. Even medical

doctors did not consider washing their hands before

surgery until the mid 1900’s and only did so after much

persuasion from hygienic practitioners <br><br>If there was

a group of Christians, as you mentioned, who

avoided the plague it was because of their “overall”

healthy behavior not just their raw food diet. They

likely did all the positive things you mentioned and

then some that included cleanliness, no alcoholic

beverages or smoking.<br><br>It was their over all health

from many factors and behaviors that gave them

immunity to the plague not just the raw


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I have no intention of ever getting anthrax,

small pox or any other vaccination being distributed.

They are all toxic. If anyone doesn’t think so they

should read the ingredients and the warning pamphlet

that comes with the vaccine.<br><br>Here are two

informative sites about the anthrax

vaccine:<br><br><a href=http://www.dallasnw.quik.com/cyberella/index.htm



target=new>http://www.nccn.net/~wwithin/anthrax.htm</a><br><br>Anthrax is highly

toxic to our bodies just like any other

poisonous substance. It just happens to be invisible with

no taste or smell. You can’t detect it with your

senses before you are exposed. That’s the

problem.<br><br>I don’t think you can be so healthy that you are

going to be immune to it. It’s poison to the body. The

body is going to react violently to it when exposed

just as it would if you inhaled, swallowed or touched

another poisonous substance. <br><br>-OrionsDad

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Is Anthrax really a poison or is it just a virus

or bacteria. If it is a poison then I think raw

foodists would be in trouble just like anyone else.

<br><br>There have been experiments where people are purposely

exposed to a virus and they do not get sick and yet

others do. It doesn't even matter if they are raw

foodists or not. Some people don't get symptoms with

Anthrax either. So it may not be as simple as just being

a poison.<br><br>I don't know that much about

Anthrax. I spent a couple of minutes at one of the sights

you recommended. Do you have a specific page that you

recommned for us to read. There were so many choices that I

didn't know where to start.<br><br>I do have a quick

point on poisoning. I have taken a product in the past

that has amazing results in this regard. It is a super

powerful antioxidant. Maybe too powerful. <br><br>Anyway

it's called Microhydrin or Nanohydrate. The

Nanohydrate is a much cheaper version. You can look them up

on the web. I heard all sorts of testimonials

including people who were poisoned by Scorpions and

Poisonous Spiders who were quickly healed of a problem

without having to take the antidote. <br><br>For myself I

found this product to be very powerful. At first when I

took it I became nauseous. Then I noticed that I was

very resistant to the hot weather. In fact I stopped

taking the product because I wasn't able to develop a

good suntan. If you take this stuff you won't get

sunburn.<br><br>One time I got sun burned on a couple of spots on my

back. That night I took two of the tablets, the next

day the burn completely disappeared. I got burned

another time and only took one pill and again the burn

disappeared. <br><br>So if I ever get poisoned I'll take the

Nanohydrate first. I'm sure it will be very effective.


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Anthrax is not communicable. It can not be

transmitted person-to-person the way a germ can. While i have

not been to a doctor or taken any medicine in several

decades, i would not hesitate to take Cipro or the 2 new

medicines the FDA is approving if i contracted anthrax.

Unless you are somebody with enormous amounts of prana

like a qigong master, your immune system probably

won't be able to deal with something as poisonous as

anthrax despite your raw diet.

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& gt; & gt;i would not hesitate to take Cipro or the

2 new medicines the FDA is approving if i

contracted anthrax. & lt; & lt;<br><br>Would you take an

immunization against anthrax?<br><br>What about a State

sponsered immunization?

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Hi all,<br><br>The Anthrax threat has many people

becoming more vigilant, which we should of course but...I

strongly believe the chance of getting it is very minimal.

The most contagious part thing about anthrax is the

spread ... of fear and panic which in return can

undermine the immune system. (Stress gobbles vit C supply)

.. <br> Immunisation? I would not consider it. It is

a bacteria, NOT contagious, most shearers here test

positive as it is common in the soil. It's not a poison as

in cyanide or some lethal gas.<br>The vaccine will

do more harm than good, that's a poison. Many

interesting articles on Anthrax can be found on the Net.

www.Mercola.com is one.<br><br><br>Try not to live in fear, learn

as much of you can about anthrax (knowledge is

power)<br><br>Kindest regards to all Hanneke

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& gt; & gt;Would you take an immunization against

anthrax?<br>What about a State sponsered

immunization?<br> & gt; & gt;<br> & gt; & gt;<br> <br>I would not take an immunization


anthrax since i am not in the media or politics or

anything else where i am likely to get it, but i would

take Cipro or something else after i got it if, by

some remote chance, that ever did happen. I haven't

taken any vaccines or medicines for several decades

and, hopefully, i won't ever taken any again for the

rest of my life.

