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Mom's home cooking.

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The good mother listens to her child's feelings

and detoxifies the bad one's such as hunger, fear and

anger.<br><br>The bad mother sees the bad feelings as an imposition

on herself. She doesn't detoxify the feelings so in

order to survive the child must stop being aware of its

own feelings. And the child may, as an adult, project

its own toxic feelings onto vulnerable

people.<br><br>We all know raw food detoxifies the body, while

cooked food is toxic. Mom's home cooking is just that:

cooked food.<br><br>So are projecting our own toxic

feelings onto cooked food while idealizing raw


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Victor,<br><br>You raise a good subject about

toxic " feelings " and toxic food. A lot of people claim

that negative emotions or feelings are derived from

eating toxic food or meat, specifically meat from

factory-farm animals that have known only a life of

torment.<br><br>What proof or evidence do we have that, when a body

that has to detoxify toxins or meat with negative

emotions attached to it, those emotions are translated

into the eater's emotions?<br><br>Surely there are

people with good emotions that eat toxic food, and those

that eat perfect food and still have negative

emotions. Maybe the former would be even happier on good

food. How would we ever be able to ascertain the

emotional impact of raw food?<br><br>Maybe it has to be

from personal experience. Has your mental outlook

changed since converting to raw 2 years or so


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Hey, Mallon, long time no see!<br><br>I think

what I am trying to say is that feelings are not

things while cooked food is a thing.<br><br>And rather

than experience feelings directly we can project our

bad feelings into cooked meat. We sacrifice the meat

by not eating it and so get rid of the bad

feelings.<br><br>This works in our emotional economy, but at a

price.<br><br>The price is direct access to our


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Dear Hanneke,<br><br>When I was eight years old,

I discovered I could think so naturally I went to

tell my mother.<br><br> " I can think! I can think! " , I

told Mum.<br><br> " That's nice " , she said.<br><br>And

so I was taught not to think in public, and even in

private it wasn't a good idea.<br><br>Until I discovered

raw food, then everything started to burst out: not

only can I think but also feel.<br><br>Victor.

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Dear Hanneke,<br><br>So what is

thinking?<br><br>It is holding more than one idea in your mind at

once.<br><br>Most people can hold one idea, then they try to prove

it is true or try to get other people to adopt

it.<br><br>That is why obsession or bullying is so


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Dear Hanneke,<br><br>So what is

feeling?<br><br>It is allowing emotions to arise naturally, moment

by moment, whether they are good emotions or bad

emotions.<br><br>Most people control their emotions and seek to control

the emotions of others.<br><br>That is why banality

is the norm.<br><br>Victor.

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Hey Shortus,<br><br>I've still been reading the

board occasionally, I just took a break from posting

for a while.<br><br>Projecting bad feelings onto

meat, then sacrificing the meat, sounds like a practice

that sometimes occurred during biblical times. I've

heard the term " scape goat " arose from some such

practice where a village was having really bad things

happen and went through some sort of ritual where they

cast all their troubles onto a hapless goat and ran it

out into the countryside to take their troubles away.

Seems like there was a similar story involving a pig,

and then running the pig off the side of a cliff, but

I'm not positive about this one.<br><br>I'll try

shedding my bad feelings onto meat, then my sacrifice will

be not eating the meat.<br><br>Thinking: Thoughts

are purest when the mind is empty, and thus clear.

Why would you want to empty your mind? Let me ask

you: What good is a vessel that is already full? When

you empty your mind, interpretation of things becomes

easy and you've eliminated the mental clutter that

clogs most people's minds.<br><br> find I learn more by

not making judgments. Because once you put up that

barrier, your mind filters out additional information on

the subject, and your learning ceases. I've found

many things I disbelieved in the past, later turned

out to be true. Not true in an abolute sense - I

believe there are few if any absolutes. But a belief is

true to the believer, so you mold your own reality by

selecting your beliefs. Better select them sparingly and

carefully for reasons just noted.<br><br>Mallon

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Dear Mallon,<br><br>I think your thoughts on the

empty mind and judgements are very good.<br><br>It

seems to me though that the bad feelings that are

removed by ritual sacrifice are unresolved feelings from

childhood. Of course I could be competely wrong. I've been

wrong before.<br><br>Sometimes I wonder how you are

getting on in your job and how raw food is

going.<br><br>It's nice to hear from you.<br><br>Victor.

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Victor,<br><br>Thanks for your kind words. I

enjoy your posts too, but I took a little bit of a

silence break for a while to give the true raw fooders

(that includes you) plenty of space. I would be proud

to say that I've gone 100% raw, but (silence).

Actually, it is still a priority of mine to stay at least

50% raw, and I tend to average this and am very

conscientious about food combining. As one example, I often eat

several pieces of one fruit, or avocado, etc at one

" meal " , then I ensure to wait at least an hour or longer

before consuming cooked food or incompatible raw food.

This board is inspirational to me to eat as much raw

as possible and of the benefits to be

derived.<br><br>If I was single, I'm sure I would've tried 100% raw

by now, but I have a wife who loves to sample

different foods (cooked and raw) and 2 small children whom

we want not to be too skinny, as we want them to

appear big and strong enough to not get bullied by other

kids. So I'm somewhat under " pressure " to participate

and help provide foods to be consumed by the whole

family. I do, however make sure the kids get several

servings of raw fruits every day, and I'm having a slow

impact on my wife and kid's diets (they eat very little

meat now that I'm demonstrating there's a lot of

choices that don't have to include meat).<br><br>Mallon

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