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& lt; & lt;Is Anthrax really a poison or is it just

a virus or bacteria. If it is a poison then I think

raw foodists would be in trouble just like anyone

else. & gt; & gt;<br><br>You folks say you react badly to

toxic substances now that your bodies are less toxic...

Well, I've heard that some of the anthrax found is

" highly refined " , probably meaning doctored up and

synthetic. Would this mean that raw foodists would have an

even harder time of it than people whose bodies are

used to handling toxicity?<br><br>Just a thought...

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Raw foodists would be more sensetive and may have

a more noticable reaction, but less likely to

recieve any sustained damage and have a faster

recovery.<br><br>It would be like a nonsmoker walking into a bar

dense with cigarette smoke for the first time. Your

eyes would soon start watering and throat become

irratable. The folks in the bar wouldn't notice it. Who

would be most likely to get lung cancer?

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GenericViewer,<br><br>Do your chi gong practices

include tai chi, or do you stick with breathing exercises

and other stationary or standing exercises?<br><br>I

started out with standing meditation and breathing

exercises, then found a good tai chi teacher and have spent

most of my time the last several years learning tai

chi forms, to the detriment of basic chi gung

exercises.<br><br>I have developed great leg strength, awareness of

chi (mainly in the hands, but not too much elsewhere)

supple back, etc., but never developed the ability to

really go inward to look for blockages, much less

disolve them. What have been your experiences, or what

have you found to be most useful?<br><br>Mallon

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& gt;<br> & gt;<br>GenericViewer,<br>Do your chi

gong practices include tai chi, or do you stick with

breathing exercises and other stationary or standing

exercises?<br>I started out with standing meditation and

breathing exercises, then found a good tai chi teacher and

have spent most of my time the last several years

learning tai chi forms, to the detriment of basic chi gung

exercises.<br>Mallon<br> & gt;<br> & gt;<br><br>I have just started doing some

serious reading

about Qigong this year and have not started doing the

exercises yet. Since Tai Chi is an off shoot of Qigong i

will stick to Qigong exercises when i start doing


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& gt;<br> & gt;<br>You folks say you react badly to

toxic substances now that your bodies are less toxic...

Well, I've heard that some of the anthrax found is

" highly refined " , probably meaning doctored up and

synthetic. Would this mean that raw foodists would have an

even harder time of it than people whose bodies are

used to handling toxicity?<br> & gt;<br> & gt;<br><br>It

doesn't matter if a toxin is synthetic or is natural,

such as a poisonous mushroom. Eating raw will increase

your body's ability to recover much more rapidly from

the effects of any toxin it takes in.

<br><br>Reacting badly to a toxin is a good thing, it means that

your body is quickly eliminating it instead of storing

for a much later elimination. It will have to come

out some time, the sooner the better.

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& lt; & lt;Raw foodists would be more sensetive and

may have a more noticable reaction, but less likely

to recieve any sustained damage and have a faster

recovery.<br><br>It would be like a nonsmoker walking into a bar

dense with cigarette smoke for the first time. Your

eyes would soon start watering and throat become

irratable. The folks in the bar wouldn't notice it. Who

would be most likely to get lung cancer?

& gt; & gt;<br><br>Amen to that! LOL

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I would believe this! A friend has cured ALL her

famiy's illnesses in the past 2 years with Oil of

Oregano....from bacterial flus to boils. There ios a book called

'the cure in the cupboard' about how to use oil of

oregano. The original Oregamax is what to get, according

to my friend. I took this stuff: it is VERY potent

and repeated in my digestion so a little goes a long

way. She gives her children 1 drop 2 or 3 times a day

when they are ill. She cured a boil by rubbing it on

the body's surface! Miraculous!<br>Sue

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